Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 7: 12/18, 12/17, 12/15,12/14

12/18 KC. Brad did a shakeout for meet on Saturday. Warm up, minimal drill work (sliders, slowlows) before 3x1 (36-39-42), 3x2 (42-39, -1, -1/2, R). Stretching.

12/17 KC. Women hurdlers did a workout similar to men on Monday.

12/15 KC. HJers trained on their own.

12/14 KC. Chris and Spencer were the early shift. Joe and Brad the late shift. Early shift did warm up, then some trail leg mobility. 7x5 1-step (30/13). 5x2 block starts (2x39, 3x42). 5x6 speedbuilders (17 to 27). 3x5 kb walk, kb step up, pull up, kb jump squat. Late shift skipped the 1-steps and did some of the speedbuilders as their drill work. Stretched. Joe did some technical work on lead arm; Brad worked on lead leg timing and cycling -- and flatter trail leg; Chris worked on pushing into hurdle, cycling lead and getting it down; Spencer on lead leg knee pickup, cycling and overall alignment. Everyone had some improvements. Did some handtime splits on 42s at -1. Chris, Brad and Spencer all ran 1.25 or better. Joe ran 1.15 or better. Good stuff!

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