Monday, February 16, 2015

Week 16 workouts

2/16 KC.
High jumpers and hurdlers did a circuit in track area.
01x hu over/under
40x jr double-leg
10x rb hip thrust
40x mb chest to wall
10x kb swings
05x tuck jumps
01x hu alternating walkover
40x jr alternating-leg
10x rb L+R trail leg
20x mb overhead to wall
10x kb step ups
10x bounding strides
01x hu L sideover
10x jr L+R
10x rb L+R lead leg
10x mb slams
05x kb L+R single-leg deadlift
10x high skips
01x hu R sideover
10x jr up and back running steps
??x rb push ups
40x mb scoop to wall
10x kb goblet squats
10x long skips
Foam rolling and stretching

2/17 KC. Jerome, Alex, Kasey and Spencer did some HJ training. Individual pre-meet warm up. Individualized jumping. Jerome mostly rested his aching shins, but worked on a more consistent rhythm in the approach that got rid of the long last step. Spencer left for LJ about half way through and worked on getting more from his arms. He did a good job getting inverted today. Kasey left for class at 5:15 and had some good jumps at 5-foot bungees. Alex did the most jumping, working on getting a takeoff point closer to the bar to avoid jumping in.

2/18 KC. Des, Jess, Spencer, Joe, Matt and Chris did their own hurdle warm ups and then did 1x1-2-3-4. Finished with 3x3 kb swings, jump squats, plyo push ups. Quality of hurdle reps was very good, which was reflected in split times. Joe ran in mid-1.1s and very clean. Spencer and Chris were consistent at mid-1.3s, and Chris had good separation between lead and trail legs today. Matt ran around 1.3 and made some good improvements in his lead arm action and trail leg finish. Jess ran in 1.4 to 1.5 range. Des was consistent at 1.5.

2/19 KC. Those not running Friday, did sprint recovery workout. Others rested or did a warm up and shakeout. Levi did a full warm up and then tested out on major metrics. 30m accel (4.19), fly sprint (9.62 mps), hurdle start (2.13) and hurdle split (1.17 -- fastest ever run in KC).

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