Monday, April 20, 2015

Week 25 workouts

4/20 KC. Indoor no-impact circuit.
500m rowing
Hurdle mobility
-sideover L+R
-forward L+R
-backward L+R
-over/under L+R
Medball wall throws (25x each)
-situp overhead
-5x trap-bar deadlift (challenging weight)
-8x hip thrust L+R with a foot on box, other straight up, hold top 2 sec.
-1x depletion push ups (max - 90 sec - max - 90 sec - max)

4/21 KC. Alex, Nate, Kasey, Spencer and Jerome jumped. Did 4-5x ramp jumps off 6-step to look at some higher bars and get more time to work on holding the top. Followed with 4-5x fulls without ramp -- also at some higher bungee heights. Spencer got his arms involved and had some great ramp jumps, but it didn't carry over into fulls. Jerome's ramp jumps were around 7-6, Nate 6-10, Spencer 6-8, Alex and Kasey around 5-8. Fulls were around PR height.

4/22 KC. Joe, Chris, Matt, Des and Jess did circles, swings, skips, stride, hurdle mobility, 3x3 5step, 3x3 3 step -3, 1-2-3-4-5 from blocks, 3x3 relative spacing, 3x2 random. 3x10 pushups and KB swings. Stretch/roll. Joe still had some tendon pain but was able to get over a few hurdles at moderate speed and did accelerations out to 16 steps.

4/23 VF. Circuit
01x jog long side
20x push ups 
01x jog short side
20x bodyweight squats to parallel
01x stride long side
01x walk short side
10x burpees
01x walk short side
01x pickup short side
01x jog short side
10x tuck jumps (knees to chest, quick off ground)
01x jog short side
20x mountain climbers
01x stride long side
01x wall sit - 60 seconds
01x easy skip short side
20x lunge jumps - start in lunge position, jump, switching legs
01x walk short side
10x double-leg hops
01x walk remainder of short side
10x alternating arm-leg plank (L arm forward, R leg up)
01x pickup short side
10x push up jacks
01x walk short side
20x lunge walk on long side
01x stride remainder of long side
05x left hops - walk back
05x right hops - walk back
10x bounding strides
01x walk remainder of short side
5-10 min standing stretches: quad, hip, calf, hamstring (use walls, benches, rails)

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