Sunday, April 12, 2015

WLC: Jessica's 100H PR gets 3rd, big HJ PR for Alex

4/11 Wauwatosa. Jessica 3-stepped half the race en route to a PR 16.76 in 100H and PR in 400H (72.66) for 7th, Kasey got a 400H PR75.29 (#5 all time). In HJ, Alex cleared a PR4-11 for 4th, and Kasey jumped the same height for 5th on misses. Des ran a PR 19.01 in 100H.

Jessica 72.66 (7th PR #3 all time) 16.76 (3rd PR #4 all time)
Alex 4-11 (4th PR =#4 all time)
Kasey 4-11 (5th) 75.29 (9th PR #5 all time)
Desarae 80.09 (12th) 19.01 (9th PR #10 all time)

Competing unattached, Holly ran 70.35 and 16.80.

Complete results

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