Sunday, February 1, 2015

Northern Michigan: Joe, Jerome notch wins; Kasey gets HJ PR

1/31 Marquette, MI. Jerome won HJ at 6-6 and Joe took the 55H (8.14/7.91) Kasey leaped a PR 4-10.25 (#4 all time) for 3rd in HJ. Alex had some good attempts at 4-6.25 but no heighted. Spencer also no heighted and but had some close ones at the 5-10 opening. In hurdles, Jessica had a PR 9.50/9.63 (#3 all time) for 6th, and Desarae ran a PR 10.70, just .02 off the top 10 list. On the men's side, Matt ran a PR 8.64/8.63 (#8 all time) for 7th. Chris ran 9.06 and Spencer 9.17. Also of note, Kasey (67.8), Jessica (63.8) and Desarae (72.2) teamed with Adriana (70.4) to set an MSOE indoor school record in the 4x4 (4:34.18).

In other events, Alex 200 (35.11) and 4x2 with Kasey. 4x4s: Joe (24/28.7), Chris (25.9/29.4), Matt (25.9/30.5), Spencer (26.9/30), Ian (26.4/31). Ian also ran 400 (58.56) and 200 (25.93). Spencer SP (8.91). Logan 55 (6.70/6.95).

On 4x4s, Kasey, Desarae and Joe were on target for first 200. Nearly everyone else was a little hot -- about a second too fast. Chris was out about a second too slow. Better balance should result in faster times.

Men's results
Women's results

Kasey's 1.48 jump. Good run up and plant. Could get better arm drive and more lift by having arms pulled back on penultimate for a longer, more forceful drive on takeoff. Folded a bit early, causing the brush with the bar after clearance.

Joe's prelim shows a good lead leg but a trail leg that pauses and doesn't get much drive.

Trail leg finished much better here in the final.

Jess can save a little time on each hurdle by having some lead leg bend and earlier cut down.

Matt gets out well and made some good improvements since his last race but could push forward more at takeoff and keep the lead arm and lead leg moving -- now pausing on top of every hurdle.

Good jump here for Jerome at 6-6, but he folds a little early, which also affected attempts at 6-8.

Alex stepped out of the curve here, which left her too far out to make this bar.

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