Monday, October 30, 2017

Week 1: 11/1, 11/2, 11/3, 10/31, 10/30

11/1 Off. 11/2 Field events or sprint group. 11/3 Tempo 3x4x100 on Viets.

10/31 KC. First practice for HJers. On hand, Maia, Lea, Bianca, Michaela and Des. Started with a series of skips and flexibility exercises. Drills included 1-step pop turns, take-off skips, circle runs, u-turns. Approach work followed. Did a reverse run out to find a starting point; turned around and ran full approaches and made adjustments; marked mid-point (4th or 5th step, depending on whether a 9- or 10-step full). Marks: Michaela 10 / 26 / 43 (9); Des 10 / 27 / 49 (10); Lea 10 / 25 / 41 (9); Bianca 11 / 28 / 55. Marks will need more adjustment once we start jumping with a bar, but these will work for now in working on our approach rhythm and consistency in run up and leaning into curve.

10/30 KC. First team practice for hurdlers. Warm up included high-knee pulls, walk, jog; in-place bounces, switches. Drills: calf smash, grabs, window post up, cycling, slowlow off platform, 1/2H skips with trail and lead on both sides; 1-step; 1/2-space3; 3-wicket over 1. Acceleration: wickets out to 6-0; 10x3H pushes. Stretching: hamstring, hip, hip flexor, calf, quad. Present: Noah, Jacob, Deven, Des, Jess, Maia, Lea. Comments: Emphasized lead leg quite a bit, and we will continue with that. Kept all the hurdling at 21" to make execution of mechanics easier. Jess, Des and Maia had no major issues, clearly benefiting from having done a lot of these drills in the past, but the newcomers did well, too. Noah started late but he was tight with lead and trail and was aligned well. Jacob made  some good adjustments as did Lea and Deven, both of whom led with the foot at times (swinging).

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