Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Workout: 5/23, 5/16

5/23 KC. Alex worked around 4-5.5, trying some 5-5 step approaches to avoid the more abrupt turn of the 6-4. Also worked on angling plant foot to corner. Jess came over and popped over 4-1.5 off a 6-step a couple times.

5/16 KC. Sam, Maia and Rachel were joined by Alex and Jerome. Jumped up on 2-mat stack, did some short-approach with bungee, and then fulls at moderate heights. Sam worked around 4 to 4-2, Maia was jumping well with multiple clearances at 4-5.5 and some near misses at 4-6.5. Alex jumped around those heights as well. Rachel had multiple clearances at those heights. Jerome worked in 6-0 to 6-2 range, only missing twice at 6-2 and getting three.

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