Monday, March 9, 2015

Week 19 workouts

3/9 VF. A little more snow on the field than we would have liked, but temperature was near 50 and little breezy. Warm up included joint rotations, skips, strides, back and forth hurdle. 3xH1 +w. Set up some target times but emphasis was getting to takeoff on preferred leg. 3x2H down and back with about 20m run in, working on stride pattern between hurdles -- also with target times but with the wind, trainers and turf, we were lucky if we were close. Those who had been running high hurdles indoors definitely had a bit of an edge on hurdle technique. Some had good oppos. Finished up with 3x4H 3-step oppos at 8 yards men, 7 yards women. Inside, kettlebell swings, goblet squat, single-leg deadlifts, lunge walk, step up. Plyometric double-leg hops, single-leg hops, high skips, long skips. Stretching -- down dog, child's pose, baby cobra, wall calf stretch, inverted hamstring stretch.

3/10 KC. Alex and Spencer started at 4. Kasey, Jerome and Levi around 5. Individual warm up and then some work on technical issues. Spencer worked on arm drive, Alex holding takeoff angle (not turning on ground) with quicker arm drive, Kasey strengthening her arm drive and shortening the curve (moved back a foot), Jerome maintaining plant angle and stronger vertical, and Levi running more upright with knee drive and more speed. Some did some short approach work, some did bungee bars and some did some regular bars around opening height to a few higher bars.

3/11 KC. High hurdle training with Joe, Levi, Chris, Spencer, Matt, Jessica, [x] and Desarae. Warm up included jump rope, hip mobility, skips and strides. Drill work included 3x3H 3-step and then 3x7H speedbuilders up to -2 spacing (30/39). High-speed work was 3-4x4H at -1 (30/42). Strength and power work included band hip thrusts, lead and trail leg cycles. 2x6-10 KB hip thrusts, speed jerks, split squat w/elevated front leg, scissors jumps (unweighted). Stretch/roll.

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