Monday, November 2, 2015

Week 1: 11/2

11/2 VF/KC. Great weather with temps in the 60s and light breezes, so we were on Viets Field for most of the workout. Jess, Joe and Chris arrived late because of class, joining Spencer, Logan, Brad and Kim in progress. Warm up was followed by 8x8-step push up starts. Hurdle drills included lead and trail leg cycles, post ups, slow lows. Hurdle conditioning was 4x3x4H (27@24, 36@26) at relaxed speed with jog back on reps and walk down and back on sets. Inside strength work included 4x5 tb deadlifts, bb push presses and kb split squats. Stretched calf, quad, ham, hip. Some good adjustments made by most as we look to improve technical model, conditioning and strength throughout the month. Logan suffered a slight ham pull on trail leg. Tough way to start the year.

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