Monday, November 9, 2015

Week 2: 11/13, 11/12, 11/10, 11/9

11/13 KC. KC Super Circuit, covering most of the building. 5x 1-minute cone turnover game with about 2 min recovery between sets.

11/12 KC. Warm up: circles, jax, fwd/bkw skips, A/B skips, straight-leg bounds, carioca, high knee march-jog-run. Accel: 4x falling (3-step), 3-pt (4), hop (5). H drills: cycles, stair post ups, 2-step power hurdles. Circuit: 4x 4H (-6" -4') - 10x kb swings - 5x bb clean&press - 10x Russian box - 10x lead and trail band pulls. Stretch.

11/10 VF/KC. Warm up: 30x jax, low walks, carioca, long skips, high skips, back runs, back skips, heel walk, single hops, hip thrust and flex series (bends, arches, bridges, abs). Semi-circle runs. Approach work: 1-step, 5-step, 10-step on straight. 10-step curve. Strength: bottom up squats, bb hang pull, plate halos. Spencer 10 / 6 / 29-6 / 62, Kasey 9 / 4-2 / 24-6 / 55, Brad 10 / 4-8 / 25 / 55

11/9 VF/KC. Circles; skips; hip circles, lifts and whips; Acceleration: wall drills 4x4 step L+R; 4x falling start L+R foot forward; 4x SLJ; Hurdle endurance: 3x100 (3 random 27s), walk endline, 150 diagonal, walk endline, 50 (1 random 27) -- walk around recovery between sets. Strength: 4x5 reverse leg press, bench press, single leg weighted back extension. Stretch.

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