Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 12 workouts

1/19 KC. 400Hers trained tonight: Joe, Chris, Matt, Ian, Jessica, Kasey and Desarae. Warm up was circles, swings, cycles, skips and 40-40 jump rope. 4H walkovers, hangovers, skipovers, jogovers -- left and right lead legs. 4-step power hurdles, left and right. 2-step hurdles. 10x2H race speed equivalents for 15-17-19 spacing. 15s at 36, 17s at 33, 19s at 27. Kettlebell: 2 sets of 10x lunge walk, single leg deadlift, swing, raised squat, hip thrust. Foam roll / stretch.

1/20 KC. High jumpers Kasey, Alex, Madeline, Jerome and Spencer warmed up for 20 minutes then did some jump-turn drills and short-approach jumps, working on plant angle and jumping straight up and then turning by driving the lead knee toward the opposite shoulder. Women took about 8 to 10 jumps with the bar set in 4-4 to 4-6 range. Spencer worked in 5-6 to 5-8 range, and Jerome in 6-2 to 6-6 range.

1/21 KC. Jessica and Desarae warmed up and then did hurdle mobility, 2x5x200 deadlift, 10x box drive and posts. 3x5H elevators. Block starts. 2x4H tandem starts. Mini-circuit with 10-10 single leg jump rope, split squat jumps, skaters. Foam rolling. Des made progress on smoothing out her 4-step and carried more speed. Jess made progress on her start and ran some good, crisp reps on hurdles.

1/22 KC. Joe, Spencer, Chris and Matt warmed up with jumping jacks, squat jacks, swings and cycles followed by hurdle mobility, deadlifts, box drive and push ups. 3x4H elevators. 3x1H progression. 3x4H (-1) (42-42-39). Mini-circuit: 12L + 12R jump rope, 6x split squat jump, 12x skater, shin walks, 12x KB swing. Matt did some additional hurdle reps, working on lead leg mechanics and speed, lead arm drive, flatter trail leg pull through. Foam rolled.

1/23 KC. Super circuit for Joe, Matt, Chris, Spencer, Jessica and Desarae with special guest Cody. 20x jumping jacks, 10x high-low plank, 10x push up, 5x box jump - freeze,10x box drive, x pull up, 10x glute ham raise, 10x Russian box, 3x hurdle mobility, 5x10-step hills, 10x back extension, 5x dumbbell jump squat, 5x bench press, 10x reverse leg press, 500m rowing, 40x med ball chest pass, 10x KB step up, 10x KB swing, 10x KB single-leg deadlift, 5x 4H hops, 100x jump rope, foam rolling, stretch (quad, glute, ham, calf).

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