Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 11 workouts

1/13 KC. Spencer, Jerome, Madeline, Kasey and Alex warmed up with 40-40-10-10 jump rope, 1/2 3-pt line takeoff skips, 1/2 3-pt line accel with pop off, rim/net jumps, rim/net jumps with turn and tuck, full run throughs, short approach jumps working on various high jump components: arm setup/drive, plant angle, lean away, looking at far standard, knee drive up and away, ankle to bar (heel tuck). 3-4 full jumps working on all of the above. Spencer left for throws before doing the short approach jumps (sore hamstring). Kasey left after short approach jumps for class. Madeline left after fulls for PV. Jerome and Alex did a stair workout -- lunges, side steps, skaters, double leg 1-step, double 2-step, double 3-step, double 4-step (Jerome), (Jerome did a 6-step), single 1-step. Stair stretches: glute, hip, ham, quad.

1/14 KC. Jessica and Desarae warmed up with circles, swings, skips and then 2 sets of hurdle mobility, Russian boxes, deadlifts, box drives and post ups. Drill work consisted of 4-step power hurdles (27), working both left and right lead legs, making technical improvements. 3-step hurdles (27 -6), working primarily on the oppo. Tandem starts over H1 (27-30-33...). Tandem starts over 2 (33-27). Need to get Jess more comfortable and powerful from blocks. Des needs more confidence and consistency but is beginning to show flashes of what can be. Both made some good progress on the oppo and in getting down more quickly off the hurdles, which often is hampered by taking off too close. Finished with a circuit of 10-10 jump rope, lead and trail leg bands, split squat jumps, skaters, lunges, shin walks and hurdle hops. Foam rolling.

1/15 KC. Joe, Matt and Chris did 40-40 jump rope, swings and cycles, hurdle pullovers, skips. 4-step power hurdles, working on some technical issues (Chris - lead leg cutdown; Matt - lead leg knee drive and lead arm drive; Joe - trail leg finish). 3-step (39 -5), working on same technical issues. Tandem starts over H1 and H2. Circuit: 10-10 jump rope, lead and trail leg bands, split squat jumps, pushups, skaters, lunges, kb swings, kb step ups, shin walks and hurdle hops. Foam rolling.

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