Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 22 workouts

3/30 MU. Joe, Spencer, Chris, Matt, Kasey, Des and Jess were there. We rushed a bit to beat the rain (nearly) and the La Crosse team, which came back out just after we left. Warm up was quick -- a lap jog followed by 3x1H up/back at about 10-20-30 meters. Main part of workout was 3x first three hurdles (115m) cruising (140m) into an attack to H7-8-9 (70m) on 8-10 min recovery. Most were near pace for first three, which was tough into wind and later rain, despite pulling them in a bit. Attack on final three was good, everyone was clean through those.

3/31 KC. Alex was the lone early starter. Worked some backovers off box and some short approach ramp jumps before taking a lot of fulls over 4-10 bungee. Levi had a sore ankle but took a few jumps around 5-10. Nate took his jumps around 6-2. Jerome around 6-7. Kasey around 4-10 but had some knee issues that cropped up last week. As part of "high jump appreciation day" guest jumpers Joe, Matt, Des and Jess did some backovers off the box and then some 4-step jumps. Matt and Des were doing pretty well. Joe and Jess, well, they're good hurdlers. Des stuck around and did some fulls around 4-4. Hurdlers did power circuit.

4/2 MU. Joe, Chris, Matt and Jess were out on this great day with mid-60s and sun and wind at our backs. Warm up of turf jog, hurdle mobility, leg swings, 50m stride-jog-pickup, 15m accel, 2H turf hurdles at close spacing. Main part of workout was 3x10H at decreasing spacing (-1, -2, -3) with 10 min recovery. Everyone made 3s, and we had some good technical improvements on some reps. Main emphasis, though, was just to maintain consistent rhythm and stride pattern throughout.

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