Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 13 workouts

1/26 Pettit. Joe, Chris, Matt, Jessica, Kasey, Desarae did 400 training. Spencer was present but ill. Jogged a lap for warm up, did leg swings, 50m stride, 50m pickup. 4x100 at opening 100 race pace. Everyone was right around target on all the reps. Rested 3 min between reps and 9 min before 3x200 on 6 min recovery at second 200 pace for 400. Everyone handled that close to target, too. After final 200 a 30 sec recovery before a 40m all-out sprint. Jogged a cool down lap and stretched hamstrings, glutes, calf and quad. Finished at 5:50. Target paces: Joe 50, Matt and Chris 54, Jess 64, Kasey 66, Des 67.

1/27 KC. Jerome, Spencer, Kasey and Alex jumped. After a 2-min warm up, a few run-throughs and U-turns. Took a jump or two at an opening height and then worked upward, ending with a couple jumps at very challenging heights. Kasey cleared a bar that equaled her PR of 4-9. Alex cleared 4-5 and had some good jumps at 4-7. Spencer was over 5-5 and had a close attempt at 5-7. Jerome cleared 6-3 and barely rattled off a bar at 6-7. Kept the volume somewhat low, focusing on some higher bars.

1/28 KC. Desarae and Jessica worked high hurdles. Warmed up with circles, swings, cycles, Russian boxes, trap bar squat jumps. 4x3H 5-step, 4x3H 1/2-space 3-step, 3x2H tandem starts, 3x4H solo. Hand splits were around mid-1.4 for Jess and mid-1.5 for Des. Circuit: 2x 100 jump rope, 5+5 split squat jumps, 10 push ups,2x4 hurdle hops. Foam rolling and stretching.

1/29 KC. Joe, Matt, Chris and Spencer trained high hurdles. Warm up / Strength Circuit (1 set)
Hip mobility: alternating leg walkovers forward and backward, sideovers left and right, over/under; 10x Glute-ham raise; 5x Trap-bar jump squat; 10x Box drive. 5-step 3x3 hurdles. First set at 39. Rest at 42. Falling start over H1 (42), 3-pt start over H2 (42) (regular spacing), Block start over H3 (42) (regular spacing), Block start over H4 (42) (-1 for H2, -2 for H3, -3 for H4), Block start over H3 (39) (keep at -1), Block start over H2 (39) (keep at -1), Block start over H1 (39), 3x3 bench press (85%)
Follow each set of bench with 3x L+R reverse leg press (4 to 6 plates). Foam rolling / stretching

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