Sunday, February 26, 2017

NACC Indoor: Jess gets 2nd in 55H, Rachel 6th in HJ

2/26 Kenosha, WI. Jess capped off a great indoor season with a PR and runner up finish in 55H. Her time converts to a 9.49, just a hundredth off the #2 all time MSOE mark of Catherine Chappell. Des had her best effort of the season, clocking a converted 10.49, just .04 off her all-time best. Kim tried to give it a go with her badly bruised knee from a fall a few weeks ago, but couldn't get much going. Ben put up a great effort in his race, but hit H3 pretty hard, leaving him just short of his PR, running a converted 9.29 -- just .05 off his best. In HJ, Rachel was clean until 5-9.5, which left her tied for 6th. Bianca made the same height as Rachel, but had a miss, which dropped her to 9th. She also had to go back and forth from TJ, which didn't help. Jordan struggled with his ongoing knee problem but managed 5-8 -- about par for him. Jessica and Des also made big contributions to 4x4, crushing the former MSOE record by an astounding 8 seconds.

Jess: 9.49 (2nd PR #3 all time) 29.9/34 63.9r (4th)
Rachel: 4-7.5 (6th)
Bianca: 4-7.5 (9th)
Jordan: 5-8 (10th) 40-2.25 (9th)
Des: 10.49 (12th) 30.6/36 66.6 (4th)
Ben: 9.29 (12th) 25.44 (29th)
Kim: 11.08 (15th) 

Complete results

Jess 55H 2nd

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