Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 3: 11/19, 11/18, 11/17, 11/16

11/19 KC. Brad and Joe did high hurdle training. Mitch did all the workout except the 3-step work at the end. After warm up 8x 3-pt starts 5 steps (4L, 4R). Slowlows. 3x4H 5-stp. 5x4H 3-step (-6" -4'). 4x5H tb deadlifts, bb push presses, kb single-leg squats.

11/18 KC. Jess, Kim and Brad did high hurdle training. After warm up, 8x 3-pt starts out 5 steps. Four off right leg and four off left. Slowlows and then 4x4H (-6" -4'). 4x5 tb deadlifts, bb push presses, kb single-leg squats. Stretch/roll.

11/17 KC. Joe, Jess and Kim did a circuit. Brad and Kasey warmed up and did 10x HJ approaches -- some with U-turns, some with pop up. 10x net/rim jumps, 3x5 medball ups (double, single), 2x40-40-10-10 jump rope,

11/16 VF/KC. Joe, Jess and Kim did 400H workout on Viets. Warm up followed by 4x falling, hop and 3-pt starts, over 3, 4, 5 steps, respectively. Hurdling consisted of 4x running a long side with 4H, jogging a short side, running a diagonal, walking a short side and sprinting a 50 with 1H. Stretched. Inside strength work was 4x5 kb swings, kb rows, bb hang cleans. 5x L+R low to med box jumps (did some low to high box). Brad then went to horizontal jumps and Kasey to flexibility series.

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