Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Week 9: 12/28, 12/26

12/28 KC. Noah did some foam rolling and then swings and cycles with some high schoolers who were in for training. Stride mechanics and bursts: march, skip, back skip, switch hop, dribbles. Wicket accels to H1. Hurdle drills: 1-steppers, 3-step march, 3-step elevator speedbuilders (up to 42). Starts over H1 and H2 (36" -1.5'). Noah is making good progress. Technique for this stage of development is good but intensity and speed need to be added going forward. Some good progress on finishing the trail leg and some progress on cycling the lead. Noah lifted after hurdling.

12/26 KC. Deven did 5 min bike warm up, 90-90, rolling, swings, cycles and a series of stride drills plus bursts: March, Skips, Switch-hops, High knees, Dribbles, Wickets. Accels with and without resistance. 1/2H skipover lead and trail, 1-steppers, 1/2space3s, 4- 6-step power hurdles. Relative 17s.  DL ISOs, KB swing, lunge, sgl DL, box2box step up, press, split squat, hi-lo walk, goblet squat. Rolling. Deven did well in working to cycle the lead and to stay tall coming off the hurdles.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Week 8: 12/21, 12/19, 12/18

12/21 KC. More HJ tonight -- Sam and Noah mixed in some HJ with sprint and PV, respectively. Keaton, Nick, Rachel and Michaela were there for the duration. Started with flexibility, fwd and bkw skips, L+R shuffle, 3-point line runs -- some with pop up, pop turns, takeoff skips, low walks. 4-step approach to sit on stacked mats, which we did primarily for Noah and Sam. Each jumper selected their own targets for improvement -- mostly at moderate heights. Finished with rudiments to strengthen ankles and lower legs (double and single mini hops with minimal knee flexion).

12/19 KC. Big group at the HJ pit tonight: Sam, Keaton, Nick, Noah, Maia, Bianca, Lea, Michaela and Rachel. Started with flexibility exercises and then some warm up skips and shuffles with jog backs. Ground drills were 3-pt-line runs, pop turns, takeoff skips and low walks. Pit drills were bridges, flipovers, backovers and 2-step jumps. Full run throughs followed and then 5-6x full jumps. Lea made a jump near 5-1. Rachel made 4-8 and was very close at 4-11. Michaela, Maia and Bianca worked around 4-8 as did Sam. Noah made 4-8 and took a few jumps at 4-11. Keaton made 5-4 and had some close ones at 5-7. Nick cleared 5-7 and took some good attempts at 5-11.

12/18 KC/VF. Deven was outside with sprint group for broken 375s and bodyweight exercises. Holly, Jess, Maia, Bianca, Noah and later Des worked high hurdles. Went through an extensive menu: cat-camels, cobra-dogs, 90-90s, fwd and side swings, A walk, burst, Bk walk, burst, side shuffles with bursts, fwd skips, bk skips, carioca L+R, high skips, straight leg bounds, bent leg bounds, wall drives, hurdle pushes, hop starts, 1/2 hurdle walkovers, hangers, 1/2-space3s, falling start H1, 3-point H2, block H3, block H4 (-2' 27/30), 2x30m with 21" H1 to work on sprinting through and maintaining acceleration. KB banded switches, hi-lo knee drives, swings, walking lunges, goblet squats, single-leg deadlift, box to box step up, press. Rudiments: dbl fwd bkw L +R, sgl fwd bkw L+R over 8.5m. Stretching/rolling.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Week 7: 12/11-16

12/14 KC. Rachel, Michaela and Keaton were jumping (and Nick). 30-min independent warm up as pre-meet rehearsal then 6 to 9 jumps at various heights. Keaton was in 5-3 to 5-6 range. Michaela and Rachel were in 4-6 to 4-9 range. Des and Brian did an independent warm up and then some hurdle drills: marching3s, 1-steppers, 1/2-space3s, power hurdles. Then, high-speed reps over 1-4 hurdles. High jumpers ended with some single-leg strength work with boxes and kettlebells.

12/13 KC. Off day, but Spencer was in to do some accelerations and strength work, getting his training started.

12/12 KC. Keaton, Bianca, Maia, Rachel, Lea, Katie and Michaela started with flexibility exercises.Moved into field house for over-knee lunges, swings, low walks, forward and back skips, takeoff skips, 3-pt line runs, pop turns, rim/net jumps, pit bridges, pit flipovers, backovers, scissors jumps, short approach jumps, full run throughs, full jumps over bungee, forward-backward single leg freezes, one-leg bench jumps, line hops sideways and forward-backward, medball single leg ups, split squat jumps, side pops.

12/11 KC. Jess trained early. Des, Maia, Bianca, Holly, Deven and Noah. 90-90, catcamel, cobdog, plankreach, fw skips, bk skips, shuffle, carioca, swings, cycles, hop switch, dribbles. Marching 3-step H,  1/2-space3s, 1-steppers, power 4s and 6s. H1, H2, H4 2-3x each. TB DL Isos 3x5 plus 3x5 eccentric pushups. Mini hops: dbl F+B, dbl L+R side, sgl F+B, sgl L+R side. Rolling and stretching.

Saturday, December 9, 2017

UWM: High jumpers kick off season

12/9 Milwaukee. Good "icebreaker" meet for high jumpers. Bianca and Rachel both cleared 4-7, Michaela 4-9 (#10 all time) and Lea 4-11 (#4 all time). Keaton made 5-3 in men's competition.

Week 6: 12/4-8

I was in Arizona. Jess led Monday's hurdle workout, Rachel led Tuesday and Thursday high jump workouts. Wednesday was an off day. Friday a circuit.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 5: 11/27-12/1

12/1 KC. Hurdle session with Jess, Holly, Maia, Bianca and Deven. Started with skips then wickets. Walkovers, skipovers, jogovers and accelovers (4-step power hurdle). Practice block start then some starts over H2 (27 to 30 at -2 to -1). 4x4H (-3 at 30). Strength series: 8x KB straddle squats, 20x push ups, 8x single-leg KB deadlifts, 16x walking KB lunges, 8x KB swings, 60sec plank. Comments: Jess had a good series of hurdles, getting faster with every rep. Had some alignment issues on some (inward lead leg) and a hanging lead leg, but she made some good corrections on those. Holly was consistent technique-wise and speed-wise. Good alignment as usual. She and Jess had similar split times. Maia had a great night. She ran with good resolve and technique, getting quite a few 3-steppers and just a few 4s or bailouts. Bianca made good progress in her second hurdle session, getting her 8-step and 3-step, with H2 at -3. Taking off too close on H1 and not using all her speed yet, but once she gets the takeoff point nailed, she should have a better flight path, which will help as she goes over H2. Did not attempt 4H. Deven did a few hurdle reps, continuing to work on lead leg mechanics, which he did much better late in the session.

11/30 KC. Field events for most. Deven did a strength workout. Michaela worked with sprinters. Des got a quick hurdle workout. Brian started to learn hurdles. Des did some 5-steppers, speedbuilders and 2H block starts over 27s a little under race spacing. Brian did swings, cycles, window posts, walkovers, skipovers, jogovers, accelovers (4-step power). Worked in 21-27" range. Progress was great for first time over hurdles. Lead leg action got most of our attention. Got a little loose and outward at times. Trail leg too much under all the time, but we didn't try to address that yet. Arm action was good most of the time. We'll try some taller hurdles next time.

11/28 KC. High jump practice had Bianca, Des, Maia, Katie, Michaela, Rachel, Keaton and Nick from GMTC. 4-way jumping jacks, ankle exercises, 3-pt line runs, curved rim/net jumps, pop-turns, pit bridges, backovers, 1/2 circle jumps, U-turns, run-through pop ups, short approach jumps with bungee and bar, and full approach jumps with bungee. Single leg work: low to high box, medicine ball ups, bench side pop ups. Comments: Worked primarily on leaning into turn through takeoff and getting a good plant angle. On both the shorts and fulls, we had the bar set at moderate height for most, easy for some and difficult for others.

11/27 VF. Upper 40s, so we got outside for some intensive tempo. Hurdlers, high jumpers and sprinters all worked out together. Warmed up with forward skips, backward skips, B skips and side skips. 4x over ankle dribble progression to over knee strides. Intensive tempo 85-90% (not timed): 75y (2 min rec) 110y (2 min) 140y (6 min) 140y (2 min) 110y (2 min) 75y -- had hurdles at 35y-55y-75y for those hurdling. After a short rest, bodyweight exercises: max pushups, 20x lunges, 60 sec plank, 15x low-slow squats, 10x nordic hammy curls, 35y LJ burpees. Stretching: hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, quads, calves. Jerica and Des did the same workout a little after 5. Was good having all the groups out there together.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Week 4: 11/22

Quarter break so not much going on in the Kern Center. Everyone at home, training on their own.

11/22 KC. One exception to at-home training was Deven, who came in to get a hurdle workout. Warm up included carioca, forward skips, backward skips and B skips. Moved to wickets off 4-step run in. Worked at spacing out to 7-0 but shifted down to 6-6 for later reps, looking for a stride length to match 400H rhythm. The 6-6 works for a 16-step rhythm, and Deven did relative-spacing reps at 14.8m with a 6-step to match the 16-step stride-length requirement at the 35m spacing. He hurdles well with either leg, so the alternating arrangement was no problem. Following those reps, Deven did some over the top drilling at 12' spacing with marching between, working on lead leg mechanics mostly. He made some good improvement in cycling the lead, and he also tightened up his trail leg, which was loose on some of the earlier reps on the 6-step drill. After the marching drill came 4-step power hurdles, working on lead leg mechanics at higher speed. Also worked on lean without bend at waist and keep hips tall in and off hurdles. Worked both legs. Ended with 3-pt starts through H1 at 8.5m, getting some video:

Entry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4Agw-OblD8&feature=youtu.be
Clearance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO0_Ah8HLcM&feature=youtu.be
Front: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzqNOBE20cs&feature=youtu.be

This is step 7 into 8. Some crouching/collapsing on that step. Better to be "tall" so the hips don't drop.

Below, the entry to step 8 is heel first because the leg is casting out / reaching / passive, instead of pushing down hard. Avoiding this braking action will help get in and off hurdles better.

Takeoff is good. Though you can't see it on this screen grab, you can on the video, he steps over knee with the lead foot so his lead leg action is solid. He also is pushing hip away from takeoff foot well.

Below, as his foot reaches the rail, his lead leg is extended well, though the hips are a little low. Trail knee is behind hips slightly, which is good. You want a good split between lead and trail going into a hurdle clearance. Deven is staying forward pretty well and as the knee passes the rail in the later image, he's in good position and cutting down the lead leg.

On the video, you can see Deven's right arm extend outward a bit too far. Better to keep that arm moving alongside the torso. Lead leg swings inward a bit (lands in middle of lane), causing the torso to counter with a bend to his left. As he exits in this image, he is squared up again, and the trail leg is finishing well (getting pointed straight down the track).

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Week 3: 11/13-17

11/16 KC. Speed work for Deven, Des, Jess, Patty and Brian. Warmed up with dribble series. Moved to plyos (4x20 single leg speed hops -- 2xL, 2xR). Patty got a little far "over her skis" and tumbled on one rep and went to do kb swings and later core exercises. Best hand times: Deven 2.45 (R), Brian 2.6 (both), Jess 2.7 (L), Patty 2.9 (L). 3x3x30 from falling start, untimed, working to maintain acceleration and build speed with good posture and mechanics. Some later reps, we did step counts and added a mini hurdle at 30m mark. Did 8x kb swings after each rep, then walk back. Rested 3+ min between sets. Core: 20x knee under and back to elbow, 20x forearm swims, 20x prone scissors, 20x side plank with pushup between sides, 20x plank jacks on hands.

11/15 Off.

1/14 KC. Keaton, Des, Lea, Rachel, Bianca and Michaela trained tonight. Rachel led warm up before moving into pop-turns, 3-pt-line runs and rim-net jumps. Into pit flip-ins and backovers. Run-throughs with pop-ups and U-turns (+3). Short-approach jumps (5 or 6 steps), working plant angle and lean into curve over low (for some) bungee. In general, execution was very good and fairly consistent for the first day over a bar.

11/3 KC. Deven, Jacob, Noah, Jess, Des, Lea and Maia were in early. Bianca later.  Warmed up with dribbles and wickets. Acceleration work included 4-step wall drives, 4-step hurdle pushes and 4-step block starts. Worked a lot on pushing, not stepping out. Window post ups, 4xH1 starts (-6"). 4x4H (-4' -6") from 3-pt. Core ex: knee to elbow plank on hands, elbow swim plank, prone scissors, side plank with push up. 1x10 kb swing, step up, goblet, lunge, single-leg deadlift, box straddle squat.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

No-impact indoor circuit

Easy rowing warm up
  • 500 meters
Hurdle mobility
  • 2x alternating leg
  • 2x forward (L+R)
  • 2x sideover (L+R)
  • 2x over/under (L+R)
Bike intervals
  • 8x 40 sec easy, 20 sec fast
Medball wall throws (25x each -- close to wall)
  • chest
  • scoop
  • right
  • left
  • overhead
  • 5x trap-bar deadlift
  • 8x hip thrust L+R with one foot on box, other straight up
  • 1x depletion push ups:
         - as many as you can - rest 90 seconds
         - as many as you can - rest 90 seconds
         - as many as you can


  • quad, calf, hamstring, hip/glute, hip flexor

Monday, November 6, 2017

Week 2: 11/7, 11/6

11/7 KC. High jumpers did ground-based drill work, approaches, specialized explosive strength exercises.

11/6 KC. Des, Jess, Maia, Lea, Jacob, Deven, Noah. Jacob and Noah arrived later. Lea (foot) and Maia (hamstring) left early because of injury and went to SP. Warmed up with high knee pulls, walks, jogs, switches. Drills: 1/2H skips, 1-steps, hangers, 5-step elevators. Speed: 4x4H starts at -4 (27/30). Strength: 3x8 KB goblet, lunge, swing, single-leg deadlift.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 1: 11/1, 11/2, 11/3, 10/31, 10/30

11/1 Off. 11/2 Field events or sprint group. 11/3 Tempo 3x4x100 on Viets.

10/31 KC. First practice for HJers. On hand, Maia, Lea, Bianca, Michaela and Des. Started with a series of skips and flexibility exercises. Drills included 1-step pop turns, take-off skips, circle runs, u-turns. Approach work followed. Did a reverse run out to find a starting point; turned around and ran full approaches and made adjustments; marked mid-point (4th or 5th step, depending on whether a 9- or 10-step full). Marks: Michaela 10 / 26 / 43 (9); Des 10 / 27 / 49 (10); Lea 10 / 25 / 41 (9); Bianca 11 / 28 / 55. Marks will need more adjustment once we start jumping with a bar, but these will work for now in working on our approach rhythm and consistency in run up and leaning into curve.

10/30 KC. First team practice for hurdlers. Warm up included high-knee pulls, walk, jog; in-place bounces, switches. Drills: calf smash, grabs, window post up, cycling, slowlow off platform, 1/2H skips with trail and lead on both sides; 1-step; 1/2-space3; 3-wicket over 1. Acceleration: wickets out to 6-0; 10x3H pushes. Stretching: hamstring, hip, hip flexor, calf, quad. Present: Noah, Jacob, Deven, Des, Jess, Maia, Lea. Comments: Emphasized lead leg quite a bit, and we will continue with that. Kept all the hurdling at 21" to make execution of mechanics easier. Jess, Des and Maia had no major issues, clearly benefiting from having done a lot of these drills in the past, but the newcomers did well, too. Noah started late but he was tight with lead and trail and was aligned well. Jacob made  some good adjustments as did Lea and Deven, both of whom led with the foot at times (swinging).

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Basic HJ rules

Uniform - You must wear an official team uniform.

Check-in - Check in with official prior to event. Typically, the official asks for your opening height. Lowest starting height usually is set by meet management. Sometimes, the official defers to the athlete with the lowest starting height. In most instances, you want to start 3 heights lower than your anticipated best jump that day. In foul weather, 4 heights lower is common.

Electronics - No electronic audio or video devices of any kind (phones, radios, computers, iPods, etc.) in the event area.

Time limits - You will be on the clock as soon as you are called as being “Up.” The time limit is 1 minute to initiate the attempt. (The limit changes to: 2 min. when 2 or 3 jumpers left in the competition at the start of a round or consecutive attempts -- 4 min. when there is only one jumper left who has won the competition. Multi-events: 1 min. if more than 3 at the start of a round; 2 min. in all other circumstances. A yellow flag will be raised for a warning 15 seconds before the end of your time and lowered at expiration of time. (This warning is followed closely at national meet, other meets to a lesser extent).

Passes - All passes must be indicated before you’re called “Up” (otherwise it will be a successful or failed attempt); tell the official whether you’re passing a single attempt or all attempts at that height.

Markers - max of 2 marks (tape only) on the approach, max 7x15 cm, not w/in 2m of standards. We use a starting mark and a mid-mark (halfway point -- step 4 or 5).

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Workout: 5/23, 5/16

5/23 KC. Alex worked around 4-5.5, trying some 5-5 step approaches to avoid the more abrupt turn of the 6-4. Also worked on angling plant foot to corner. Jess came over and popped over 4-1.5 off a 6-step a couple times.

5/16 KC. Sam, Maia and Rachel were joined by Alex and Jerome. Jumped up on 2-mat stack, did some short-approach with bungee, and then fulls at moderate heights. Sam worked around 4 to 4-2, Maia was jumping well with multiple clearances at 4-5.5 and some near misses at 4-6.5. Alex jumped around those heights as well. Rachel had multiple clearances at those heights. Jerome worked in 6-0 to 6-2 range, only missing twice at 6-2 and getting three.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Jess 2015 vs 2017

Sometimes you have to look back to see how far you've come.



Sunday, May 7, 2017

NACC: Jess takes 400H title, 3rd in 100H; Des, Bianca, Rachel score

5/6 Lisle IL. A little less windy than the day before but still blustery. Maia started day 2 of hep with LJ and later did JT and 800. She delivered as expected on her events and hit her 3000 point target with a 3037 for 5th. Holly and Jess teamed with Tyler and Jerica for the 4x1, finishing 4th. Jess was 3rd in 100H, running another great time. Later, she and Des lined up for 400H finals, each posting a PR, with Jess running away with the title and Des moving all the way up to 5th. The day was capped off with a record-smashing 4x4, which included Jess (61.6), Holly (63.2), Lizzy (62.5) and Patty (63.2). In HJ, Sam had a good debut in HJ, clearing a couple bars. Savana also got her opening height. Rachel and Bianca topped out at 5-7.5, good enough for 7th and 8th.

5/5 Lisle IL. Day 1 had low temps (50s) and high winds (20-25). Maia started off her heptathlon with a 100H PR and then cleared 1.31 in HJ. Later in day, she did SP and 200. Jess qualified for 100H finals with a PR 15.40, and Des and Holly ran season-best times. Maia competed in open JT, and Holly and Bianca in TJ, with Holly getting 7th in finals. Jess, Des and Holly finished their day with 400H prelims, Jess cruised in with the 4th fastest time of prelims and Des was 8th fastest. Holly took a fall early in second half of race and did not qualify but only missed by less than a second.

Jess: 69.43/65.88 (PR 1st #2 all time) 15.40/15.49 (PR 3rd #3 all time) 9-0.25 (8th) 4x1 (4th) 4x4 (SR 4th)
Des: 17.39 (12th), 75.96/71.22 (PR 5th #4 all time)
Bianca: 4-7.5 (7th) 33-0.5 (13th)
Rachel: 4-7.5 (8th)
Holly: 34-2.5 (7th) 16.88 (10th) 77.43 (10th) 4x1 (4th) 4x4 (4th)
Maia: 18.71(PR =#11 all time) 4-3.5 26-1.75 30.01 14-5.25 102-2 2:54.20  3037 5th; 103-9 (9th) 111-3 (3rd)
Sam: 4-3.5 (14th)
Savana: 4-1.5 (15th)

Complete results

2016-17 Performance List

55H/60H (55H converted to 60H)

Ben Giese 9.24 (#10 all time)
Chris Kataura 9.37 (=#11 all time)
Spencer Kamke 9.54
Jessica Bilskie 9.49 (#3 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 10.49
Kim Schonder 11.08
Maia Heineck 11.77 (#12 all time)

Jess Bilskie 15.40 (#3 all time)
Holly Denfeld 16.51
Ben Giese 16.91 (#11 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 17.39
Kim Schonder 17.44
Maia Heineck 18.71 (=#11 all time)

Trey Horbinski 60.91 (#11 all time)
Tripp Horbinski 65.42 (#19 all time)
Jess Bilskie 65.88 (#2 all time)
Holly Denfeld 69.52
Desarae Echevarria 71.22 (#4 all time)
Becky Sondelski 77.55 (#7 all time)
Maia Heineck 78.65 (#10 all time)

Jordan Luce 5-9.75 (=#12 all time)
Spencer Kamke 5-7
Collin Rink 5-5 (#20 all time)
Bianca Trombley 4-11 (=#4 all time)
Rachel Lynde 4-11 (=#4 all time)
Maia Heineck 4-7 (#14 all time)
Kim Schonder 4-7 (=#10 all time)
Sam Brooker 4-3.5 (#16 all time)
Savana Black 4-3.25 (#17 all time)

High jump / hurdle scoring
Jess Bilskie 112.48
Rachel Lynde 26
Des Echevarria 19.08
Bianca Trombley 18.5
Jordan Luce 11
Chris Kataura 11
Ben Giese 11
Holly Denfeld 10.08
Maia Heineck 8
Spencer Kamke 5
Collin Rink 4
Trey Horbinski 3

Monday, May 1, 2017

Workouts: 5/3, 5/2, 5/1

5/3 MU. Maia, Jess and Des did a combo hurdle workout. Swings, cycles, dribbles, 3x3 5-step hurdles, warm up start over 1 and then 2. 2x7H with early hurdles -1, middle -2, later -3. Everyone handled that well. Des and Jess then did a 400H reps. First over 3, then from 3 through 7 and then 7 through finish. 1 min between reps. Jess ran in low 5s for first set, mid-5s for next sets. Des was mid-5s for first set, upper 5s to 6s for second set and mid-6s for final set. Maia did some 800m pace work, running a 400 and 300 at better than 3 min pace. Holly trained on her own at another time. Jerica and Jess did some 4x1 exchanges, extending the takeoff distance to 25 shoes.

5/2 KC. Maia, Sam, Rachel, Savana and Alex were in for jump session. Did pre-comp warm up rehearsal and then 7-10 jumps (beginners took more), starting at individual opening height and working up from there. Sam worked mostly around 4-1, Savana 4-3, Maia 4-5, Alex 4-7 and Rachel 4-9. Rachel backed up a couple of feet, brought more speed and worked on taking off further away with some success.

5/1 KC. Maia, Becky, Rachel and Jess did hurdle mobility, 5x moderate weight deadlift followed by 5x tuck jump, 15x push up -- just for some strength maintenance. 8x4 1-step hurdles (4L+4R); 4x3 5-step elevators (2L+2R); 2x3 up/back/up random. 5 min bike cool down. 5 min stretch/roll. Holly and Des came in and did the same workout later.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Beloit: W3x100H gets win; Jess takes both hurdles

4/29 Beloit. Day started with some sun, slight wind and temperatures in upper 40s, but by the end, it was rainy, windy and colder (upper 30s). Despite the tough conditions, everyone made the best of it and competed well. Jess won 100H (15.96) and 400H (69.39) in addition to running a leg of 4x1 (53.09), which finished fourth. Rachel topped 5-8.25 in HJ for third. Des had a good weekend, including a 4th in 100H (17.79) on a day when many in the group contributed to a second-place team finish.

4/28 Beloit. OK, so there were no challengers, but Jess, Des and Holly put together a well-executed 3x100H (51.63) on a cool, damp evening. Jess ran a strong lead-off leg, and Des came back into a bit of a headwind with an 8-step and 3-step before shifting into 4-step mode. Holly 3-stepped half a rack on the final leg. Lizzy joined the trio about 90 minutes later for the 4x2 (1:53.09), which finished second. Lizzy ran a bit over 29 (-w), Des a little under 29 (+w), Jess sub-27 (-w) and Holly slightly under 28 (+w).

Jess: 15.96 (1st) 69.39 (1st) 4x2 (1st) 3x100H (1st) 4x1 (4th)
Rachel: 4-8.25 (3rd) 31.93 (17th)
Des: 17.79 (4th) 3x100H (1st) 4x2 (1st) 4x1 (4th)
Holly: 18.19 (7th) 3x100H (1st) 4x2 (1st) 4x1 (4th) 33-3.75 (4th)
Bianca: 4-4.25 (7th) 30-11 (10th)
Maia: 20.52 (9th) 67-5 (7th) 112.11 (2nd) 26-2.75 (22nd)
Savana: 4-0.25 (11th) 31.91 (16th)

Jess 400H splits:
7.5  5.4  5.6  5.8  5.9  6  6.2  6.2  6.7  6.5  7.1 (first half -w)

Complete results

Monday, April 24, 2017

Workouts: 4/26, 4/25, 4/24

4/26 KC. Des, Maia, Jess, Holly, Ben did a hurdle workout and 4x1 exchanges. Hurdle mobility followed by 3x 3x deadlift, 2x L+R single leg hops on-off boxes, 10x push ups. Dribbles, 1-steps, power hurdle + 1 step. Starts over 2 to 4 hurdles, including shuttle starts and exchanges for Jess, Des and Maia. Ben took a bad fall after crashing H1 with a lead leg swing. Maia also took a fall after catching a trail leg. No major technical changes or emphasis for most -- just maintenance of intensity and effort. Holly did go to "bigger arms" between hurdles to avoid a too-quick turnover and reach to next hurdle. Exchanges for 4x1 were good.

4/25 KC. Bianca, Rachel, Maia, Savana, Alex and for the first time, Sam jumped. General warm up, then box backovers, 4-step ramp jumps, 6-step short approach jumps, full run throughs and full jumps. Maia, Rachel, Alex and Bianca worked in 4-3 to 4-9 range. Savana worked around 4-3 to 4-6 and Sam around 4-0 to 4-3.

4/24 MU. Nice, warm day. Jess, Lizzy, Becky, Ben did swings, cycles, dribbles, accels, pickups, hurdle walkovers, 1-steps L+R. Becky did up and back progression, then 3x 1st 3 and then 5-6-7, 6-7-8, 7-8-9, 8-9-10 for 400H. Jess did 2x8 30s at -1.5 to -2. Ben did the same and then went with 8.5m spacing up to 36. He then did some 1-2H reps at 39. Leg seemed to hold up well. Jess did a rep over 3 and then another over 1 for 400H. Des and Holly arrived later, warmed up for 120m run off for 4x1. Jess and Holly were the winners, with Des right behind and then Lizzy. Jess, Lizzy, Becky and Ben left while Holly and Des finished their workout which was 2x8H 30s at -1.5 to -2. 1x3H for 400H near race pace. 6-7-8, 7-8-9, 8-9-10 with walk back recovery, starting moderate and increasing tempo throughout.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

St. Norbert: Jess gets 100H PR, wins 400H; Bianca gets 3rd in HJ

4/22 De Pere. Weather was ideal. Little to no wind, temps in mid-60s, sunny skies. Jess had another big day in a season of big days. Her all time best in 100H (15.80) and a 400H win (67.01), about 5 tenths of her PR. She also had a good day in the vault. Maia also got a 100H PR (19.16) and did very well in her other 5 events, including HJ where she had a monster jump at 4-6.25, which she cleared by multiple inches. Bianca got 3rd in the event and nearly had a 4-10.25 jump. Rachel was a little inconsistent and took off too close on some jumps but still managed a 4-6.25 jump, getting inverted on a pretty good attempt at 4-8.25.

Jess: 67.01 (1st) 15.94/15.80 (PR 2nd #3 all time) 9-1 (4th)
Bianca: 4-8.25 (3rd) 31-11.5 (7th)
Maia: 19.16 (PR 12th #13 all time) 4-6.25 (12th) 116-8 (1st) 108-6 (7th) 14-1 (13th) 29.82 (20th)
Rachel: 4-6.25 (10th)

400H splits
Jess: 7.4 5.4 5.5 5.65 5.55 5.8 6.0 6.0 6.3 6.3 6.9

Complete results

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Workout: 4/19

4/19 KC. Savana and Alex did HJ training. Short warm up and then box backovers, 4-step jumps, 6-step jumps, full RTs and full jumps. Savana took jumps in 4-2 to 4-4 range. Alex in 4-4 to 4-7 range. We worked up in heights until we hit sticking points and then took a few more jumps at that height before dropping an inch at a time until clearance. Adjusted Savana's marks to 10-23-46.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Benedictine: Season bests for Jess, Holly in both hurdles

4/15 Lisle IL. Hot and windy day. Temps in low 80s with winds 20 to 30 mph. Jess was 5th in 400H (67.86) and 12th in 100H (16.07). Holly was 7th in 400H (69.52) and 19th in 100H (16.51). She also was 10th in TJ (33-5.75) the day before. Kim was 26th in 100H (17.63). High hurdle times were aided by somewhat of tailwind -- out of corner but still a significant help. Wind messed with 400H rhythm, but Jess and Holly have good oppos and handled the race very well, especially considering the conditions.

Jess    7.3  5.7  5.7  5.6  5.8  6.0  6.0  6.3  6.3  6.7  6.7
Holly 7.8  5.5  5.6  5.6  5.9  6.0  6.4  6.3  6.5  6.6  7.4

Monday, April 10, 2017

Workouts: 4/12, 4/11, 4/10

4/12 KC. Thwarted by a locked gate at MU, so we trained in KC for this one. Warmed up with swings, circles, dribbles, 5-step elevators. Emphasized AFAP in starts -- 2-3x 1H 8-step (22), 1H 10-step (22), 2H -2 (27). 3x 3H 19-rhythm 7-step. Scorpions, seated hurdle switches. Band exercises: hip thrust, knee drive, ins, outs, forward, backward, lead leg, trail leg.

4/11 KC. Maia, Savana and Alex warmed up and then did 10x box backovers to work on layout. Next, was a quick 2-step jump competition and then 4-step scissors competition. Followed with 5-6x full runthroughs and then about 10 full jumps. Alex and Maia worked around 4-6 mostly. Savana at 4-3. Also did 2x5 in Plyo Plaza -- dbl leg depth jump 12" to 24", sgl leg depth jump 6" to 12", 12" side pops, medball ups.

4/10 KC. 400 hurdle workout had an extensive tempo emphasis, given the extent of competition last Saturday. Maia, Becky and Jess were in early and Des and Holly later. Started with swings, cycles, dribbles and 1-steppers. Main part of workout was 5 sets of 5x40 with 3 randomly spaced hurdles up and 3 back. Walked remainder of lap between sets. Pace was relaxed but not slow. Rested about 6 min. and then did a plyo/strength workout: 6x high skips, 6x long skips, 6x quick hop, 6x freeze hop, 6x over-knee lunge, 6x freeze skater, 6x bound, 6x freeze bound, 3x depletion push ups, 5x4 hurdle hops, 3x10 hip thrust with 5x nordic hamstrings. Ben stopped by for an update on his situation. He visited trainer then came in and 5x4-step and 5x6-step followed by some upper body strength work.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Ripon: Jess gets 2nd in 100H, 5th in 400H

4/8 Ripon. Mid-60s, sunny and windy. Jess continued her string of strong performances, getting 2nd in 100H and 5th in 400H. Rachel got a PR in HJ off her 6-step approach. Jess and Des also ran some good 4x1 legs, teaming with Tyler and Jerica for 2nd, just .6 off the school mark. Tripp had a good debut in 400H. Sprints and high hurdles ran into wind, hampering times significantly.

Jess 16.94/16.69 (2nd) 68.55 (5th) 9-0.25 (9th) 51.51 (2nd)
Rachel 4-11 (5th PR =#4 all time)
Bianca 4-9 (7th) 32-10.25 (7th)
Holly 17.82 (11th) 74.20 (12th) 33-0.25 (6th)
Tripp 65.42 (11th #19 all time) 10:24.66 (2nd)
Maia 4-5 (11th) 19.95 (21st) 25-5 (23rd) 112-3 (5th) 111-3 (2nd)
Savana 4-3.25 (12th #16 all time)
Des 18.03 (13th) 76.07 (14th) 51.51 (2nd)
Becky 80.07 (16th) 12:24.80 (3rd)

400H splits
Des: 8.5 5.8 5.9 6 6 6.3 7 7.2 7.7 7.6 8.1
Jess: 7.7 5.3 5.7 5.6 5.6 5.8 6 6.2 6.7 6.7 7.1
Tripp: 7.6 5.4 5.1 5.1 5.4 5.6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6 6.5

Complete results

Rachel's PR 4-11 jump

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Workouts: 4/6, 4/5, 4/4, 4/3

4/6 KC. Savana and Becky were in for some hurdle work early. Tripp and Trey later. Did swings, cycles and window posts. Depending on the group, we did some of the following: walkovers, slowlows, 1-steps, power hurdles, power +1-step, power +1-step and 3-step. Finished with 7-step reps at 19 outdoor rhythm for women and 17 for men. Progress was good again for Savana and Becky. Trey and Tripp had a great first session. Much more to do for them, but they made rapid improvement within the session.

4/5 KC. Kim was ill. Des, Jess and Maia trained together and Holly was in later. Started with abbreviated hurdle mobility, 2x4 deadlifts plus 4  dbl box drop and freeze followed by vertical jump and freeze followed by horizontal jump and freeze. Swings, cycles and dribbles completed the warmup. A couple 1-steppers on right and left lead legs and then power hurdles adding a 1-step and then 1-step into 3-step, also doing a couple left and a couple right. 2x2H (-2) block starts and then 2x4H (-3) and 2x3H 7-step. 5x4 hurdle hops followed by 2x10 hip thrusts and 5x nordic hamstrings.

4/4 KC. Maia, Bianca, Rachel, Savana were joined by Alex for HJ. Worked on approach, approach with up-and-in knee drive and rotation. Full jumps were at 4-2, 4-5 and 4-8. Maia looked great -- consistent approach, great vertical and arch. Snapped out a little early at times, but is demonstrating the best technique in the group now. Bianca improved her approach quite a bit, maintaining a better and more consistent rhythm and takeoff point. Rachel worked mostly off a 6-step approach and nearly cleared 4-8 on multiple jumps. Savana got one at 4-2 and then spent the rest of the day jumping at 4-5, with a couple good attempts.

4/3 KC VF. Variety of workouts today. Some visited training for rehab. Some did VF tempo with hurdles. Some did a no-impact recovery circuit. Some did an explosive medball workout. Some did an intensive 400H workout with relative spacing reps.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

HJ marks

Jordan: 12 / 28 / 56
Rachel: 10 / 29 (6-stp)
Maia: 10 / 24 / 46
Savana: 10 / 23 / 46
Kim: 10 / 20 / 33  8-step
Bianca: 10 / x / x

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Carroll: Jess leads way with top 5 finishes in both hurdle races

4/1 Waukesha. Great weather -- mid-50s, sunny, little wind. Jess led the scoring again with a 4th in 400H on her sub-70 performance and a 5th in 100H. Maia had a good debut in both hurdles. Becky and Trey also did well in their first 400H races. High jumpers had a good day, too, with multiple PRs. Tough break for 4x1 with a DQ on final exchange, and Ben hurting his hamstring in hurdle final around H5.

Jess: 69.95 (4th) 16.29/16.76 (5th) 8-3.25 (7th) 4x1 (DQ) 7.6 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.9 6 6.2 6.7 6.9 6.9 7.4
Trey: 60.91 (6th #11 all time) 10:00.05 (2nd) 53.5r
Rachel: 4-9 (T7th =PR)
Bianca: 4-9 (T7th) 31-00.5 (12th)
Des: 76.58 (9th) 17.91 (14th) 4x1 (DQ) 7.8 5.3 5.7 6 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 8 7.9 8.5
Kim: 17.44 (10th) 4-7 (16th =#10 all time) 29.71 (23rd) 4x1 (DQ)
Becky: 77.55 (10th #7 all time) 12:21.25 (1st)
Maia: 78.65 (11th #10 all time) 19.22 (21st) 4-7 (13th PR =#10 all time) 15-2.25 (11th) 106 (4th) 109-4 (11th)
Ben: 16.91/DNF (#11 all time)

Monday, March 27, 2017

Workouts: 3/30, 3/29, 3/28, 3/27

3/30 KC. Worked with Becky and Savana on hurdles. Warm up included swings, cycles, dribbles and wickets (out to 6-0). Worked a lot of slow lows to improve basic mechanics. After starting out at 22, we moved up to 27. Made some good improvements on pushing into hurdle, cycling lead, alignment, finishing trail and quickening the entire cycle. Did 4H 5-step elevators were next, working on same techniques, which deteriorated a little as hurdles got further apart, a little higher and a little faster, but it was an opportunity to bring the better technique into the new scenario. Savana then had a problem with her hip, which she said she felt happen in the wicket runs. So, she stopped. Becky continued on with 3H 7-step reps at spacing relative to 19 rhythm 400H. She was able to do that on some reps, and she went 8-step on some others. Also worked 4x1 exchanges with Tyler, Kim, Des and Jess. Worked at 21-shoe spacing and most exchanges were good. Might need to stretch them out a bit but can't determine that until we get some race experience.

3/29 KC. Des, Jess, Kim, Maia, Holly and Ben trained on high hurdles. Pre-workout included hurdle mobility, 3x3 deadlift with 6x long skips, 6x high skips and 10x pushups. 3x4H 5-step. 3x2H (-1). 3x2x4H (-3) with walk back on reps, and 2-3 min on sets. 5x4H hurdle hops. 3x6 band hip thrusts and 6x nordic hamstrings. Des had some foot issues and ended early, but had some good reps before that. Jess had a number of excellent reps and made a slight adjust on getting her trail leg to finish better and getting a more active entry step. Maia had one 9-step start but she was good the rest of the session in negotiating her 4-step pattern with a very good oppo. Sometimes her trail didn't finish but overall, was in good rhythm. Kim was little tentative and was overstriding at times but finished with some reps with a much quicker rhythm and better attack. Holly was very consistent and quick throughout. Made a slight adjustment on set position hip height. Ben worked on getting more upright at start and taking quicker steps under the hips on exit. Also worked to tighten the trail leg.

3/28 KC. Savana, Kim, Maia, Rachel and Alex all jumped. Started off with some ramp jumps to work on bridging / arching. Some short approach bungee jumps and then fulls, working in 4-2 to 4-6 range.

3/27 MU. 6 weeks out from NACC. Temperature was in mid-40s but wind was light and helping down the backstretch, so an OK day to work 3x5 near race pace. Jess and Ben ran around 29, Maia and Becky 32-33, Holly 29-30. At least 8 min recovery between reps. Finished with 3x3 turn hurdles and walk back across track recovery (short -- about a minute). Everyone held up well on the turn hurdles despite short recovery. Holly held race pace on hers. Didn't time others. Cool down and some ab work. Good quality reps. Oppos were good, not many slow downs into any hurdles.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Workouts: 3/23, 3/22, 3/21, 3/20

3/23 KC. Some had field events, others a medball workout. Savana was ill, so just Becky worked hurdles. She did dribbles and wickets before some 8-step reps over 22s and 27s. One-step hurdles and power hurdles, later adding a 3-step at 22' spacing. Worked a lot on trail leg finish, step count, arm action and general attack. Nice progress.

3/22 KC. High hurdlers in tonight were Jess, Des, Kim, Maia, Holly and Ben. Pre-workout hurdle mobility, 4x2 deadlifts plus 5 dbl-leg hops and 5L+5R sgl-leg hops. Dribbles, 3x25y wickets out to 6-6. 5x6 1-step. 5x4-step power hurdle into 3-step (-5 to -3). 2x30 timed (Bests: Ben 4.00, Jess 4.61, Kim 4.59, Maia 4.82, Holly 4.73, Des 4.74 in trainers.) 3x2H (R, -1.5). Kim, Jess and Holly all were splitting 1.15 to 1.2. Maia and Des around 1.4. Ben around 1.2. 3x4H (-3 with H1 and H3 -3", H2 and H4 were race height). KB strength work. Comments: Very good session. Drill work was crisp. Race modeling was all quicker than race rhythm.

3/21 KC. High jumpers included Maia, Bianca, Savana, Kim and Alex. Jumping was done in 4-2 to 4-8 range. Emphasized improvement in lean away from bar so that the outside shoulder remained higher than inside shoulder into plant.

3/20 MU. Hurdlers trained with sprinters at MU on a 45-degree day with winds out of NE. 2x20 on turf, 2x30 on track. 4x150 on 4-5 min recovery at 400 average pace. Ben, Jess and Maia trained over first 4 hurdles. Becky joined them. Savana did 150s without hurdles. Pace and pattern was very good given difficult conditions. Jess and Ben worked around 66 pace. Maia targeted 74 but was faster. 200 jog cool down.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Workouts: 3/15, 3/14, 3/13

3/16-19 KC. Workouts varied. Some did field events on Thursdays, others a medball circuit. Friday or Saturday was a speed and strength session independently.

3/15 KC. Kim, Jess, Maia and later Holly were in for a high hurdle workout. Mobility exercises and then dribbles, over-knee shuffle grabs, 6x power hurdles + 1-step and then 3-step. 3x block start 2H (-2' with H1 low and H2 regular). 3x fly sprint (bests: Jess 1.06, Holly 1.07, Kim 1.13, Maia 1.17). 3x 4H -4 ' -3". 3x10 band hip thrust, 10x kb swing, 10x elevated push up, 5x4 hurdle hops.

3/14 KC. Early group had Maia and Spencer, with Rachel there but not jumping because of her foot problem, which seems to be getting better. Late group had Kim joining Savana and Alex. Both groups warmed up independently and then worked through 6-step scisssor jumps, 1/2-circle jumps, 6-step jumps, 10- or 8-step U turns approaches, and full jumps. Spencer worked exclusively from 6-step in 5-5 to 5-9 range. Maia had a clearance at 4-7 and a couple other near misses at that height -- best she's ever jumped. Kim made 4-5 repeatedly and Alex had some clearances at that height as well. Savana made 4-2 and had more jumps with a better vertical component. Also had her do some jump-turn-sit and 2 stacked mats (about 4-0), which seemed to help with getting vertical and perpendicular.

3/13 KC. Big snowstorm. Weekend meet canceled. Jess, Maia, Savana and Ben were joined by Becky, who wanted to get some SC barrier training. Holly was in later. After hurdle mobility, deadlifts and single leg hopping, the group did leg swings, 1-step hurdles on both sides, power hurdle plus 1-step. Speed reps were 5 or 6 sets of H1 3-point starts with a walk around recovery and then 3H relative spacing (Ben at 17, others at 19 equivalent). Ben, Jess and Maia looked great and were consistent. Holly also was solid, though bothered by a somewhat chronic groin/hip flexor issue. Savana made some progress, getting a little more aggressive. Still needs some alignment work to get the lead leg tracking straight and also to get the trail leg to finish high and tight. Becky lead with her foot and had a loose trail leg, so there was a lot unwelcome rotation occurring. Finished with 5 min bike cool down and stretching/rolling.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Workouts: 3/9, 3/8, 3/7, 3/6

3/9 KC. Savana was in for some speed testing and hurdle basics. After some warm up on her own, she did a dribble series and then 3x 16 wicket runs (6-0 max). Hurdle walkovers, skipovers and jogovers (1-step). Worked mostly on staying square with good alignment and finishing trail leg. Did well by end of drills. Did some intro to blocks, working out to step 4. Strength work was kb swings, push ups, box drop and pop (dbl), box drop singles, kb box straddle squats. Foam rolling.  Some metatarsal pain to monitor.

3/8 KC. Maia, Jess, Holly and Ben were in. Started with dribble series, shuffle smash/grab, stick switches, 1-step hurdles, 4-step power hurdle plus 1-step and 3-step. 3-point starts out to step 4 and step 8 then with ultra low hurdle, adding one hurdle per rep out to H4 (all at -4). Block starts over 4 hurdles (-2' -3"). Strength circuit: 2x10 kb swings, 10x push ups, 5x box drop and pop, 10x back and forth freeze steps. Comments: Emphasis was on increasing rhythm and reaction with good hurdle mechanics.

3/7 KC. Spencer was back and joined Maia, Savana, Rachel and Alex. Rachel checked out earlier with continued soreness on her plant foot. The rest warmed up and then did approaches, u-turns, 6-step jumps and fulls (about 7x). We emphasized speed in turn along with maintaining strong lean into takeoff. Spencer had to leave early for class but had some good u-turns and short approach jumps. Maia hit a PR 4-6 and had a couple of other near misses at that height. Savana was getting into layout early, crossing at an angle and landing sideways. She took most of her jumps around 4-2. Bianca had some good clearances at 4-6 but still had a gallop on most jumps despite having consistent run throughs. Alexa had multiple near misses at 4-6.

3/6 VF/KC. Ben, Savana and Jess started inside with skips, hurdle mobility, 3x3 deadlifts + 5 tuck jumps +10 push ups. Went outside on VF and did some 3x1-step on L+R and then 4x4 2-step drills. 5x2 10-step to 7-step relative spacing for 17 rhythm for 400H + 3 random spaced hurdles for up and back. Holly was in later and did the workout indoors.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


2/28 KC. While most are training on their own at home during break, Rachel was in doing some work on high jump. Did some 1/2 circle jumps, full runthroughs, u-turns, short approach jumps and fulls. Worked on staying away and trying to get something from arm drive, but the biggest improvement came with knee drive, which helped her vertical. Foot was a little sore, so she didn't take too many jumps. About 6 or 7 fulls.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

NACC Indoor: Jess gets 2nd in 55H, Rachel 6th in HJ

2/26 Kenosha, WI. Jess capped off a great indoor season with a PR and runner up finish in 55H. Her time converts to a 9.49, just a hundredth off the #2 all time MSOE mark of Catherine Chappell. Des had her best effort of the season, clocking a converted 10.49, just .04 off her all-time best. Kim tried to give it a go with her badly bruised knee from a fall a few weeks ago, but couldn't get much going. Ben put up a great effort in his race, but hit H3 pretty hard, leaving him just short of his PR, running a converted 9.29 -- just .05 off his best. In HJ, Rachel was clean until 5-9.5, which left her tied for 6th. Bianca made the same height as Rachel, but had a miss, which dropped her to 9th. She also had to go back and forth from TJ, which didn't help. Jordan struggled with his ongoing knee problem but managed 5-8 -- about par for him. Jessica and Des also made big contributions to 4x4, crushing the former MSOE record by an astounding 8 seconds.

Jess: 9.49 (2nd PR #3 all time) 29.9/34 63.9r (4th)
Rachel: 4-7.5 (6th)
Bianca: 4-7.5 (9th)
Jordan: 5-8 (10th) 40-2.25 (9th)
Des: 10.49 (12th) 30.6/36 66.6 (4th)
Ben: 9.29 (12th) 25.44 (29th)
Kim: 11.08 (15th) 

Complete results

Jess 55H 2nd

Monday, February 20, 2017

Workouts: 2/23, 2/22, 2/21, 2/20

2/23 KC. Recovery/conditioning circuit.

2/22 KC. Jess, Des and Ben rehearsed pre-race warm up and then did some reps from H1 out to H4. Savana did some introductory work such as post ups and slow lows. Did many 4-step power hurdle reps over 24s. Added a second hurdle at 21'. She improved her drive to the hurdle and worked on stepping over knee on hurdle entry. She gradually added more speed and improved her ability in staying forward through exit. Still some work to do with arms and trail leg, but she is progressing rapidly. Need to get some metrics on acceleration and max velocity after break.

2/21 KC. Maia, Savana, Rachel, Alex and Jordan all jumped. Did run throughs, some scissors jumps, short approach jumps and fulls competition style but with 2 bonus jumps at end height. Savana took nearly all her jumps around 4-2, while the others took most jumps at 4-6. Jordan worked mostly at 5-6 with a couple at 5-8.

2/20 VF. 50 degrees in February allowed us to get outside in an unusual stretch of warm weather. McCoy, Des, Jess, Maia and Savana were out for a long sprint session. Others stayed inside with short sprinters. Did leg swings, dribbles and pick up. 3x100 with 30 sec recovery around 400 race pace. Rested 10 minutes and did 3x133 with 60 sec recovery, also at 400 race pace. Jordan joined us for those. Finished off with some skipping and hopping exercises as well as some pushups and planking. Went inside with Savana to try some hurdling drills -- window posts, walkovers, skipovers, jogovers and 4-step power hurdles. Did well for first time ever over hurdles.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

UWM: Multiple PRs

2/18 Milwaukee, WI. Mid-60 weather would have made a great day for an outdoor meet, but everyone was performing well inside the Klotsche Center. Maia equaled her HJ PR while Rachel and Bianca hit new PRs, Bianca =#4 all time and Rachel #8. Jordan followed suit with his PR in HJ and =#12 all time. Hurdlers had a good day, too. Maia got her 8 and 4s, completing her first hurdle race. Kim was back, and raced for the first time this season, getting her 8 and 3s. Des ran 8 and 4s en route to a season best time, just off her all-time best, and Jess ran her third-consecutive sub-10 race. Ben was .15 better than last week.

Jordan: 5-9.75 (4th PR #14 all time) 40-4.75 (8th)
Jess: 9.75 (6th) 7-0.5 (5th) 28.30 (3rd)
Bianca: 4-11 (6th PR =#4 all time)
Ben: 9.35 (6th) 7.74 (15th)
Rachel: 4-9 (9th PR #8 all time)
Des: 10.52 (10th) 28.83 (4th)
Kim: 11.14 (11th) 8.99 (12th)
Maia: 11.77 (12th) 4-3.25 (12th) NH 25-9.5 (11th) 

Complete results

Monday, February 13, 2017

Workouts: 2/16, 2/15, 2/14, 2/13

2/16 KC. Most did recovery circuit, some did field events. Savana, a new member of sprint group, stopped over for a HJ intro. We did some 4-step jumps and backovers into PV pit. Worked around 4-2 with bungee. Quick learner.

2/15 KC. Maia, Kim, Des and Jess did swings, cycles, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 5x4H 1-steps, 3x3H 5-steps of increasing height, block starts to step 4 - step 8 and low hurdle, 2x H1 starts for time (bests: Jess 2.14, Des 2.22, Maia 2.36). Kim was dealing with a knee injury from dance, and Des later hurt her ankle coming off a hurdle. 2-3x 3H for time (best splits: Jess PR 1.32, Maia 1.55 4-step, Des 1.55 3-step, Kim 1.53 3-step). 2x 8.5m fly (bests: Jess 1.03, Maia 1.16, Kim 1.08). 3-5x 4H at -3" and -4' (Jess around 1.1, Maia mid-1.2s, Kim 1.3s). Chris and Ben came in later. Chris did the warm up and 1-steps. Tried some short accels and then longer ones. Got up to 12 steps and then speed maintenance, which hurt a little, so we stopped. Ben did the same workout as the women at his respective heights and distances. He did 2.22 start time, PR 1.45 split time, 1.03 for 9.14m fly, and 1.2s for the 4H low and tight reps.

2/14 KC. Maia, Jordan, Rachel, Alex and Bianca warmed up for HJ and then did RTs, short approach jumps and fulls. Fulls were up on makes and down on misses. About 10 jumps. Worked on approach, plant angle, arms and staying away from bar. Mixed success with those elements. 5xL+R box pops.

2/13 KC. Circuit. Hurdle mobility, hurdle drills, strength, plyos, explosive medball throws, rowing, flexibility, foam rolling and stretching.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Platteville: Jess gets 400 record, hurdle PR

2/11 Platteville, WI. Remarkable day for Jess, setting an MSOE record for indoor 400 (29.4/33.5) and then breaking the 10-second barrier for 60H -- twice. One of those was just 30 minutes after the 400 final. Other highlights were Jordan's HJ PR and a good opener in HJ from Bianca in her first meet of the year, which was 7th best on MSOE's all-time list. Des also had a good 400 (31.7/35.5) and managed a 3-step in the 60H.

Jess: 62.86 (SR 6th) 9.68/9.78 (6th PR  #3 all time)
Bianca: 4-9 (7th #7 all time)
Jordan: 5-8.5 (9th PR #14 all time) 25.62 (42nd)
Des: 10.89 (23rd) 67.21 (16th)
Ben: 9.50 (19th) 60.81 (39th)
Maia: 30.43 (29th) NH 26-0.75 (30th) 13-9.5 (22nd)

Complete results

Monday, February 6, 2017

Workouts: 2/8, 2/7, 2/6

2/8 KC. Jess, Des, Maia and Kim were in early, and Ben came later. Chris did a circuit to lay off the hamstring. High jumpers were off. Warm up included hurdle mobility, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 10x 4H 1-steps followed. Women did some oppos in the set. Worked on high knee pick up with both lead and trail legs. Did some 4-step power hurdles, working on lead leg action. Some did work on trail leg and/or arm action. Block starts were next. Did a couple out to 4 steps then 8 steps to hit takeoff box. Added lower hurdle and then worked up to race height. A couple of reps over H2 around -1' to -2' spacing at -3" height. 3 to 5 reps over 3H at -4' and -3". Comments: Very good practice for everyone. Maia only balked a couple times on H1 and managed a 4-step on all but 2 reps out of 5. Trail leg was under a few times, but she was able to correct. Straightend up a few times but she fixed that, too, staying forward on later reps. Confidence is building and she appears ready to race. Des got her 8s and 3s, and she looks ready to jump to 3 steps in a race if her technique and effort is sharp. Kim was a little inconsistent, which was not surprising since it had been a while since she last trained, but she had some good reps later in the session. Jess had another good night, very quick and well aligned. Ben continued his good progress, running much more consistently. He banged a few and still has a loose trail more often than not, but he is getting it tighter at times, which is really helping on his getaway step and improving his balance. Lead leg continues to get better, particularly when he stays up before the hurdle and drives the lead leg knee to his chest as he pushes into the hurdle.

2/7 KC. Bianca was in for first time with Rachel, Maia, Alex and later, Jordan. After warm up, we did a few backovers off box and 3-step jumps from box. Quickly moved to run throughs and then full jumps so Maia could get to other field events and Bianca to class. Worked out Bianca's approach. Rachel and Alex continued jumping with Jordan. Rachel worked mostly around 4-7. Jordan around 5-9.

2/6 Pettit. Chris, Devon, Ben, Jess, Maia and Tyler warmed up and then did 4x150 at 95% with 10 min recoveries. Jess took most of them out a little easy because of quad soreness. Chris had a sore high hamstring after last rep. Others did a recovery workout in Kern. Pettit times:

Jess: 23.7 22.5 22.5 20.9
Maia: 23.4 22.9 22.8 22.6
Tyler: 21.9 22.3 22.4 22.5
Chris: 18.8 18.6 19.0 19.1
Devon: 20.3 20.2 20.6 20.0
Ben: 20.4 20.9 NT 21.3

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Stevens Point: Jordan gets HJ PR

2/4 Stevens Point. Not a good day for hurdlers and high jumpers. No Kim, no Spencer, no Jess and no Des for various reasons. One bright spot was Jordan's HJ PR of 5-7.75. Everyone else was subpar. Was it the early hour? Long bus ride? Undertraining? Overtraining? Hard to know. Things improved, though, in the afternoon. Jess was within about a half second of the school indoor 400 record, and we had some PRs in 200 and a strong 4x4 leg by Jordan.

Jordan: 5-7.75 (13th PR =15th all time) 53.9r
Jess: 63.91 (19th)
Ben: 9.60 (19th) 25.13 (51st PR)
Chris: 9.89 (23rd) 24.72 (45th)
Rachel: 4-5 (11th)
Maia: 13-7.5 (18th) 25-4.25 (34th) 30.96 (49th)
Des: 28.75 (33rd PR)
Collin: 5-1.75 (14th) 54.9r

Monday, January 30, 2017

Workouts: 2/2, 2/1, 1/31, 1/30

2/2 KC. Most did a recovery circuit on their own. Jordan got some high jumping, having been cleared from concussion. Adjusted Jordan's approach a bit and added a little speed to takeoff. Improved arm block and rotation.

2/1 KC. Split session with men and women. Women were first. After mobility, some window posts, dribbles, over-knee pick ups, 1-steps, 5-steps and power hurdles. Emphasized lead leg fold and cycle throughout session. After drills, block starts over H1 3-4 times and H3 3-4 times. Got times on most reps. (H1: Des 2.22, Jess 2.28, Maia 2.29, Chris 2.23, Ben 2.18; Split: Des PR 1.39, Jess 1.50, Chris 1.43, Ben 1.46) Comments: Difficult night for some. Maia had the worst of it going down once and have a couple of near crashes a couple of other times, but her rhythm into H1 was better. Struggled with the 33, but did well at 24 and 27. Her rhythm and oppo with the 4-step on the H3s was good. Jess was having a quad problem, so she was sub-par on the reps she did before we shut her down. Des balked on H1 at times, but she had some good reps, too, including her fastest trip ever between two hurdles. Chris made some adjustments on start and continues to show better separation between lead and trail, though he still is a bit tardy on cycling the lead leg, particularly on H1. Ben was a little out of sorts and struggled a bit, but he got through most reps, albeit with some noisy hurdles. Maia, Ben and Chris did some strength work (kb swings, kb jump squats, box drops, push ups).

1/31 KC. Jordan, Maia, Rachel, Alex, Collin warmed up individually and then did some short approach jumps, 10-step approaches, scissors jumps, u-turns and full jumps. 4-6.5 for women, about 5-4.5 for men. Focused mostly on getting up, which seems obvious, but most had been jumping across bar instead of jumping up in front of bar, letting momentum from run up carry them across. Jordan was limited to scissors jumps because of Saturday's mild concussion. Collin had some improvement in approach and got some height on some jumps, but rotation on one axis (getting back to bar) and rotation on the other axis (wrapping around the bar) were still lacking. We tried a few jump turns on the ground to get a better feel for what's needed, and he was able to do that, and we did a few easy 4-step jumps to try to do the same -- with some success. Need to get more of those next time.

1/30 Pettit. McCoy, Devon, Ben, Owen, Jess, Maia and Tyler did 400 training. A few mobility exercises and dribble series before 3x100, walking remainder of track for recovery. Targeted opening 100 of 400 (24.5% of target time). 3x200 at average 400 pace followed (also with remainder of lap recovery). Walk/jog cool down and stretching. Times (target):
McCoy (13.2) 13.3 13.1 13.5 (27) 26.7 26.7 28.4
Devon (13.7) 13.6 13.8 13.7 (28.5) 29 28.5 28.7
Ben (14.4) 13.7 13.4 14.2 (29.5) 31 31.9 33
Owen (?) 14.9 14.6 13.7 (?) 31 30.3 31 -- looks like 60 pace
Jess (15.4) 16.1 15.6 15.5 (31.5) 31.4 31.3 31.8
Maia (17.1) 16.4 16.7 16.9 (34.5) 33.8 33.3 33
Tyler - no target time for 400, ran with Maia

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Parkside: Jess wins 55H, close to PR; Ben cracks all-time top 10

1/28 Kenosha. Jess ran 10.07 (converted), just .05 off her PR, but fast enough to get a win. Ben got a PR, 9.24 (converted) -- more than .6 better than his previous best and #10 on the all-time MSOE list. Chris was 3rd in 8.81, about a tenth off his best. Rachel got another 4-7 jump and finished 2nd, while Maia got a PR and 3rd place. Jordan looked good in his first HJ competition, clearing 5-7 for 3rd place in this meet where both the women's and men's teams finished 2nd.

Jess: 10.07c (1st) 7-2.5 (2nd) 29.9/33.8 63.7r (2nd)
Ben: 9.24c (2nd) 59.3r
Chris: 9.48c (3rd) 26.1/28.1 54.2r (1st)
Rachel: 4-7 (2nd =PR +#8 all time) 9 jumps - mid mark 22
Maia: 4-3.25 (3rd #13 all time) 14-5.75 (11th) 31/40 71.0r (HJ mid mark 19-7)
Jordan: 5-7 (3rd =#16 all time)
Des: 10.63c (4th) 31.8/37.2 69.0r
Collin: 5-3 (5th) 55.8r

Monday, January 23, 2017

Workouts:1/25, 1/24, 1/23

1/25 KC. Chris, Ben, Maia and Jess did hurdle training. Circles, swings, cycles, scorpions, stick switches, smashes, grabs, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 1-steps, power hurdles. Block starts over 1-2-3-3-2-1. Wicket runs out to H2 with women maxed at 6-0 and men at 6-6. Strength work: single-leg split squat jumps, kb swings, kb jump squats (with/without kb), double box drop followed by single box left and right, alternating box drive, kb suitcase carry, elevated push ups. Comments: Jess had another consistent session and focused on getting lead leg and trail leg working hard through the ground contact, Maia continued to work on her 8-step, which she did a few times. She did some 4-steppers off that. Chris 3.0 was in good form, just needing to get down off H1 a little better, which can be aided by taking off a bit further away. Ben continues his progress and had a couple of good reps. Still not consistent but his modifications have been good when focused.

1/24 KC. Rachel, Maia, Alex, Jordan and Collin warmed up, including takeoff skips, 3-point line runs, top of key "layups," pit bridges and backovers, 1/2-circle jumps, 6-step bungee jumps, 8 (or 10) step run throughs and then 8 jumps at moderate height (4-4 for women, 5-7 for men).

1/23 Pettit. Des, Jess, Maia and Chris were joined by Tyler, Devon, Patty and McCoy. Warm up included jacks, scorpions, dribbles, accel and pickup. 3x60 with walk remainder of lap recovery (~5 min). 3x150 with remainder of lap recovery (4-5 min). Men were coming through 18 to 20. Women 22 to 25. Walk/jog lap cool down, Wall stretches. Rachel did a circuit at the Kern after her class.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Workouts: 1/19, 1/18, 1/17, 1/16

1/19 KC. Some did circuit, some field events, and Rachel did a hurdle workout. Because she was ill, we stuck to drill work and focused on a tight lead leg fold. She did it well, including some higher speed 6-step power hurdles. Technically doing a lot of things well -- just need to bring more speed to it.

1/18 KC. Maia, Des, Jess and Ben trained. Des left for class at 5. A couple of deadlift sets and Russian boxes after jacks and hurdle mobility. Swings, cycles, scorpions, window posts, stick switches. Shuffle smashes and grabs. Dribbles. Hurdle drills: hangers, cut steps, 1/2 space hurdles (left and right), power hurdle into 1 steps of increasing distance (11 to 14'). We learned a few things there, but despite early struggles, everyone got through all, except Maia (and she got close). Speed work involved H1 starts. Maia worked with wickets but got all the way up to 33". Everyone ran some impressive times, especially in the last couple of the 5 reps. (Bests: Jess PR 2.10, Ben 2.05, Maia 2.28)

1/17 KC. Jordan joined the group, which tonight included Maia, Rachel and Collin (and Alex). Did a few warm up activities, some pit drills, some 6-step approach jumps and some 8-step approaches. Took a lot of jumps with bungee and a few with bar. Some with a ramp. Maia worked on a more consistent run up and plant angle, which she accomplished on many of her jumps. Rachel worked on a tighter wrap around the bar and more speed into takeoff. Collin worked on getting perpendicular to bar. Jordan worked on his run up. Everyone made some improvements. Jordan brought a lot speed to his jump and had some nice attempts around 5-8 but folded on most. Bar for women was set at 4-4.

1/16 Pettit. First trip to the PC for sprinters and hurdlers. Chris, McCoy, Devon, Tyler, Jess, Des, Patty, Kim, Maia and Ben. Warmed up with dribbles, scorpions, skips. 200 at opening 400 pace, 45-sec rest, 100 at 400 pace. 8 min rest. 200 at opening 400 pace, 45-sec rest, 150 at 400 pace. Cruise down lap -- 50m sprint, coast turn, jog back stretch, walk turn. Stretch.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Carthage: Jess, Chris make strong showing

1/14 Kenosha. Chris made a major improvement in hurdles, 4th finishing dropping about 3 tenths off his PR. His 55H PR of 8.70 converts to 9.37 for 60H, which moved him to =10 on MSOE's all-time 60H list. Jess was less than a tenth off her 60H converted PR, finishing 3rd in 9.40 in 55H (equal to 10.10). Also reaching the scoring column were Spencer in 55H and HJ, Ben in 55H, and Maia and Rachel in HJ. Rachel's 4-7 jump was =8 on all-time list.

Jess: 9.59/9.40 (3rd) 29.28 (9th)
Chris: 8.81/8.70 (PR 4th =#10 all time) 24.93 (10th)
Spencer: 8.93/8.86 (6th) 5-7 (7th) 27.24 (18th)
Rachel: 4-7 (PR 6th  =#8 all time)
Maia: 4-1.25 (7th #13 all time) 30.43 (16th) 13-11.5 (9th)
Ben: 9.16/9.59 (8th) 25.65 (13th)
Collin: 5-5 (10th)
Des: 10.20 (11th) 29.67 (12th)

Complete results

Monday, January 9, 2017

Workouts: 1/13, 1/12, 1/11, 1/10, 1/9

1/13 KC. Pre-meet shakeout. Jess, Spencer and Chris did a few block starts over 1 to 3 hurdles. Maia did starts without hurdles. Rachel also did some warm up. She also dominated Yahtzee on our first game night, scoring 268 points, and Spencer was runnerup with 171.

1/12 KC. Jess and Ben did sprinters' extensive tempo workout (horseshoes, medball, hurdle mobility). Rachel trained on her own and played some volleyball. Des came in later and did some hurdle work. Maia trained with jumps and throws. Spencer, Kim and Chris -- unknown.

1/11 KC. Jess, Maia, Des, Chris and Ben began with scorpions, deep breathing, swings, in-place pop-smash-grab series. Skipovers and power hurdles plus 1-steps. Worked mostly on arms but also somewhat on alignment and lead leg cycling. Pre-race prep rehearsal. Starts over 3. Got times on a few. Chris had 1.36, Jess 1.43. Des left before the speed reps. Strength series included goblet squats, step ups, swings, lunges, jump squats, box drops, push ups, hang cleans and push presses. Comments: Ben continued to show improvement with good acceleration and take off point and better than usual lead and trail leg on some reps. Getting elevation before the hurdle will be important as well as a more consistently tight trail leg. Chris had better than ever separation between lead and trail leg but still is floating off hurdles -- partly from a too close take off and partly from not cycling the lead leg. Still a bit too upright in, over and off the hurdles.  Maia struggled a little with the 8-step but late in the session, she was able to run all 8 hard and stay forward on entry and exit. Going to need to get trail leg out a bit more. Jess had a little inconsistency early and sometimes dropped the trail foot but ended with multiple strong reps over 3.

1/10 KC. Spencer, Collin, Maia and Rachel were joined by Alex for HJ. Started with circles, scorpions and deep breathing. Skips, accelerations. Bridges, backovers. 1/2 circle jumps. 6-step jumps and 8-step jumps. Lots of them. Worked only with low bungee to keep emphasis on mechanics and not bar. Mostly worked on staying away from bar by leaning into curve, but we addressed other issues individually. Everyone made some improvements. Maia was most consistent and had some nice jumps. Spencer had a short session because of class, but he also had some good efforts. Rachel had some good takeoffs but needs to get a little more inverted to get landings back on shoulders. Collin had his first session, so there was a lot to do. He did well getting off his heels and getting the 8-step worked out along with improvements in getting rotated in air and going perpendicular across bar. More to do there. Got heights and weights: Collin 6-2 1/8 162, Rachel 5-10 3/8 136, Maia 5-4 1/8 124, Spencer 6-3 1/8 205. 8-step approaches: Maia 36, Rachel 40, Collin 12 / 42.

1/9 KC. Pre-workout strength was jacks, hurdle mobility, 4x2 deadlifts followed by 3 hurdle hops. Swings, cycles, deep breathing, scorpions. 1-post knee pulls, toe and heel walks, over-knee walk. 2-post carioca, A and B skips, quick bound. 3-post over-knee jog to stride, straight leg to over knee run, over-knee pickup. 5-step hurdles (-3" and R), working on alignment, knee drive with fold entry and arm action. Worked more of the same with 4-step power hurdle and then with a 1-step added. 4xH1 (-3 and R) from 3-pt; 4x2H from block (all -3" and -1.5' for Kim and Jess, -2.5' for Des and Maia). Band work (in, out, lead, trail, knee drive, hip. forward, backward). Optional stretch / roll. Maia, Des, Jess, Kim, Chris, Ben and Spencer were on hand for this workout. Everyone did well hitting the takeoff point. Still a few issues with alignment, lead, trail and arms, but nothing major.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


1/7 Milwaukee, WI. Jess battled through the remnants of her food poisoning and posted at 10.86 -- a few tenths slower than her December debut, but a good effort considering her health. Des had a great start but balked on her 3-step to H2, slammed on the breaks and popped up for her clearance, 4-stepping the whole race (11.35). Ben ran 200 (26.11) and 400 (65.42 - 29.42 / 36). Maia ran 200 (30.70).

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Workouts: 1/5, 1/3

1/5 KC. Jess, Des, Maia, Kim and Ben were in for a hurdle workout. Rachel was having a hip issue and did some circuit training instead of hurdling. Jess was still feeling effects from her food poisoning on her trip to Germany, but she was able to get through the workout. Started with jacks, hurdle mobility and 3x3 deadlifts with each set followed by 5 quick on-off box jumps. Leg swings and scorpions were followed by dribbles, shuffle smash and shuffle grabs. Next, 3x 5-step hurdles and then power hurdles, some with a one-step. 3x 8-step wickets from falling start, 3x 8-step wickets over mini hurdle from 3 point, about 6x H1 without wickets from blocks, starting at -6" and then -3". Everyone did well with wickets, but once the wickets were removed, Maia often took 9 steps, Des sometimes stopped -- though both were hitting the takeoff point or near the takeoff point. Jess was consistent in hitting all the marks. Kim was, too, and got a little more aggressive on later reps and had some good ones. Maia eventually took off on 8, but leaned back a little on takeoff and nearly fell backward. Des was able to get 8s on her later reps. Ben was a little short on step 1 and little long on 2, but was pretty close to the takeoff point (a little long) and making good progress on the lead leg. Trail still loose more often than not. Considering the long break from hurling, everyone had a good session. Ended with 3 sets of 5 kb swings, 5 double box drops, 5 L+R single box drops, 10/15 push ups, 5 L+R kb eccentric deadlifts.

1/3 KC. Still on break, the only jumper was Alex, a 2015 grad, who came in for some Alumni Meet prep. Warmed up, worked out some steps (9 / 17-6 / 46), took a bunch of 6-step jumps and some 10-steps. Worked mostly around 4-4 or less. I took a few to give Alex some rest between attempts.