Thursday, December 31, 2015

Week 9: 12/31, 12/30

12/31 KC. Joe warmed up, did a couple warm up starts and then an up-down ladder (1-2-3-4-4-3-2-1) at 30-33-36-39-42-42-39-36 (42s and back were -1). Splits were in low to mid-1.2 range. Adjusted the start somewhat to hit the takeoff point more consistently. Ended with kb walks (double, L, R), 20x box drive, 20x Russian boxes, 100x jump rope (40 double, 40 alternating, 10 left, 10 right). Rolled, stretched.

12/30 KC. Joe worked around the tables and chairs on track level. Warm up followed by 5x1 block starts at increasing hurdle heights. 10x5H at women's height and spacing to work on quickness and technical improvements. Strength work included 3x 10 kb swings, 10 step ups, 10 elevated push ups and 5 box drop pops.

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