Monday, March 23, 2015

Week 21 workouts

3/23 KC. Hurdlers did a circuit.
16x Jumping jacks
08x Squat jacks
Hurdle mobility (alternating, same leg L+R, side L+R, over/under L+R)
08x Russian box (4 L + 4 R)
08x Glute-ham raise
04x Trap-bar deadlift (moderate weight)
08x Box drive (switching legs for height)
??x Max push ups (as many as you can do)
08x KB step ups (4 L + 4 R, moderate to light weight)
04x Tuck jump
08x KB swings (moderate weight)
08x Scissor jump (4 L + 4 R)
08x KB goblet squat (moderate weight)
04x Squat jump
08x KB single-leg deadlift (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
04x Lunge jump (4 L +4 R)
08x KB lunge walk (4 L + 4 R, light weight)
04x Standing long jump
08x Plank jacks (plank position, legs out/in)
08x Scorpion (4 L + 4 R)
08x Bends (down dog; baby cobra)

Chris and Matt did some technical work on high hurdle issues. Progress was good on 36-inch hurdles run at moderate speed on women's marks.

3/25 KC. Jess, Des and Levi trained early. Joe, Matt, Chris, Spencer late. Warm up consisted of 50-50 jump rope, skips and swings. 3x3H at -5. 4x4H (-3" height w, -1' spacing m). 1-2x H1 for 400H. 5x3H relative spacing followed by 80m jog and 40m walk. 3x8-10 KB series: swings, split squats, step ups. Stretch/roll.

3/26 KC. Spencer, Nate, Jerome, Kasey and Alex jumped. Did a couple rounds of 3 short approach jumps to work on some technical issues and then carried that into 3 rounds of 3 fulls. Kasey and Alex were jumping at 4-6, 4-8, 4-10 on their respective rounds, Kasey clearing 4-10 twice and Alex coming very close once. Spencer worked at 5-8. Nate's rounds were 5-10, 6-0, 6-2. Jerome jumped 6-2 then 6-5.

3/27 KC. Joe, Matt, Levi, Des, Jess, Becki and later, Spencer practiced high hurdles. Warm up of circles, swings and high-knee work. 3x3 (-3" -4') 3-step. 3x1 starts with 15y finish. 3x4 (-3"w, -1' men). 3x5 bench and reverse leg press. Stretch/roll. Becki worked on the side, learning basic hurdle technique. Everyone had some good reps, continuing to make some progress on fixing some mechanics.

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