Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week 9: 12/31, 12/30

12/31 KC. Joe warmed up, did a couple warm up starts and then an up-down ladder (1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1) at 30-33-36-39-42-42-39-36 (42s and back were -1). Splits were in low to mid-1.2 range. Adjusted the start somewhat to hit the takeoff point more consistently. Ended with kb walks (double, L, R), 20x box drive, 20x Russian boxes, 100x jump rope (40 double, 40 alternating, 10 left, 10 right). Rolled, stretched.

12/30 KC. Joe worked around the tables and chairs on track level. Warm up followed by 5x1 block starts at increasing hurdle heights. 10x5H at women's height and spacing to work on quickness and technical improvements. Strength work included 3x 10 kb swings, 10 step ups, 10 elevated push ups and 5 box drop pops.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Week 8: Holiday break

Individualized training based on following recommendations:

Break workouts
Anywhere bodyweight circuit
1. 30x jax -- 10 regular, 10 cross, 10 squat
2. 100x jump rope -- 40 double, 40 alternating, 10 left, 10 right (can imitate this if no rope)
3. 20x squats
4. 20x mountain climbers
5. 20x lunges (10xL, 10xR)
6. 10x high-low plant (hands/elbows)
7. 20x kneeling hip circles (10xL, 10xR)
8. 10x tuck jumps
9. 10x scorpions (5xL, 5xR)
10. 01x depletion push ups (as many as you can, rest 90s, as many as you can, rest 90s, as many as you can)

You can add or substitute other exercises, depending on what equipment you may have available.

Hill sprints (can be done on flat if you have no hill available)
10 min warm up with jax, easy skips, strides.
1x 8-step
1x 10-step
1x 12-step
1x 14-step
1x 16-step
1x 18-step
1x 20-step

Plyometrics (on grass or turf) -- 100 total contacts
10 min warm up
20x easy skips
20x easy back skips
10x skips for height
10x skips for distance
10x quick double leg hops
05x left leg hops for distance
05x right leg hops for distance
05x left leg hops for speed
05x right leg hops for speed
10x bounding

If you can find a track:
10 min warm up
6x200 of increasing intensity* and walk back recovery.
Walk a lap cool down and stretch.

*Start about 10 seconds slower than your average 200 time and then go a second faster on each rep after that.
Last one will be about 5 seconds slower than your average.
If you are on grass, times will be slower than these targets.

Do three to four of the workouts above (bodyweight, hills, plyos and/or intervals) each week of break. If you have access to weights, you can add those on 2 of the days you do the workouts above. Keep reps to 3 to 5, sets 3 to 4, depending on how heavy.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Haydon Holiday Invite: Brad PRs 60H

12/19 Chicago. Brad raced 9.62 in 60H and also 7.85 60 in his season opener. Brad's hurdle time is less than a tenth off our top 10 list for 60H.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 7: 12/18, 12/17, 12/15,12/14

12/18 KC. Brad did a shakeout for meet on Saturday. Warm up, minimal drill work (sliders, slowlows) before 3x1 (36-39-42), 3x2 (42-39, -1, -1/2, R). Stretching.

12/17 KC. Women hurdlers did a workout similar to men on Monday.

12/15 KC. HJers trained on their own.

12/14 KC. Chris and Spencer were the early shift. Joe and Brad the late shift. Early shift did warm up, then some trail leg mobility. 7x5 1-step (30/13). 5x2 block starts (2x39, 3x42). 5x6 speedbuilders (17 to 27). 3x5 kb walk, kb step up, pull up, kb jump squat. Late shift skipped the 1-steps and did some of the speedbuilders as their drill work. Stretched. Joe did some technical work on lead arm; Brad worked on lead leg timing and cycling -- and flatter trail leg; Chris worked on pushing into hurdle, cycling lead and getting it down; Spencer on lead leg knee pickup, cycling and overall alignment. Everyone had some improvements. Did some handtime splits on 42s at -1. Chris, Brad and Spencer all ran 1.25 or better. Joe ran 1.15 or better. Good stuff!

Friday, December 11, 2015

UWM: Spencer equals PR in opener

12/11 Milwaukee. The UW-Milwaukee Developmental Meet features all ages and loads of entries on the 4-lane, 200-meter oval -- meaning this meet takes a while.  Joe and Spencer ran the 60H. Joe topped the barriers in 8.81 and Spencer 9.37, equaling his PR. Jessica ran her 60H race in 10.79, 3-stepping through hurdle 3 and going 4s the rest of the way enroute to her time that was just a couple tenths off her PR.

Other events: Joe 200 (23.94), Jessica 400 (67.71).

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week 6: 12/10, 12/8, 12/7

12/10 KC. Des and Kim did a hurdles workout. Kasey and Chris did a sprint workout. Those competing Friday either did a shakeout or took the day off. Des and Kim warmed up and then did a 4H 1-step drill, working on pushing into hurdles, alignment, lead leg cut down and finishing trail leg. All at 27. We also took a look at block starts and made some improvements there. Video below shows the starts prior to improvements. After about 8 of those, we added a second hurdle. Kim started at -3 and got all the way to regular spacing with a 3-step. Des started successfully at -3, too, but struggled at -2, 4-stepping. Des had very good block starts and attack at H1. H2 was a bit problematic as knee drive decreased. A loose trail leg didn't help matters. Some work to do there as she works to advance from -3 to -2.

Kim is a bit bent over and stepping out a bit too far on this one.

Shoulders should be over hands. Des' shoulders are back a little from the hands. On exit, left hand is moving back, up and then out when it should just move out and up. Extension is good. Toe is under hip on first step, which is good. She's getting a good push on first step. Second step is a little ahead of the hip, which makes it impossible to push on contact. Instead, the push waits until her hips pass beyond the foot, allowing push to resume.

12/8 VF/KC. Des and Jess did a Viets Field circuit early in the day. Field was closed later for painting, so the afternoon group -- Chris, Joe and Kim -- did a similar circuit in the Kern Center, which was a combination of moderate running and bodyweight exercises. Kasey, Spencer and Alandra did some pit work, run throughs and full jumps with a bungee at moderate height (4-6w, 5-6m). Brad sat out with a back injury incurred late last week while doing squats. Worked out an approach for Alandra. Kasey's approach was reasonably consistent. Spencer came up short early but added enough speed later to get to a good takeoff point, which led to some better jumps.

12/7 KC. Spencer, Chris, Joe and Brad worked high hurdles. Warm up included circles, swings, cycles, wall drive, post ups, slowlows, power hurdles (up to 33). 5x4H 1-step. 5x1H (24 to 36). 2-3-4-3-2 (-1 36-39-42-39-36). Strength: 3x5 tb deadlift, bb hang clean, kb row and L+R box hops. Split times on 42s were around 1.2 for Joe, Spencer around 1.35, Chris and Brad around 1.4.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Week 5: 12/3, 12/1, 11/30

12/3 VF/KC. Went outside despite temps in mid- to low 30s. Joe, Chris and Des were early shifters. Kasey trained at 5 and Jess at 6. Warm up followed by an up/back progression and then 4x accelerations over 1H from about 20m. 4x4 laps, running 4H on long side, jogging short side, running diagonal, walking short side, sprinting 1H on half of long side, walk remainder for recovery. 4x4 reverse leg press, bench press, single-leg weighted back extensions. Jess did a modified version of the outdoor workout in KC (4x4 laps -- running 3H on one straight, jogging turn, running straight, walking turn). She finished with kb step ups, clap pushups, kb goblet squats. Stretching.

12/1 KC. All the early shifters were tested in SLJ and 3-hop (though some started off with more of a gallop). Best SLJs: Brad 9-1.25, Chris 8-.5, Kim 7-4.25, Kasey 7-.5, Jess 6-11.5, Des 6-9.25. Jess had to leave and couldn't test 3-hop. 3-hop bests: Brad 26-7.25, Chris 23-2.5, Des 20-7.5, Kasey 20-3.25, Kim 19-7. Spencer, Joe and Logan all were late shifters. Des returned later to finish circuit. Will try to test them Thursday. Hurdlers did circuit. Spencer, Brad and Kasey worked HJ: pit arches, backovers off boxes, short approach scissors jumps, short approach layouts, full run-throughs -- about 5-6x each. Full jumps at moderate height next week.

11/30 KC. Spencer, Brad, Jess, Kim, Chris were in at 4:15. Joe, Kasey and Des joined at 5. Warm up followed by 4x8-step wall drive, block review and 3-step block starts, cone hurdling and ultra low hurdling over H1, 2x30m timed accelerations from blocks. Best times: Joe 3.87, Spencer and Chris 4.10, Brad 4.13, Des 4.58, Jess 4.68, Kasey 4.71, Kim 4.81. Strength: 4x5 kb straddle squats, rows, swings plus 10x split jumps (some with 180s). Stretching. Everyone got 8 step to H1 (Spencer 7), though it took a few reps to get everyone there. Emphasis was on use of blocks and first three steps. Will focus more on H1 next time.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Week 4: 11/24

11/24 KC. Break week. Joe came in. Warm up. Accel: 8xH1 (low to 42). Conditioning: 4x2x4H walk back on reps, walk around on sets (39 -3), working mostly on posture and alignment. Strength: 2x5 medball 2-leg push, L+R single-leg push, reverse; 3x5 kb straddle squat, bb military press, tb deadlift. Stretch: quad, calf, hip, ham.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 3: 11/19, 11/18, 11/17, 11/16

11/19 KC. Brad and Joe did high hurdle training. Mitch did all the workout except the 3-step work at the end. After warm up 8x 3-pt starts 5 steps (4L, 4R). Slowlows. 3x4H 5-stp. 5x4H 3-step (-6" -4'). 4x5H tb deadlifts, bb push presses, kb single-leg squats.

11/18 KC. Jess, Kim and Brad did high hurdle training. After warm up, 8x 3-pt starts out 5 steps. Four off right leg and four off left. Slowlows and then 4x4H (-6" -4'). 4x5 tb deadlifts, bb push presses, kb single-leg squats. Stretch/roll.

11/17 KC. Joe, Jess and Kim did a circuit. Brad and Kasey warmed up and did 10x HJ approaches -- some with U-turns, some with pop up. 10x net/rim jumps, 3x5 medball ups (double, single), 2x40-40-10-10 jump rope,

11/16 VF/KC. Joe, Jess and Kim did 400H workout on Viets. Warm up followed by 4x falling, hop and 3-pt starts, over 3, 4, 5 steps, respectively. Hurdling consisted of 4x running a long side with 4H, jogging a short side, running a diagonal, walking a short side and sprinting a 50 with 1H. Stretched. Inside strength work was 4x5 kb swings, kb rows, bb hang cleans. 5x L+R low to med box jumps (did some low to high box). Brad then went to horizontal jumps and Kasey to flexibility series.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 2: 11/13, 11/12, 11/10, 11/9

11/13 KC. KC Super Circuit, covering most of the building. 5x 1-minute cone turnover game with about 2 min recovery between sets.

11/12 KC. Warm up: circles, jax, fwd/bkw skips, A/B skips, straight-leg bounds, carioca, high knee march-jog-run. Accel: 4x falling (3-step), 3-pt (4), hop (5). H drills: cycles, stair post ups, 2-step power hurdles. Circuit: 4x 4H (-6" -4') - 10x kb swings - 5x bb clean&press - 10x Russian box - 10x lead and trail band pulls. Stretch.

11/10 VF/KC. Warm up: 30x jax, low walks, carioca, long skips, high skips, back runs, back skips, heel walk, single hops, hip thrust and flex series (bends, arches, bridges, abs). Semi-circle runs. Approach work: 1-step, 5-step, 10-step on straight. 10-step curve. Strength: bottom up squats, bb hang pull, plate halos. Spencer 10 / 6 / 29-6 / 62, Kasey 9 / 4-2 / 24-6 / 55, Brad 10 / 4-8 / 25 / 55

11/9 VF/KC. Circles; skips; hip circles, lifts and whips; Acceleration: wall drills 4x4 step L+R; 4x falling start L+R foot forward; 4x SLJ; Hurdle endurance: 3x100 (3 random 27s), walk endline, 150 diagonal, walk endline, 50 (1 random 27) -- walk around recovery between sets. Strength: 4x5 reverse leg press, bench press, single leg weighted back extension. Stretch.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 1: 11/2

11/2 VF/KC. Great weather with temps in the 60s and light breezes, so we were on Viets Field for most of the workout. Jess, Joe and Chris arrived late because of class, joining Spencer, Logan, Brad and Kim in progress. Warm up was followed by 8x8-step push up starts. Hurdle drills included lead and trail leg cycles, post ups, slow lows. Hurdle conditioning was 4x3x4H (27@24, 36@26) at relaxed speed with jog back on reps and walk down and back on sets. Inside strength work included 4x5 tb deadlifts, bb push presses and kb split squats. Stretched calf, quad, ham, hip. Some good adjustments made by most as we look to improve technical model, conditioning and strength throughout the month. Logan suffered a slight ham pull on trail leg. Tough way to start the year.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Summer training: July and August

Most of you have been keeping fit by doing activities other than track for the past couple of months. Hope you got the recovery you needed (mentally and physically), aches and pains have subsided, and you are maintaining or improving general fitness and strength.

Improvement in track and field is gradual. No quick fixes or shortcuts. If you want to get better, now is the time to start making yourself a better athlete.

Design your plan based on what you like to do -- as well as what you need to do. You own your plan and are responsible only to yourself for follow through, but I want to know what it is you plan to do. Might just be a sentence or two -- or a detailed schedule. It's up to you.

What you do depends on what time and facilities/equipment you have available, the time you have available, and what track and field events you do. Regardless of event, get 1 or 2 higher-intensity workouts a week and 2 or 3 lower-intensity workouts. Have 1 or 2 days between high-intensity workouts. If you are training for a fall sport, you likely are training for that sport now. In that case, just add some high-intensity acceleration work into your program.

High-intensity work is anything with fast speed:
  • Acceleration (up to 30m) up to 10 reps 95% (could use short, steep uphill)
  • Maximum velocity (40-60m) up to 8 reps 95% (could use slight downhill)
  • Strength work moving moderate weights quickly.
  • Medicine ball throws (overhead, scoop, push, slam, side, hop, etc) -- starting with 50 total adding 10 a week.
  • Plyometrics (on grass/turf). Skips, hops, bounds -- starting with 50 contacts and adding 10 contacts each week.
Lower-intensity work is anything of moderate speed and higher volume (reps):
  • Tempo runs on grass/turf (60-75%) totaling 1000 to 3000m broken into sets. (ie,, 2x5x100 with :45/2:00 rec) 
  • Jump rope intervals (20sec on/40sec off), adding sets as weeks go along
  • Long hills (slight uphill 150-300m or so)
  • Bodyweight exercises
  • Stadium stairs (run, bound, skip, hop, etc)
  • Technical work (HJ approach, circle runs; H drills, oppo). High volume, low intensity.
  • Cross training, other sports (basketball, tennis, biking, volleyball, swimming, etc)
Summer is the best time to work on your weaknesses. Consider the following:
  • Strength
  • Speed
  • Stamina
  • Skill
Also consider your weight, your eating habits, your hydration, your sleep, your flexibility. There may be some things to improve in one or more of those areas (things other than workouts).

Make up a weekly plan with some general idea of what type of training you will do, and then follow your plan. Example:

M - Bike to stadium for stair workout
T - HJ approaches and hurdle drills
W - Tempo runs
T - Strength (High intensity) and medball throws
F - Off
S - Acceleration and plyometrics (High intensity)
S - Off

Prior to heading out the door for a specific workout, you write down specifics and take it with you. Example:

7/2 Bike 1 mile to high school and do 3x15 rows of stadium stairs: running every step, every other step, hopping every step, hopping every other step, skipping using every step, Walk down recovery between reps, 2 min rest between sets. Bike 1 mile home.

Start off somewhat easy and gradually do more as you build yourself up over the next two months. Build your stamina and strength while maintaining your speed and skill. If you lack certain skills, summer is a good time to improve those. And you never want to get too far away from speed for too long.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

June exercise

Most of you have been off for nearly a month.

Hope you've taken some time to rest and recover, and have begun doing some other forms of exercise -- swimming, basketball, med ball throws, jump rope, easy running on grass or turf, tennis, soccer, biking, volleyball, walking, stairs, bodyweight exercises and so on. Core work and flexibility are good areas to target this time of year.

You want to retain the most of the gains you made in the past season for strength, speed, skill and stamina. To retain most of what you have, you only need to train in that area once every week or two. To make gains, you need to train in a particular area more often. The closer you get to the beginning of the next season, the more often you should train.

Here is some background on detraining (deterioration of fitness when you stop training). This is if you are doing nothing.

Days 1–2 after last day of training
Adrenaline and beta-endorphin levels drop. Mood is affected negatively, but body stays intact. Aerobic and power capabilities are the same.

Days 3–5
Muscles become tighter and flexibility decreases. Aerobic capability decreases 5% by fifth day off.

Days 6–9
Sleep is more difficult and attention span shortens. Body’s ability to use oxygen (V02 max) drops by 10%. Less oxygenated blood is pumped with each heartbeat.

Days 10–12
Metabolic rate begins to drop, and you add pounds. Max heart rate and cardiac output decreases. Your ability to perform endurance activities declines by 15%. Muscle tone decreases.

Days 13–16
Energy production in muscle cells decreases. This causes sluggishness. Decreased cellular energy production also causes a continual drop in metabolic rate.

Days 17–19
Body becomes less efficient at sweating and cooling itself off. Body gets tired just trying to stay cool. Muscles are get less oxygen and heart pumps less blood with each heart beat.

Days 20–21
V02 max decline goes to 20%, meaning ability to use oxygen decreased by a fifth, making simple aerobic tasks are harder.

Days 22–25
Aerobic conditioning drops to 25%, and anaerobic capability begins to decline. Weight lifting and sprints become increasingly difficult and painful. Muscle mass has decreased by 15% or more.

Days 26–28
Performing aerobic and anaerobic activities that were a regular part of training now become very difficult or impossible.

Days 29–30
Muscle strength is down 30%. Loss of muscle mass means lower resting metabolism. Lifting max weight done when training no longer is possible.

If you continue to detrain until track starts in November, you lose all VO2 gains that were made during the past season, hurdling/jumping skills deteriorate and muscle strength erosion is 40%.

The exact rate at which you return to a sedentary fitness level is determined by your genetics, the shape you were in when you stopped exercising and how long you had been fit prior to detraining. It may not seem fair, but the fitter you are, the faster you lose the benefits of working out.

The bottom line is not to wait for track to start again before you start training. For now, that's in the form of other sports (do a variety of fun activities) and mix in some sprints and strength work once every week or two.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Week 29 workouts

5/18 KC. Jerome did explosive medball throws.

5/19 KC. Jerome warmed up and took 3 run throughs and then 6 more with pop ups, working on knee drive.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

North Central: Joe finishes season with quick 100, 110

5/15 Naperville. Joe ran 11.24 (12th) and 15.28 (9th) to close out his 2015 season with a couple good performances under some good conditions.

Friday, May 15, 2015

North Central: Jerome goes 6-7.5

5/14 Naperville. In a good tune up for nationals, Jerome cleared 6-7.5 in a 2-hour competition that had about the same number of competitors as nationals and a few national qualifiers. Finishing in a tie for 4th, Jerome's night included a very good jump at 6-9.5 on his final attempt. Competition was moved indoors again because of rain.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 28 workouts

5/11 KC. Joe warmed up with hurdle mobility and 3x5 extended space 5-step hurdles and a couple warm up starts over 1-2. Starts over 1-2-3-4-4-3-3. Split times in 1.17-1.25 range. Foam rolled.

5/12 KC. Jerome warmed up and worked on foot plant angle and turning in air rather than on ground. Did well with that, hitting the takeoff point correctly on all but one jump. This helped avoid the long last step and premature layout, quickening the rotation around the bar. Jumps were taken on a bungee set around 6-6.

5/15 KC. Jerome did a low-impact circuit with jump rope, hurdle mobility, medball wall throws, 5x5 bench and single-leg presses, jump rope and stretching/rolling.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

North Central: Jessica runs quick 400 in rain

5/8 Naperville, IL. Jessica ran a well-executed race en route to a 64.47 400 in a meet marred by a 2-hour storm delay. High jump was conducted indoors.

Jessica 64.47 17.48
Jerome 6-5.5 (5th)
Joe 15.48 (10th) 11.32

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Week 27 workouts

5/5 KC. Jerome and Alex warmed up and then took some jumps at opening heights and up. Jerome took about 7 jumps ranging from 6-4 to 7-0 (bungee) and Alex in the 4-4 to 5-0 range. Alex worked on approach, arm and knee drive. Jerome smoothed out the acceleration in the turn and worked on delaying his move to get his back to the bar while increasing knee drive.

5/6 KC. Joe and Jess warmed up and did about a half dozen block starts over 2-3 hurdles at regular height, slightly tighter spacing.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

2015 Performance List


Joe Buichl 8.36 (#1 all time)
Spencer Kamke 9.37 (#8 all time)
Matt Hannula 9.41 (#9 all time)
Chris Kataura 9.73
Jessica Bilskie 10.59 (#2 all time)
Desarae Echaverria 11.61 (#7 all time)
Joe Buichl 7.72 (=#1 all time) 
Matt Hannula 8.50 (#6 all time)
Spencer Kamke 8.97
Chris Kataura 9.03
Jessica Bilskie 9.34 (#3 all time)
Desarae Echaverria 9.95 (#7 all time)
Joe Buichl 14.71 (#1 all time)
Levi Gatrost 16.12 (#4 all time)
Matt Hannula 16.58 (=#6 all time) 
Spencer Kamke 16.69 (#7 all time)
Chris Katuara 19.07
Jessica Bilskie 16.76 (#4 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 17.98 (#5 all time)
Kasey Mylin 18.88 
Joe Buichl 56.47
Levi Gatrost 57.51 (#4 all time)
Matt Hannula 59.92 (#8 all time)
Chris Kataura 60.16 (#9 all time)
Spencer Kamke 66.72 
Jessica Bilskie 72.66 (#3 all time)
Kasey Mylin 75.29 (#5 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 76.24 (#6 all time)
Jerome Rhodes 6-9.75 
Nate Verdun 6-4.75
Levi Gatrost 6-2.75 (#5 all time)
Spencer Kamke 5-11.25 
Kasey Mylin 4-11.75 (#3 all time)
Alex Jandrin 4-11 (=#4 all time) 

NACC performance list

High jump / hurdle scoring
111        Jerome Rhodes
  73        Joe Buichl
  31.75    Kasey Mylin
  29         Jessica Bilskie
  22         Alex Jandrin
  18         Nate Verdun
  15         Matt Hannula
    7         Chris Kataura
    6         Spencer Kamke
    4         Desarae Echevarria
    3         Levi Gatrost

NACC: Jerome gets title; Joe gets record; everyone scores

5/3 Wauwatosa. Weather was... hot!? Upper 70s set the stage for some excellent performances. Jerome took another NACC high jump title, setting an outdoor season best and meet record 6-9.5, and then took three shots at a PR 6-11.5. Joe got the only MSOE hurdle record he didn't have by racing to a 14.71 and second place finish. Everyone else hit the scoring column, including some PRs by Matt, Des and Jess.

Jerome 2.07 (1st) 7 jumps
Joe 14.71 (PR SR #1 all time)
Nate 1.92 (T4th) 6 jumps15
Spencer 1.74 5 jumps in deca 16.8?
Levi 1.86 11 jumps in deca 16.3?
Matt 16.58 (PR 7th =#6 all time) 59.92 (PR 4th #8 all time)
Chris 61.39 (5th)
Jessica 16.85 (5th) 70.17 (PR 4th #3 all time)
Kasey 75.58 (6th) 1.46 (T3rd) 6 jumps
Alex 1.41 (5th) 5 jumps
Desarae 17.98 (PR 7th #5 all time) 76.24 (PR 7th #6 all time)

Other events:
Joe 200 (22.27) 4x4 (51.4)
Chris 4x1
Matt 4x1
Jess 4x1 4x4
Kasey 4x1 4x4
Des 4x1 4x4
Spencer Decathlon
Levi Decathlon

Complete results

Jerome's best attempt at 6-11.5

Friday, May 1, 2015

NACC: Qualifying

5/1 Wauwatosa. Joe and Matt qualified in 110H, and Matt and Chris in 400H. Spencer and Levi are in hunt for top decathlon finishes. Joe also qualified in 200.

Joe 15.27  22.65
Matt 16.87  60.22
Chris 61.39
Spencer 12.33  56.74  5-8.5 19-1.25  33-8.75
Levi 12.13  53.40  6-1.25 19-0 31-4

Matt and Joe in prelim

Monday, April 27, 2015

Week 26 workouts

4/27 MU. Warm up included hurdle mobility with high knee jog return and up/back hurdles from 10 to 30 yards. 1x6H at target race pace. 1x5H walk to H6, rest 60 sec, run H7-8-9-10. 1x200 at cruising speed and then H6-7-8-9-10. Stretched. Joe warmed up with hurdlers, did a few accels on turf, then a 1/2 straight on track in spikes, then a fast 150 in spikes and finally a moderate 200 in trainers with no ill effect. Hurdlers mostly did well, running near target pace and maintaining race pattern.

4/28 KC. High jump tune up. Pre-comp warm up followed by competition style jumping with a max of 6-9 jumps. Alex made 4-7 and had a number of close ones at 4-9. Kasey cleared 4-11 and took a couple good jumps at 5-1. Levi started at 5-8, worked up to 6-0 and then had some good attempts at 6-2. Nate also made 6-0 and had some close ones at 6-2. Jerome started at 6-4, then made 6-6 and had some good efforts at 6-8. Worked on a few minor points, but for the most part everyone was good on the ground and pretty sharp and consistent throughout. Hurdlers were off.

4/29 KC/VF. Warm up included circles, swings, hurdle mobility, skip, pickup, 3x3 5-step hurdles. Starts over 1-2-3-4. Outside for 4x1 exchanges with Des, Jess, Chris and Matt as well as the other sprinters in those relays.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 25 workouts

4/20 KC. Indoor no-impact circuit.
500m rowing
Hurdle mobility
-sideover L+R
-forward L+R
-backward L+R
-over/under L+R
Medball wall throws (25x each)
-situp overhead
-5x trap-bar deadlift (challenging weight)
-8x hip thrust L+R with a foot on box, other straight up, hold top 2 sec.
-1x depletion push ups (max - 90 sec - max - 90 sec - max)

4/21 KC. Alex, Nate, Kasey, Spencer and Jerome jumped. Did 4-5x ramp jumps off 6-step to look at some higher bars and get more time to work on holding the top. Followed with 4-5x fulls without ramp -- also at some higher bungee heights. Spencer got his arms involved and had some great ramp jumps, but it didn't carry over into fulls. Jerome's ramp jumps were around 7-6, Nate 6-10, Spencer 6-8, Alex and Kasey around 5-8. Fulls were around PR height.

4/22 KC. Joe, Chris, Matt, Des and Jess did circles, swings, skips, stride, hurdle mobility, 3x3 5step, 3x3 3 step -3, 1-2-3-4-5 from blocks, 3x3 relative spacing, 3x2 random. 3x10 pushups and KB swings. Stretch/roll. Joe still had some tendon pain but was able to get over a few hurdles at moderate speed and did accelerations out to 16 steps.

4/23 VF. Circuit
01x jog long side
20x push ups 
01x jog short side
20x bodyweight squats to parallel
01x stride long side
01x walk short side
10x burpees
01x walk short side
01x pickup short side
01x jog short side
10x tuck jumps (knees to chest, quick off ground)
01x jog short side
20x mountain climbers
01x stride long side
01x wall sit - 60 seconds
01x easy skip short side
20x lunge jumps - start in lunge position, jump, switching legs
01x walk short side
10x double-leg hops
01x walk remainder of short side
10x alternating arm-leg plank (L arm forward, R leg up)
01x pickup short side
10x push up jacks
01x walk short side
20x lunge walk on long side
01x stride remainder of long side
05x left hops - walk back
05x right hops - walk back
10x bounding strides
01x walk remainder of short side
5-10 min standing stretches: quad, hip, calf, hamstring (use walls, benches, rails)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

St. Norbert: Jerome gets another win

4/18 De Pere. Sustained winds around 20 mph and temperatures in the 50s made for a less-than-ideal day, but we still posted some good performances. Despite an abbreviated warm up, the men's high jumpers battled the difficult conditions well, with Jerome topping 6-7 and our other three jumpers all placing in the top 7. Spencer had a PR 5-11.25. Matt PRed in both hurdles. Kasey got a PR in 100H with her 18.88 ranking #10 all time.

Jerome 2.01 (1st) 8 jumps
Nate 1.91 (3rd) 8 jumps
Levi 1.86 (4th) 8 jumps 16.52
Spencer 1.81 (7th PR) 10 jumps 16.74
Alex 1.43 (T6) 6 jumps
Kasey 1.38 (11th) 7 jumps 18.88 (PR #10 all time) 79.08 (8 6 6.3 6.3 6.5 6.8 7.4 7.5 7.9 7.6 8.5)
Jessica 17.03 73.58 (7th) (7.5 5.4 5.6 6 6.1 6.4 6.7 6.8 7.2 7.3 7.6)
Desarae 19.16 81.78
Matt 16.69 (PR) 60.88 (7th PR)
Chris 61.44 (8th) (6.9 4.5 4.7 4.7 4.9 5.2 5.3 5.8 6.3 6.3 6.9)

Other events:
Chris 4x1, 4x4
Levi JT (44.07)
Spencer LJ (5.73)
Matt 100 (11.74)
Kasey 4x4 (71.1)
Desarae 4x1 4x4 (71.6)
Jessica 4x1 4x4 (66.2)

Complete results

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Recovery days

Recovery days should involve actions to help you restore and rehab. Here are some options:

Foam rolling: Break down tight spots with foam rollers on second level of KC as well as track area.
Stretching: Grab a mat in track area or second level of KC to improve flexibility. Before practice, we do a variety of dynamic stretches (with movement). Recovery days are good for static stretches.
No-impact cardio: Get movement and circulation of sore areas by using bikes, rowing, elliptical machines on second level of Kern Center. Performing 15-20 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio the day after a high-intensity workout helps return leg strength faster than doing little or nothing. If rowing, do 2 or 3 sets of 4 to 5 minutes -- or just do a set or two and move to bike or elliptical. 

Low-impact cardio: On Viets field, run long sides and walk short sides. Keep the running at a pace that is moderate -- allowing you to still speak a full sentence without losing your breath after a rep. After 2x around, walk a long side for a longer recovery between sets. Do 2 or 3 sets.

Mobility: Work out problem areas with mobility exercises. Mobility Wod offers a variety of videos that target problems and movements:

Therapy: Visit Sports Medicine staff for treatment of injuries, aches and pains, including ice bath.

Rest: Sometimes full rest is warranted when extremely fatigued or hurting. Stay off your feet. Take a nap.

Nutrition: Use the day to make smart choices in what you eat. Low-fat protein (at least 1 gram per pound of bodyweight), whole grains, nuts and seeds (handful), fresh fruit and vegetables (5 a day). Men should drink about 3 liters (5 20-oz bottles) of water a day, women 2 liters (about 3 20-oz bottles). Avoid high-fat, sugary and processed foods.

Yoga: Here is a 14-min routine you can play on your phone or laptop:

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 24 workouts

4/13 MU. Matt, Chris, Spencer, Desarae, Kasey and Jessica. Quick warm up with hurdle mobility and high knee run, and up/back hurdle progression over 30s. Starting at H2 spot, run H3-4-5, then start at H3 spot and run H4-5-6 and so on through 10. Used a walk back recovery. After that, some ran the steeplechase barrier at 30 to work on stepping on and pushing off the barrier. Matt and Spencer did some oppo work at that time. High jumpers did a circuit. Joe did 2x5x short accels up to 10 steps.

4/14 KC. Alex and Kasey took 10 jumps at 5-8. Nate took 10 at 6-0. Mike took a few introductory lessons. Carson stopped by to visit. Jerome took some jumps at 6, 6-4, 6-6 and 6-8. Quality and consistency was good throughout.

4/15 MU. Warm up of hurdle mobility with high-knee returns, 3x3H 5step (33/42), 4x7H (-1 for 3 and -2 for 3). Some ran a lap at steeplechase pace. Stretched. Joe did 2x5x short accels up to 12 steps and some strides.

4/16 VF. Jess, Des, Matt and Chris were out there to do Viets Field circuit. About 20 minutes with another 10 minutes of stretching.

4/17 VF. Chris, Mike, Logan, Des, Jess, Kathryn and Adriana did 4x1 exchanges.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

WLC: Jessica's 100H PR gets 3rd, big HJ PR for Alex

4/11 Wauwatosa. Jessica 3-stepped half the race en route to a PR 16.76 in 100H and PR in 400H (72.66) for 7th, Kasey got a 400H PR75.29 (#5 all time). In HJ, Alex cleared a PR4-11 for 4th, and Kasey jumped the same height for 5th on misses. Des ran a PR 19.01 in 100H.

Jessica 72.66 (7th PR #3 all time) 16.76 (3rd PR #4 all time)
Alex 4-11 (4th PR =#4 all time)
Kasey 4-11 (5th) 75.29 (9th PR #5 all time)
Desarae 80.09 (12th) 19.01 (9th PR #10 all time)

Competing unattached, Holly ran 70.35 and 16.80.

Complete results

Benedictine: Jerome gets 3rd, others notch PRs

4/11 Lisle, IL. Temperatures in the 60s with moderate winds and sunny sky contributed to great performances in this large meet with more than 1,000 athletes. Jerome had the top finish of the day with 3rd in HJ at 6-8.75 and an agonizingly close one at 6-10.75, which might have got him back into the Drake Relays. Still, his 6-8.75 positions him #8 in DIII in the early outdoor season. Nate equaled his HJ PR with a 6-4.75 for 6th, and he also had a near miss at the next height. Levi jumped a PR 6-2.75, which was equal to the 7th place height, but he finished 12th on misses.

In hurdles, Levi had our best finish with a 6th in 400H, racing to a PR57.51. Matt also notched a PR61.08, despite a couple missteps late in the race. High hurdle performances were good, too, with PRs from Levi (16.12), Spencer (16.69) and Matt (17.04), which all ranked in our all time top 10. Sadly, Joe hurt his hamstring in 4x1 and was unable to hurdle.

Jerome 2.05 (3rd) 7 jumps
Nate 1.95 (6th =PR =#3 all time) 9 jumps
Levi 1.90 (12th PR #5 all time) 9 jumps 16.12 (13th PR #4 all time) 57.51 (6th PR #4 all time)
Spencer 1.75 (16th) 6 jumps 16.69 (15th PR =#7 all time)
Matt 17.04 (17th PR #10 all time) 61.08 (15th PR)
Chris 61.64 (17th)

Other events:
Joe 4x1
Chris 4x1, 100 (11.87)
Spencer LJ (17-2.25), JT (125-9)
Levi JT (134-10)

Complete results

Jerome clears 6-8.75

Matt and Spencer hurdling to season best times.

Nate nails his PR 6-4.75

Saturday, April 11, 2015

MSOE records

Indoor Records
Joe Buichl 8.36 UW-Platteville 2/14/15
Emily Dieringer 9.49 UW-Platteville 2/11/12
Kevin Diederich 7.72 North Central 2/27/11
Joe Buichl 7.72 UW-Parkside 2/28/15
Emily Dieringer 8.60 Carthage 2/25/12
Jerome Rhodes 6-10.25 Carthage 3/01/14
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 Carthage 3/07/08

Outdoor Records
Kevin Diederich 14.97 - Carroll University 4/09/11
Emily Dieringer 15.18 - North Central College 5/11/12
Joe Buichl 55.92 - North Central College 5/16/14
Heather DeLany 1:05.47 - UW-River Falls 5/06/05
Jerome Rhodes 6-11 - UW-Madison 5/10/14
Catherine Chappell 5-3.75 - UW-Oshkosh 5/24/07

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 23 workouts

4/6 MU. Cold, windy day for 400H crew. 40 degrees. Brrr. Jessica, Desarae, Jessica, Levi, Chris, Matt and Joe did hurdle mobility and some up/back hurdles for warm up. Main event was 2x6 at regular height and spacing with a tailwind on backstretch. Goal was to hit all 6 on preferred pattern. Some had trouble with H1 into wind. Others had a change down here or there, but most held their pattern throughout. Used a 10 min recovery between reps. Moved to far end for a start at H7 mark and then a run over final 3 hurdles and on to finish. High jumpers were off.

4/7 KC. Alex, Kasey, Des, Levi, Jerome, Nate and Spencer jumped. After warm up, we did double and single leg vertical jumps. Bests (2, L, R): Kasey (20.2, 13.4, 11.9), Alex (20.4, 10.6, 11.9), Jerome (32.8, 22.7, 22.3), Nate (31.6, 20.5, 23.4), Des (21.6), Jess (21.4), Spencer (32.9, 21.6, 20.9). Not surprisingly, everyone jumped better off their jumping leg in the single leg test. After that, everyone took a jump or two at opening height, 2 to 3 at +2 and 3 to 4 at +4. Levi made some progress at holding the top. Spencer continued to work on arm drive and jumping up before laying out. Jerome was in good form for most of his jumps. Nate also had some good jumps, though we talked a little about driving the left arm up over the right to keep the shoulder away, and we looked at the penultimate step, which might be dropping a bit too low to hold the speed better. Kasey still has some knee issues, which are now about 3 weeks old. The brace was an issue in getting better heel tuck. Alex had solid jumps throughout the workout. Des tried a few fulls, needing to get hips up and head back on clearance. Women hurdlers did a conditioning circuit.

4/8 KC. Levi, Matt, Spencer, Chris and Joe had a high hurdle workout. Started with hurdle mobility / running As followed by 4-step power hurdle plus 2 1-step hurdles for most. Late arrivals did their own warm up. Did a lot of metrics. 2x30m accel (Bests: Chris 3.97, Joe 3.98, Levi 4.06, Spencer 4.20, Matt 4.23), 2x fly (Bests: Joe 9.42, Matt 9.14, Levi 9.14, Chris 9.05, Spencer 8.62), H1 start (Bests: Matt 2.16, Spencer 2.22, Chris 2.26), hurdle splits (Joe 1.22, Matt 1.37, Spencer 1.37, Chris 1.55). 2x8-10 KB swings, single leg deads, lunge walk. Stretch/roll.

4/9 KC. 4x1 exchanges with Matt, Joe, Chris and  Cody, and Kathryn, Jess, Des and Adriana. Jess, Des and Kasey did high hurdle training, starting with some power hurdles plus 2 1-step hurdles. 30m accel (Des PR 4.34, Jess 4.51, Kasey 4.67), fly (Jess PR8.33mps, Des PR8.02, Kasey 7.33), 3xH1 (Bests: Jess PR2.14, Des PR2.20, Kasey 2.37), 2x3H (Best splits: Jess PR1.38, Des PR1.42, Kasey 1.52). Stretch/roll. Men hurdlers did conditioning circuit.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 22 workouts

3/30 MU. Joe, Spencer, Chris, Matt, Kasey, Des and Jess were there. We rushed a bit to beat the rain (nearly) and the La Crosse team, which came back out just after we left. Warm up was quick -- a lap jog followed by 3x1H up/back at about 10-20-30 meters. Main part of workout was 3x first three hurdles (115m) cruising (140m) into an attack to H7-8-9 (70m) on 8-10 min recovery. Most were near pace for first three, which was tough into wind and later rain, despite pulling them in a bit. Attack on final three was good, everyone was clean through those.

3/31 KC. Alex was the lone early starter. Worked some backovers off box and some short approach ramp jumps before taking a lot of fulls over 4-10 bungee. Levi had a sore ankle but took a few jumps around 5-10. Nate took his jumps around 6-2. Jerome around 6-7. Kasey around 4-10 but had some knee issues that cropped up last week. As part of "high jump appreciation day" guest jumpers Joe, Matt, Des and Jess did some backovers off the box and then some 4-step jumps. Matt and Des were doing pretty well. Joe and Jess, well, they're good hurdlers. Des stuck around and did some fulls around 4-4. Hurdlers did power circuit.

4/2 MU. Joe, Chris, Matt and Jess were out on this great day with mid-60s and sun and wind at our backs. Warm up of turf jog, hurdle mobility, leg swings, 50m stride-jog-pickup, 15m accel, 2H turf hurdles at close spacing. Main part of workout was 3x10H at decreasing spacing (-1, -2, -3) with 10 min recovery. Everyone made 3s, and we had some good technical improvements on some reps. Main emphasis, though, was just to maintain consistent rhythm and stride pattern throughout.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 21 workouts

3/23 KC. Hurdlers did a circuit.
16x Jumping jacks
08x Squat jacks
Hurdle mobility (alternating, same leg L+R, side L+R, over/under L+R)
08x Russian box (4 L + 4 R)
08x Glute-ham raise
04x Trap-bar deadlift (moderate weight)
08x Box drive (switching legs for height)
??x Max push ups (as many as you can do)
08x KB step ups (4 L + 4 R, moderate to light weight)
04x Tuck jump
08x KB swings (moderate weight)
08x Scissor jump (4 L + 4 R)
08x KB goblet squat (moderate weight)
04x Squat jump
08x KB single-leg deadlift (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
04x Lunge jump (4 L +4 R)
08x KB lunge walk (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
04x Standing long jump
08x Plank jacks (plank position, legs out/in)
08x Scorpion (4 L + 4 R)
08x Bends (down dog; baby cobra)

Chris and Matt did some technical work on high hurdle issues. Progress was good on 36-inch hurdles run at moderate speed on women's marks.

3/25 KC. Jess, Des and Levi trained early. Joe, Matt, Chris, Spencer late. Warm up consisted of 50-50 jump rope, skips and swings. 3x3H at -5. 4x4H (-3" height w, -1' spacing m). 1-2x H1 for 400H. 5x3H relative spacing followed by 80m jog and 40m walk. 3x8-10 KB series: swings, split squats, step ups. Stretch/roll.

3/26 KC. Spencer, Nate, Jerome, Kasey and Alex jumped. Did a couple rounds of 3 short approach jumps to work on some technical issues and then carried that into 3 rounds of 3 fulls. Kasey and Alex were jumping at 4-6, 4-8, 4-10 on their respective rounds, Kasey clearing 4-10 twice and Alex coming very close once. Spencer worked at 5-8. Nate's rounds were 5-10, 6-0, 6-2. Jerome jumped 6-2 then 6-5.

3/27 KC. Joe, Matt, Levi, Des, Jess, Becki and later, Spencer practiced high hurdles. Warm up of circles, swings and high-knee work. 3x3 (-3" -4') 3-step. 3x1 starts with 15y finish. 3x4 (-3"w, -1' men). 3x5 bench and reverse leg press. Stretch/roll. Becki worked on the side, learning basic hurdle technique. Everyone had some good reps, continuing to make some progress on fixing some mechanics.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Memphis: Great weather, great performances

3/21 Memphis, TN. Joe had two great hurdle races and the team turned in 8 all-time top 10 performances at the Rhodes Invitational, which included a large number of teams, including some DI athletes. Jerome had the group's top finish with a 3rd in HJ (6-6). Joe had a 4th in 110H (15.43) and 5th in 400H (56.47). Joe's 400H race had great distribution, within a tenth for each hurdle split and only one oppo, holding 15 though turn and changing down on H8. Weather was 60s, overcast with almost no wind.

Jerome 6-6 (3rd) 4 jumps
Joe 15.43 (4th), 56.47 (5th)
Kasey 4-10.25 (T14th) 5 jumps PR 75.70 (15th #5 all time)
Alex 4-4.25 (T33rd) 4 jumps
Jessica 74.44 (13th #4 all time) 17.52 (14th #4 all time)
Matt 18.57 (16th) 62.91 (18th)
Desarae 19.57 (24th) 78.13 (18th #8 all time)
Levi 16.82 (9th #8 all time) 5-10 (17th =#10 all time) 57.80 (10th #5 all time)
Spencer PR 5-10 (19th =#10 all time) 6 jumps 17.73 (14th) 66.72 (23rd)
Chris 19.07 (17th) 60.16 (14th #8 all time)

Other events: Joe, Matt and Chris joined Cody in 4x1 (45.11). Des and Jess joined Adriana and Kathryn for 4x1 (55.07). Alex 200 (33.60). Levi JT (132-4). Spencer JT (109-8).

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Default workouts

When you need to train on your own, use these workouts:

High jump - Kern Center
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips, etc.)
  2. General ground work (takeoff skips, circle runs, pop turns, etc.)
  3. Pit exercises (arches, backovers, flips, etc.)
  4. Short-approach, focused jumps (plant angle, attack, layout, etc.) (3-6x)
  5. Run throughs (3-6x)
  6. Full jumps (6-9x)
  7. Flexibility
High hurdles - Kern Center
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips)
  2. Sprint warm up (pick ups, accelerations)
  3. Hurdle drills (5 step, 1 step or ½ space quick 3s)
  4. Hurdle speed (starts over 1 to 4 hurdles)
  5. Hurdle conditioning (up/back or quick turnarounds)
  6. Stretch and roll
400 hurdles

Kern Center
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips)
  2. Sprint warm up (pick ups, accelerations)
  3. Hurdle warm up (1H up/back of increasing run-in distance)
  4. Hurdle race modeling (10x3H relative spacing* -- walk around recovery)
  5. Hurdle conditioning (5x up/back 2H at random spacing, 1 min rest, relaxed speed)
  6. Stretch and roll
* Set hurdles on black marks labeled 15, 17 or 19, depending on your pattern.


Viets Field (take 4 plastic hurdles out to field)
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips)
  2. Sprint warm up (pick ups, accelerations)
  3. Hurdle warm up (3x 1H up/back of increasing run-in distance)
  4. Hurdle race modeling (3-5x 2H up/back close to regular spacing)*
  5. Hurdle oppo work (3-5x 4H -- 7-8 steps apart for 3-step)
* H1 3 steps past second dark line; H2 3 steps in from third dark line. Start at white endlines.

  1. 50-50 Jump rope (or imitation jump rope - 50 double leg, 50 alternating leg)
  2. Hurdle mobility (alternating, same leg L+R, side L+R, over/under L+R)
  3. 08x Russian box (4 L + 4 R)
  4. 08x Glute-ham raise
  5. 04x Trap-bar deadlift (moderate weight)
  6. 08x Box drive (switching legs for height)
  7. ??x Max push ups (as many as you can do)
  8. 08x KB step ups (4 L + 4 R, moderate to light weight)
  9. 04x Tuck jump
  10. 08x KB swings (moderate weight)
  11. 08x Scissor jump (4 L +4 R)
  12. 08x KB goblet squat (moderate weight)
  13. 04x Squat jump
  14. 08x KB single-leg deadlift (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
  15. 04x Lunge jump (4 L +4 R)
  16. 08x KB lunge walk (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
  17. 04x Standing long jump
  18. 08x Plank jacks (plank position, legs out/in)
  19. 08x Scorpion (4 L + 4 R)
  20. 08x Bends (down dog > baby cobra)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Week 20 workouts

3/16 MU. Great weather. Upper 60s, breezy. Warm up of jog around turf, hurdle mobility, swings, up/back hurdles at 5, 10, 20, 30. H1, H2, H3, H4 at race pace. With hurdles into wind, we pulled them in 2-3 feet. Targeted paces: Joe 56, Matt and Chris 60, Jess 70, Des and Kasey 74. Nearly everyone was at or near pace and patterns were fairly consistent. 4x3H on turn at regular space. Some of those reps had some oppos and other issues, but the reps got better at end. Stretched. Joe and Matt ran 15 pattern, Chris 17, Jess and Kasey were 18 and Des 19.

3/17 KC. Alex, Spencer and Nate jumped in the early shift with Jerome, Kasey and Levi jumping later. Early group took 8 jumps in 2 up, 1 down format. Late group got about 6-7 jumps. Jerome worked on a bent drive leg and cleared 6-3 with this new technique that should enable him get a better vertical along with better rotation around the bar and less travel. Going to take some time to adjust to this. Spencer used his arms -- all the time -- and got a couple 5-8 bars. Nate got a 6-1 bar and Levi 5-9, finding a bit more speed and consistency on the ground. Still jumping in too much, but the groundwork is getting better. Kasey got a couple 4-9 bars and Alex had a good go at 4-8.

3/18 KC. Levi and Holly were in early. Joe started late. In between, Spencer, Matt, Chris, Des and Jess trained together. Warmed up with 50-50 jump rope, hip mobility, skips and strides. 5x4H 5-step of increasing height as reps progressed. 2x2x4H quick turnaround reps (30 women, -1 men). Outside on turf for 3x75y max velocity reps. 3x4-5 bench press and reverse leg press. Stretch/roll. Jerome did default circuit.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

DIII Nationals: Jerome finishes tied for 10th

3/15 Winston-Salem, NC. Jerome opened at 1.94, clearing on his first jump, and also made 1.99 (6-6.25) on his first jump before missing three times at 2.04 (6-8.25), which would have had him in the mix for the top 8. First one at 2.04 was best, which wobbled off after he landed in the pit. One below was the final jump at 2.04.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 19 workouts

3/9 VF. A little more snow on the field than we would have liked, but temperature was near 50 and little breezy. Warm up included joint rotations, skips, strides, back and forth hurdle. 3xH1 +w. Set up some target times but emphasis was getting to takeoff on preferred leg. 3x2H down and back with about 20m run in, working on stride pattern between hurdles -- also with target times but with the wind, trainers and turf, we were lucky if we were close. Those who had been running high hurdles indoors definitely had a bit of an edge on hurdle technique. Some had good oppos. Finished up with 3x4H 3-step oppos at 8 yards men, 7 yards women. Inside, kettlebell swings, goblet squat, single-leg deadlifts, lunge walk, step up. Plyometric double-leg hops, single-leg hops, high skips, long skips. Stretching -- down dog, child's pose, baby cobra, wall calf stretch, inverted hamstring stretch.

3/10 KC. Alex and Spencer started at 4. Kasey, Jerome and Levi around 5. Individual warm up and then some work on technical issues. Spencer worked on arm drive, Alex holding takeoff angle (not turning on ground) with quicker arm drive, Kasey strengthening her arm drive and shortening the curve (moved back a foot), Jerome maintaining plant angle and stronger vertical, and Levi running more upright with knee drive and more speed. Some did some short approach work, some did bungee bars and some did some regular bars around opening height to a few higher bars.

3/11 KC. High hurdle training with Joe, Levi, Chris, Spencer, Matt, Jessica, [x] and Desarae. Warm up included jump rope, hip mobility, skips and strides. Drill work included 3x3H 3-step and then 3x7H speedbuilders up to -2 spacing (30/39). High-speed work was 3-4x4H at -1 (30/42). Strength and power work included band hip thrusts, lead and trail leg cycles. 2x6-10 KB hip thrusts, speed jerks, split squat w/elevated front leg, scissors jumps (unweighted). Stretch/roll.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Carthage: Jerome moves to #7 in DIII

3/6 Kenosha. Despite illness, Jerome solidified his position as a national qualifier by jumping 6-9.75 on his first attempt and winning the event. He started at 6-4, making that height as well as 6-6 on his first jump. One miss at 6-8 before clearing that height. After the 6-9.75, he tried three jumps at 6-10.75 with a couple close ones. Joe ran 55H, going 7.98 in prelims after hitting the fourth hurdle, coming off sideways and going into H5 off line. In finals, he hit H1, losing some rhythm and hitting a few more after that, finishing 5th in 8.05. Went for broke, just couldn't react quick enough at the first hurdle to handle the extra speed, which likely brought him too close.

Jerome's jump that qualified him for DIII nationals.

Spectacular crash in this one. Fortunately, Joe was not involved.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

3-year-graph of Joe's 60H races

Converting 55H to 60H, here are all the indoor high hurdle races Joe has run in the past three years -- evidence of how much he has done to improve his race.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Week 18 workouts

3/3 KC. Joe, Levi and Jerome trained while most others were home on break. Jerome and Levi did high jump warm up and backovers, followed by run throughs, a few scissors jumps and some full jumps. Levi then joined Joe who completed his warm up. Together, they did tandem starts over 1-2-3-4 at regular height and in a foot. Joe ran hand-time splits consistently in low 1.1s.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

NACC: Title for Jerome, record for Joe, lots of PRs

2/28 Kenosha. Raiders came up big in high jump at hurdles at the 2015 NACC indoor championships. Jerome started at 1.93 and had first-jump clearances there and at 1.98 and 2.03 (6-8) before trying 2.07 where he had three good attempts, especially the final one. Joe tied the MSOE 55H record with his PR 7.72 in the final, which was 3rd in a tough field. Other place winners included Nate, who had virtually no practice but managed a tie for 4th in HJ with his 6-2 jump. On the women's side, Kasey and Alex both jumped 4-9.5 for 3rd and 4th, respectively. Jess picked up a 5th in 55H with her PR 9.34/9.39, and Matt an 8th place with his PR 8.70/8.50.

Jerome 6-8 (1st) 6 jumps
Joe 7.88/7.72 (3rd SR #1 all time)
Kasey 4-9.5 (3rd) 8 jumps
Alex 4-9.5 (4th PR #6 all time) 12 jumps
Nate 6-2 (T4th) 9 jumps
Jessica 9.34/9.39 (5th PR #3 all time)
Matt 8.70/8.50 (8th PR #6 all time)
Desarae 9.95/10.05 (9th PR #7 all time)
Levi 8.78 (10th) 5-10 (11th #10 all time)
Spencer 8.99 (11th) 5-8 (13th PR) 5 jumps
Chris 9.21 (13th)

Other events: Joe won 200 (22.65). Jess, Des and Kasey teamed up with Adriana to run a school record 4x4 (Jess 30.7/34.7; Des 30.8/36.5; Kasey 32/36.3). Logan took 5th in 200 (23.84) and 8th in 400 (53.84). 

Complete results

Joe's record-tying 55H

Matt's #6 all-time 55H

Alex's #6 all-time HJ

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

HJ approach marks

Jerome: 15 / 27 / 62
Spencer: 12 / 30 / 62
Kasey: 9 / 27 / 53
Holly: 12 / 25 / 50
Madeline: 8 / 25 / 52
Alex: 9 / 20 (step 6) 8" to inside / 49
Levi: 12 / 27 / 56

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 17 workouts

2/23 KC. Levi, Joe, Chris, Matt, Jessica and Desarae warmed up with circles, swings/cycles, skips, hurdle mobility. Technical runs over 4x2H, 4x4H. Some did an extra rep or two at 4H. Women's were down 3" and in 2'. Men's 2H set was -3" -3'. 4H set was 42 -3. Finished with 4x4 hurdle hops and 4x8 long skips. Stretched and rolled.

2/24 KC. Levi, Alex, Spencer and Kasey did individual warm ups, 2x run through, u-turn, duck under, scissors; 2-3x short approach jumps; 4-6x full jumps. Kasey and Alex had some attempts and near misses at higher bars, 5-0 and 4-10, respectively. Levi worked on his approach and speed in the turn and worked in 5-8 to 5-10 range. Spencer had some better jumps tonight around 5-8. Jerome was forced to sit out by trainers.

2/25 KC. Levi, Joe, Chris, Matt, Des and Jess did hurdle training. Warmed up with jump rope series, swings and cycles for mobility, skips, stride and pickup. 4x3H 1/2-space. 2-3 H1 starts. 3x2H tandem starts. 3x3H tandem starts. 1x2H + sprint. Foam rolling and stretching.

2/26 KC. Spencer warmed up and did a couple starts over 1, 2 and 3 hurdles. Worked mostly on squaring up, driving lead leg straight at hurdle (not outside in) and keeping the lead bent and lower as it moves from font to back. Others did horseshoes for recovery work. Levi did a circuit.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

UWM: Jerome gets 2.06 and top 7 DIII ranking

2/20 Milwaukee. Jerome had a miss at 1.91 and then had first jump clearances at 1.96, 2.01 and 2.06 (6-9) and an agonizingly close jump at 2.11 (6-11). He finished 4th in a very tough field. That performs ranks =#7 in DIII. Kasey was jumping well, too, clearing 1.36 and 1.46 (tied for 8th) on first jumps and then some good attempts at 1.51.

In hurdles, Joe finished third with his second-best-ever 60H time (8.49). Matt had a PR 9.41 (#9 all time). Spencer was just thousandths back, also with 9.41. Chris ran 9.93, but was better technically on several hurdles in that race.

In other events: Logan 60 (7.44) 400 (54.08).

Complete results

Rattled this one at 2.06, but it stayed on.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 16 workouts

2/16 KC.
High jumpers and hurdlers did a circuit in track area.
01x hu over/under
40x jr double-leg
10x rb hip thrust
40x mb chest to wall
10x kb swings
05x tuck jumps
01x hu alternating walkover
40x jr alternating-leg
10x rb L+R trail leg
20x mb overhead to wall
10x kb step ups
10x bounding strides
01x hu L sideover
10x jr L+R
10x rb L+R lead leg
10x mb slams
05x kb L+R single-leg deadlift
10x high skips
01x hu R sideover
10x jr up and back running steps
??x rb push ups
40x mb scoop to wall
10x kb goblet squats
10x long skips
Foam rolling and stretching

2/17 KC. Jerome, Alex, Kasey and Spencer did some HJ training. Individual pre-meet warm up. Individualized jumping. Jerome mostly rested his aching shins, but worked on a more consistent rhythm in the approach that got rid of the long last step. Spencer left for LJ about half way through and worked on getting more from his arms. He did a good job getting inverted today. Kasey left for class at 5:15 and had some good jumps at 5-foot bungees. Alex did the most jumping, working on getting a takeoff point closer to the bar to avoid jumping in.

2/18 KC. Des, Jess, Spencer, Joe, Matt and Chris did their own hurdle warm ups and then did 1x1-2-3-4. Finished with 3x3 kb swings, jump squats, plyo push ups. Quality of hurdle reps was very good, which was reflected in split times. Joe ran in mid-1.1s and very clean. Spencer and Chris were consistent at mid-1.3s, and Chris had good separation between lead and trail legs today. Matt ran around 1.3 and made some good improvements in his lead arm action and trail leg finish. Jess ran in 1.4 to 1.5 range. Des was consistent at 1.5.

2/19 KC. Those not running Friday, did sprint recovery workout. Others rested or did a warm up and shakeout. Levi did a full warm up and then tested out on major metrics. 30m accel (4.19), fly sprint (9.62 mps), hurdle start (2.13) and hurdle split (1.17 -- fastest ever run in KC).

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Platteville: Joe claims 60H mark; multiple hurdle PRs

2/14 Platteville. On Valentine's Day, you had to love the performance of Joe who clicked off a PR 8.50 prelim and then etched his name on top of our all-time 60H list with a PR 8.36 final and a win. Spencer also ran a PR with his 9.37 (#8 all time) as did Matt with a 9.54 (#9 all time). On the women's side, Jessica ran 10.74, trying to 8-3 but going 9-4, and Desarae ran a PR 11.61 (#7 all time) -- a 1.5-second improvement.

In high jump, Jerome opened at 6-4.75, which he made on his second attempt, and then had an initial clearance at 6-6.75, which was good for second. His second attempt at 6-8.75 was very close, just folding on it after he cleared his hips. Kasey and Alex also jumped well, clearing 4-9 and 4-7, respectively.

In other events: Joe 200 (22.77) 4x4 (23.7-29). Chris 60 (7.70) 4x2 (25.4) 4x4 (25.9-30.3). Matt 4x2 (24.5) 200 (24.72). Jerome 4x2 (23.8). Kasey 4x2 (29.8). Desarae 4x2 (29.8) 800 (2:50.05). Jessica 4x2 (29.9). Logan 60 (7.44) 200 (23.90) 4x4 (25.7-28.8). Spencer SP (30-6.5) 200 (25.70). Ian 400 (57.56) 800 (2:18.56). Mikhail 400 (57.16) 200 (26.02).

Complete results

Joe's record-breaking run:

Monday, February 9, 2015

Week 15 workouts

2/9 KC/Pettit. Joe went to Pettit and ran 5x200 at 27-28 target. Spencer, Kasey, Chris, Jessica, Desarae and Matt hurdled. Warmed up with rotations, swings and cycles, jump rope, 3x10 bounds, 2x5 single leg extensions, 2x10 rail runs. Matt did some trail leg work on the side with Levi. Hurdle drills were 4- and 6-step power hurdles with a mini hurdle in front to catch any lead leg swingers. Women worked from 22 up to 33 with tipped hurdle rail about 5.5 feet away on 6-step. Men worked up to 36 with short hurdle at 6 feet on 6-step. 2x5 up and back with varied number of hurdles and spacing, working on tracking the hurdle to minimize stutters and slow downs. Rolled and stretched.

2/10 KC. Jerome, Spencer, Kasey and Alex worked HJ. 15-minute warm up, then several U-turns, short approach ramp jumps and several fulls near opening height and then several higher bars. Kasey nearly cleared 5-0, Jerome made 6-5.5 and Alex had a near miss at 4-7. Spencer checked out early for some LJ work. Men's hurdlers did a circuit with medball and jump rope.

2/11 KC. Desarae, Jessica, Levi and Mikhail did some high hurdle training. Desarae and Jessica warmed up with hip mobility, Russian boxes, glute-ham raises, deadlifts, long hops and push ups. Jump rope, skips, skaters, stride, pickup and bounding strides followed. Block starts over 1, block starts over 3 and block starts over 4 followed. Jess worked on 3-step (-3" -1'), Des worked on quick 4-step, Levi worked with Mikhail over 36, 39 and 42s for H1 and H2. Mikhail made some nice improvements; Levi looked good throughout; Des ran with consistency and confidence; Jess made a rapid transition to 3-step, but most splits were not as fast with 4s. More upside potential with 3s, though. Foam rolled.

2/12 KC. Joe, Matt and Chris did high hurdle training. Warm up consisted of jump rope, swings and cycles, skips, stride. 4-step into 1-step 27 up to 36. 3x3H 5-step 42. Block start 1H, 2H, 3H, 4H, 2H. Bands: trail, lead, hip thrust, push up. Foam roll.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Parkside: Kasey continues climb; Jerome gets another win

2/7 Kenosha. Jerome wins a lot of high jump competitions. No exception here as he made 6-6.75. Kasey got another PR, with 4-11.75 on her second attempt, moving her to #3 all time and good for 3rd in the meet. Alex also had a good day, getting a season best 4-7.75, less than an inch off her PR, which placed her 5th. Also in HJ, Spencer finished 4th at 5-7.

In hurdles, Joe was 5th in 8.02/8.07, hitting hurdles 1 and 2 in the final but making a good recovery. Matt was the best of the rest, narrowly missing the final with his 8.79 in 9th. Spencer got a PR 8.97 (11th) and Chris 9.41 (15th). In women's hurdles, Jessica ran 9.68 (10th) and Desarae 13.38 (18th).

Other events: Chris 200 (24.62), 400r (24.9/28.4). Matt 200 (25,09). Ian 200 (25.94) 400r (26.7/30). Mikhail 200 (25.70) PV (NH) LJ (17-9). Jessica 200 (28.95) 400r (29.7/33.9). Desarae 200 (29.81). Kasey 200 (29.88) 400r (31.2/36.8). The 4x4 women's team surpassed its indoor school record for the second week in a row.

Complete results

Kasey's PR 1.52

Monday, February 2, 2015

Week 14 workouts

2/2 KC. Joe, Matt, Chris, Spencer, Kasey, Jessica, Desarae and Mikhail (and later Austen) trained for 400H. Warm up consisted of jump rope, swings/cycles, skips, stride, push ups, Focused tightly on technical issues. For most, getting hip displacement at take off -- leading with head, hand, knee; keeping the lead leg and trail leg moving. Started with some low 4-step power hurdles, working up to 33s. 5x3H relative spacing (7-step). 5x2H relative spacing (9-step). Kettlebell step ups, single leg deads, straddle squats, jump squats, hip thrusts. Band work: trail, lead, hip thrust, push ups. Stretch and roll.

2/3 KC. 100 jump rope, takeoff skips on curve, 10-step pickups, pit arches, backovers, 4-step ramp jumps to work on layout, run throughs, full jumps. Had some good jumps at moderate heights and higher bars. Spencer, Jerome, Alex and Kasey were joined later by Mikhail and Adriana. Mikehail worked about a foot back from Kasey's mark. Adriana worked off Kasey's midpoint for a 6-step approach. Jerome, Alex and Mikhail did some single-leg low box to high box jumps.

2/4 KC. Desarae and Jessica were joined by Mikhail, who worked with Levi on some hurdle mechanics. Warm up consisted of 100 jump rope, swings and cycles, skips and strides, pickup and acceleration. Some block starts were followed by starts over H1 (bests: Des 2.23, Jess PR 2.18). 30m acceleration for Des PR 4.48, Jess PR 4.47. 2x8.5m fly (bests: Des PR 1.11 - 7.66mps , Jess PR 1.04 - 8.17mps). 4x3H (split bests: Des 1.62, Jess 1.40). Kettlebell: swings, split squats, goblet squats, walking lunges. Core work: wipers, knee hugs, plank.

2/5 KC. Joe, Matt, Chris and Spencer trained tonight. Levi did some hurdle reps later. Warm up included 2x4 deadlifts. 3x3H 5-step (39-39-42). 30m acceleration (bests: Joe PR 3.85, Chris PR 3.95, Matt PR 4.02). 4x1 starts (bests: Joe PR 2.02, Matt PR 2.06, Chris 2.22). 4x3H (bests: Joe =PR 1.26, Matt PR 1.33, Spencer PR 1.36, Chris 1.43).Kettlebell series. Foam rolling. Exceptional practice session. Consistency was good and performances on our metrics were great -- lots of PRs. Still some work to do technically, but progress continued.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Northern Michigan: Joe, Jerome notch wins; Kasey gets HJ PR

1/31 Marquette, MI. Jerome won HJ at 6-6 and Joe took the 55H (8.14/7.91) Kasey leaped a PR 4-10.25 (#4 all time) for 3rd in HJ. Alex had some good attempts at 4-6.25 but no heighted. Spencer also no heighted and but had some close ones at the 5-10 opening. In hurdles, Jessica had a PR 9.50/9.63 (#3 all time) for 6th, and Desarae ran a PR 10.70, just .02 off the top 10 list. On the men's side, Matt ran a PR 8.64/8.63 (#8 all time) for 7th. Chris ran 9.06 and Spencer 9.17. Also of note, Kasey (67.8), Jessica (63.8) and Desarae (72.2) teamed with Adriana (70.4) to set an MSOE indoor school record in the 4x4 (4:34.18).

In other events, Alex 200 (35.11) and 4x2 with Kasey. 4x4s: Joe (24/28.7), Chris (25.9/29.4), Matt (25.9/30.5), Spencer (26.9/30), Ian (26.4/31). Ian also ran 400 (58.56) and 200 (25.93). Spencer SP (8.91). Logan 55 (6.70/6.95).

On 4x4s, Kasey, Desarae and Joe were on target for first 200. Nearly everyone else was a little hot -- about a second too fast. Chris was out about a second too slow. Better balance should result in faster times.

Men's results
Women's results

Kasey's 1.48 jump. Good run up and plant. Could get better arm drive and more lift by having arms pulled back on penultimate for a longer, more forceful drive on takeoff. Folded a bit early, causing the brush with the bar after clearance.

Joe's prelim shows a good lead leg but a trail leg that pauses and doesn't get much drive.

Trail leg finished much better here in the final.

Jess can save a little time on each hurdle by having some lead leg bend and earlier cut down.

Matt gets out well and made some good improvements since his last race but could push forward more at takeoff and keep the lead arm and lead leg moving -- now pausing on top of every hurdle.

Good jump here for Jerome at 6-6, but he folds a little early, which also affected attempts at 6-8.

Alex stepped out of the curve here, which left her too far out to make this bar.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 13 workouts

1/26 Pettit. Joe, Chris, Matt, Jessica, Kasey, Desarae did 400 training. Spencer was present but ill. Jogged a lap for warm up, did leg swings, 50m stride, 50m pickup. 4x100 at opening 100 race pace. Everyone was right around target on all the reps. Rested 3 min between reps and 9 min before 3x200 on 6 min recovery at second 200 pace for 400. Everyone handled that close to target, too. After final 200 a 30 sec recovery before a 40m all-out sprint. Jogged a cool down lap and stretched hamstrings, glutes, calf and quad. Finished at 5:50. Target paces: Joe 50, Matt and Chris 54, Jess 64, Kasey 66, Des 67.

1/27 KC. Jerome, Spencer, Kasey and Alex jumped. After a 2-min warm up, a few run-throughs and U-turns. Took a jump or two at an opening height and then worked upward, ending with a couple jumps at very challenging heights. Kasey cleared a bar that equaled her PR of 4-9. Alex cleared 4-5 and had some good jumps at 4-7. Spencer was over 5-5 and had a close attempt at 5-7. Jerome cleared 6-3 and barely rattled off a bar at 6-7. Kept the volume somewhat low, focusing on some higher bars.

1/28 KC. Desarae and Jessica worked high hurdles. Warmed up with circles, swings, cycles, Russian boxes, trap bar squat jumps. 4x3H 5-step, 4x3H 1/2-space 3-step, 3x2H tandem starts, 3x4H solo. Hand splits were around mid-1.4 for Jess and mid-1.5 for Des. Circuit: 2x 100 jump rope, 5+5 split squat jumps, 10 push ups,2x4 hurdle hops. Foam rolling and stretching.

1/29 KC. Joe, Matt, Chris and Spencer trained high hurdles. Warm up / Strength Circuit (1 set)
Hip mobility: alternating leg walkovers forward and backward, sideovers left and right, over/under; 10x Glute-ham raise; 5x Trap-bar jump squat; 10x Box drive. 5-step 3x3 hurdles. First set at 39. Rest at 42. Falling start over H1 (42), 3-pt start over H2 (42) (regular spacing), Block start over H3 (42) (regular spacing), Block start over H4 (42) (-1 for H2, -2 for H3, -3 for H4), Block start over H3 (39) (keep at -1), Block start over H2 (39) (keep at -1), Block start over H1 (39), 3x3 bench press (85%)
Follow each set of bench with 3x L+R reverse leg press (4 to 6 plates). Foam rolling / stretching

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 12 workouts

1/19 KC. 400Hers trained tonight: Joe, Chris, Matt, Ian, Jessica, Kasey and Desarae. Warm up was circles, swings, cycles, skips and 40-40 jump rope. 4H walkovers, hangovers, skipovers, jogovers -- left and right lead legs. 4-step power hurdles, left and right. 2-step hurdles. 10x2H race speed equivalents for 15-17-19 spacing. 15s at 36, 17s at 33, 19s at 27. Kettlebell: 2 sets of 10x lunge walk, single leg deadlift, swing, raised squat, hip thrust. Foam roll / stretch.

1/20 KC. High jumpers Kasey, Alex, Madeline, Jerome and Spencer warmed up for 20 minutes then did some jump-turn drills and short-approach jumps, working on plant angle and jumping straight up and then turning by driving the lead knee toward the opposite shoulder. Women took about 8 to 10 jumps with the bar set in 4-4 to 4-6 range. Spencer worked in 5-6 to 5-8 range, and Jerome in 6-2 to 6-6 range.

1/21 KC. Jessica and Desarae warmed up and then did hurdle mobility, 2x5x200 deadlift, 10x box drive and posts. 3x5H elevators. Block starts. 2x4H tandem starts. Mini-circuit with 10-10 single leg jump rope, split squat jumps, skaters. Foam rolling. Des made progress on smoothing out her 4-step and carried more speed. Jess made progress on her start and ran some good, crisp reps on hurdles.

1/22 KC. Joe, Spencer, Chris and Matt warmed up with jumping jacks, squat jacks, swings and cycles followed by hurdle mobility, deadlifts, box drive and push ups. 3x4H elevators. 3x1H progression. 3x4H (-1) (42-42-39). Mini-circuit: 12L + 12R jump rope, 6x split squat jump, 12x skater, shin walks, 12x KB swing. Matt did some additional hurdle reps, working on lead leg mechanics and speed, lead arm drive, flatter trail leg pull through. Foam rolled.

1/23 KC. Super circuit for Joe, Matt, Chris, Spencer, Jessica and Desarae with special guest Cody. 20x jumping jacks, 10x high-low plank, 10x push up, 5x box jump - freeze,10x box drive, x pull up, 10x glute ham raise, 10x Russian box, 3x hurdle mobility, 5x10-step hills, 10x back extension, 5x dumbbell jump squat, 5x bench press, 10x reverse leg press, 500m rowing, 40x med ball chest pass, 10x KB step up, 10x KB swing, 10x KB single-leg deadlift, 5x 4H hops, 100x jump rope, foam rolling, stretch (quad, glute, ham, calf).

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Carthage: Joe goes PR in 55H

1/17 Kenosha. Joe shaved .03 off his previous best, lowering his #2 all-time 55H time with a 2nd place finish in 7.84, following an 8.03 run in the trials. Jessica jumped onto the all time list for 55H with her 9.86/9.77 8th place finish, which is #4 all time. Desarae 4-stepped for the first time in the 55H with her 11.46. Back on the men's side, Matt 8.92 and Chris 9.03. In HJ, Jerome was 2nd on misses at 6-6.75. For the women, Kasey nearly equaled her PR but a slight brush left her with 4-7 jump, just outside the top 8. Alex jumped 4-3. Most ran 200s at this meet. Joe 23.13, Chris 24.77, Matt 24.82, Ian 26.64, Jessica 29.50, Kasey 30.85, Desarae 31.44. In 400, Ian 60.33 (28.9/31.43). In 4x4, Kasey 69.8 (32.1/37.7), Chris 55.2 (26.6/28.6).

Complete results

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 11 workouts

1/13 KC. Spencer, Jerome, Madeline, Kasey and Alex warmed up with 40-40-10-10 jump rope, 1/2 3-pt line takeoff skips, 1/2 3-pt line accel with pop off, rim/net jumps, rim/net jumps with turn and tuck, full run throughs, short approach jumps working on various high jump components: arm setup/drive, plant angle, lean away, looking at far standard, knee drive up and away, ankle to bar (heel tuck). 3-4 full jumps working on all of the above. Spencer left for throws before doing the short approach jumps (sore hamstring). Kasey left after short approach jumps for class. Madeline left after fulls for PV. Jerome and Alex did a stair workout -- lunges, side steps, skaters, double leg 1-step, double 2-step, double 3-step, double 4-step (Jerome), (Jerome did a 6-step), single 1-step. Stair stretches: glute, hip, ham, quad.

1/14 KC. Jessica and Desarae warmed up with circles, swings, skips and then 2 sets of hurdle mobility, Russian boxes, deadlifts, box drives and post ups. Drill work consisted of 4-step power hurdles (27), working both left and right lead legs, making technical improvements. 3-step hurdles (27 -6), working primarily on the oppo. Tandem starts over H1 (27-30-33...). Tandem starts over 2 (33-27). Need to get Jess more comfortable and powerful from blocks. Des needs more confidence and consistency but is beginning to show flashes of what can be. Both made some good progress on the oppo and in getting down more quickly off the hurdles, which often is hampered by taking off too close. Finished with a circuit of 10-10 jump rope, lead and trail leg bands, split squat jumps, skaters, lunges, shin walks and hurdle hops. Foam rolling.

1/15 KC. Joe, Matt and Chris did 40-40 jump rope, swings and cycles, hurdle pullovers, skips. 4-step power hurdles, working on some technical issues (Chris - lead leg cutdown; Matt - lead leg knee drive and lead arm drive; Joe - trail leg finish). 3-step (39 -5), working on same technical issues. Tandem starts over H1 and H2. Circuit: 10-10 jump rope, lead and trail leg bands, split squat jumps, pushups, skaters, lunges, kb swings, kb step ups, shin walks and hurdle hops. Foam rolling.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Chicago: Strong showing in team's first indoor

1/10  At Chicago. Jerome won HJ with a 6-7.5 jump, which ranks 7th in DIII. Joe was runner up in 60H (6.65/6.66), which ranks 38th in DIII. Other place winners on the men's side were Matt 6th 60H (9.71/9.60 #10 all time) and Chris 7th 60H (9.78/9.73). Spencer ran 9.88 60H and 5-7.75 HJ with a sore hamstring. For the women, Kasey led the way with a 6th in HJ (4-8.75), Jessica finished 7th in 60H (10.65/10.59 #2 all time) and Alex tied for 7th in HJ (4-6.75). Desarae ran her first-ever 60H race in 13.14 (#8 all time). In other events, Joe 400r (NT), Logan 60 (7.60) 400r (NT), Chris 400r (24.8/29), Matt 400r (26.4/30.3), Ian 400 (27.9/31.4) 400r (27.6/29.7), Jerome 400r (26.5/27.4), Jessica 400r (30.7/35.1), Kasey 400r (32.9/38.2), Desarae 400 (33.9/40.4 1:14.29).

Full results

Monday, January 5, 2015

Week 10 workouts

1/5 KC. School was back in session and Joe, Matt, Spencer, Chris, Kasey, Desarae and Jessica were back for 400H training. After loosening up with joint circles, leg swings and cycles, the group did deadlifts (trap bar for me, straight bar for women) then box drive, push ups and post ups for 2 sets. Drill work included 5x4H 5-step (30), working on alignment and posture, and 4x4H 2-step (30w/33m). 3x8.5m flys. Bests: Kasey PR 7.73 meters per second, Desarae 7.59, Jessica 8.17, Joe 9.88, Matt 9.55, Spencer 8.59, Chris 9.24. 5x3H (30w/33m) at relative spacing for 15, 17 or 19 steps. Everyone hit the rhythm but Desarae, which is just a matter of improving the hurdling skill over time. Finished with a mini-circuit of jump rope (40 dbl, 10+10 sgl), lead and trail leg bands (10x ea), split squat jumps (5x). Foam rolling.

1/6 KC. Alex, Kasey, Jerome and Spencer rehearsed their meet warm up. After that, some crescent jumps and fulls around opening height. Didn't go higher as we worked on being a more conscious of getting up off the ground rather than getting across the bar. Everyone made some good adjustments and had some good jumps after a long break.

1/7 KC. Jessica and Desarae rehearsed meet warm up routine, which led into multiple starts over H1 to work out some issues with blocks and rhythm. Moved out to H2 and H3 after gaining some consistency with H1. 4x3H, taking split times. Bests: Jessica 1.40 and Des 1.65. Differential with the fly sprint times were .36 and .53, respectively. Lower the differential, the better the hurdling. Best ones we've tested in the Kern Center were around .20 differential. On a percentage basis, the better hurdlers convert in the 80 to 90% range. For Jess and Des, those numbers are at 75% and 68%, respectively. Because Jess and Des are 4-steppers, getting a better oppo will be the easiest way to reduce the differential and increasing the speed conversion percentage.

1/8 KC. Spencer, Chris, Joe and Matt worked high hurdles. Pre-race warm up rehearsal, then 3x3 against the clock. Bests: Spencer 1.38, Matt 1.38, Chris PR 1.42, Joe 1.2 (hand time). 3x2 tandem starts. Circuit: 2x 40-10-10-40 jump rope, 20x push up, 10x split squat jump, 4x4 hurdle hops.