Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Recovery days

Recovery days should involve actions to help you restore and rehab. Here are some options:

Foam rolling: Break down tight spots with foam rollers on second level of KC as well as track area.
Stretching: Grab a mat in track area or second level of KC to improve flexibility. Before practice, we do a variety of dynamic stretches (with movement). Recovery days are good for static stretches.
No-impact cardio: Get movement and circulation of sore areas by using bikes, rowing, elliptical machines on second level of Kern Center. Performing 15-20 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio the day after a high-intensity workout helps return leg strength faster than doing little or nothing. If rowing, do 2 or 3 sets of 4 to 5 minutes -- or just do a set or two and move to bike or elliptical. 

Low-impact cardio: On Viets field, run long sides and walk short sides. Keep the running at a pace that is moderate -- allowing you to still speak a full sentence without losing your breath after a rep. After 2x around, walk a long side for a longer recovery between sets. Do 2 or 3 sets.

Mobility: Work out problem areas with mobility exercises. Mobility Wod offers a variety of videos that target problems and movements: http://www.mobilitywod.com/episodes/

Therapy: Visit Sports Medicine staff for treatment of injuries, aches and pains, including ice bath.

Rest: Sometimes full rest is warranted when extremely fatigued or hurting. Stay off your feet. Take a nap.

Nutrition: Use the day to make smart choices in what you eat. Low-fat protein (at least 1 gram per pound of bodyweight), whole grains, nuts and seeds (handful), fresh fruit and vegetables (5 a day). Men should drink about 3 liters (5 20-oz bottles) of water a day, women 2 liters (about 3 20-oz bottles). Avoid high-fat, sugary and processed foods.

Yoga: Here is a 14-min routine you can play on your phone or laptop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibJdgtc9DKw

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