Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Default workouts

When you need to train on your own, use these workouts:

High jump - Kern Center
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips, etc.)
  2. General ground work (takeoff skips, circle runs, pop turns, etc.)
  3. Pit exercises (arches, backovers, flips, etc.)
  4. Short-approach, focused jumps (plant angle, attack, layout, etc.) (3-6x)
  5. Run throughs (3-6x)
  6. Full jumps (6-9x)
  7. Flexibility
High hurdles - Kern Center
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips)
  2. Sprint warm up (pick ups, accelerations)
  3. Hurdle drills (5 step, 1 step or ½ space quick 3s)
  4. Hurdle speed (starts over 1 to 4 hurdles)
  5. Hurdle conditioning (up/back or quick turnarounds)
  6. Stretch and roll
400 hurdles

Kern Center
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips)
  2. Sprint warm up (pick ups, accelerations)
  3. Hurdle warm up (1H up/back of increasing run-in distance)
  4. Hurdle race modeling (10x3H relative spacing* -- walk around recovery)
  5. Hurdle conditioning (5x up/back 2H at random spacing, 1 min rest, relaxed speed)
  6. Stretch and roll
* Set hurdles on black marks labeled 15, 17 or 19, depending on your pattern.


Viets Field (take 4 plastic hurdles out to field)
  1. General warm up (swings, strides, skips)
  2. Sprint warm up (pick ups, accelerations)
  3. Hurdle warm up (3x 1H up/back of increasing run-in distance)
  4. Hurdle race modeling (3-5x 2H up/back close to regular spacing)*
  5. Hurdle oppo work (3-5x 4H -- 7-8 steps apart for 3-step)
* H1 3 steps past second dark line; H2 3 steps in from third dark line. Start at white endlines.

  1. 50-50 Jump rope (or imitation jump rope - 50 double leg, 50 alternating leg)
  2. Hurdle mobility (alternating, same leg L+R, side L+R, over/under L+R)
  3. 08x Russian box (4 L + 4 R)
  4. 08x Glute-ham raise
  5. 04x Trap-bar deadlift (moderate weight)
  6. 08x Box drive (switching legs for height)
  7. ??x Max push ups (as many as you can do)
  8. 08x KB step ups (4 L + 4 R, moderate to light weight)
  9. 04x Tuck jump
  10. 08x KB swings (moderate weight)
  11. 08x Scissor jump (4 L +4 R)
  12. 08x KB goblet squat (moderate weight)
  13. 04x Squat jump
  14. 08x KB single-leg deadlift (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
  15. 04x Lunge jump (4 L +4 R)
  16. 08x KB lunge walk (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
  17. 04x Standing long jump
  18. 08x Plank jacks (plank position, legs out/in)
  19. 08x Scorpion (4 L + 4 R)
  20. 08x Bends (down dog > baby cobra)

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