Monday, May 11, 2015

Week 28 workouts

5/11 KC. Joe warmed up with hurdle mobility and 3x5 extended space 5-step hurdles and a couple warm up starts over 1-2. Starts over 1-2-3-4-4-3-3. Split times in 1.17-1.25 range. Foam rolled.

5/12 KC. Jerome warmed up and worked on foot plant angle and turning in air rather than on ground. Did well with that, hitting the takeoff point correctly on all but one jump. This helped avoid the long last step and premature layout, quickening the rotation around the bar. Jumps were taken on a bungee set around 6-6.

5/15 KC. Jerome did a low-impact circuit with jump rope, hurdle mobility, medball wall throws, 5x5 bench and single-leg presses, jump rope and stretching/rolling.

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