Monday, January 9, 2017

Workouts: 1/13, 1/12, 1/11, 1/10, 1/9

1/13 KC. Pre-meet shakeout. Jess, Spencer and Chris did a few block starts over 1 to 3 hurdles. Maia did starts without hurdles. Rachel also did some warm up. She also dominated Yahtzee on our first game night, scoring 268 points, and Spencer was runnerup with 171.

1/12 KC. Jess and Ben did sprinters' extensive tempo workout (horseshoes, medball, hurdle mobility). Rachel trained on her own and played some volleyball. Des came in later and did some hurdle work. Maia trained with jumps and throws. Spencer, Kim and Chris -- unknown.

1/11 KC. Jess, Maia, Des, Chris and Ben began with scorpions, deep breathing, swings, in-place pop-smash-grab series. Skipovers and power hurdles plus 1-steps. Worked mostly on arms but also somewhat on alignment and lead leg cycling. Pre-race prep rehearsal. Starts over 3. Got times on a few. Chris had 1.36, Jess 1.43. Des left before the speed reps. Strength series included goblet squats, step ups, swings, lunges, jump squats, box drops, push ups, hang cleans and push presses. Comments: Ben continued to show improvement with good acceleration and take off point and better than usual lead and trail leg on some reps. Getting elevation before the hurdle will be important as well as a more consistently tight trail leg. Chris had better than ever separation between lead and trail leg but still is floating off hurdles -- partly from a too close take off and partly from not cycling the lead leg. Still a bit too upright in, over and off the hurdles.  Maia struggled a little with the 8-step but late in the session, she was able to run all 8 hard and stay forward on entry and exit. Going to need to get trail leg out a bit more. Jess had a little inconsistency early and sometimes dropped the trail foot but ended with multiple strong reps over 3.

1/10 KC. Spencer, Collin, Maia and Rachel were joined by Alex for HJ. Started with circles, scorpions and deep breathing. Skips, accelerations. Bridges, backovers. 1/2 circle jumps. 6-step jumps and 8-step jumps. Lots of them. Worked only with low bungee to keep emphasis on mechanics and not bar. Mostly worked on staying away from bar by leaning into curve, but we addressed other issues individually. Everyone made some improvements. Maia was most consistent and had some nice jumps. Spencer had a short session because of class, but he also had some good efforts. Rachel had some good takeoffs but needs to get a little more inverted to get landings back on shoulders. Collin had his first session, so there was a lot to do. He did well getting off his heels and getting the 8-step worked out along with improvements in getting rotated in air and going perpendicular across bar. More to do there. Got heights and weights: Collin 6-2 1/8 162, Rachel 5-10 3/8 136, Maia 5-4 1/8 124, Spencer 6-3 1/8 205. 8-step approaches: Maia 36, Rachel 40, Collin 12 / 42.

1/9 KC. Pre-workout strength was jacks, hurdle mobility, 4x2 deadlifts followed by 3 hurdle hops. Swings, cycles, deep breathing, scorpions. 1-post knee pulls, toe and heel walks, over-knee walk. 2-post carioca, A and B skips, quick bound. 3-post over-knee jog to stride, straight leg to over knee run, over-knee pickup. 5-step hurdles (-3" and R), working on alignment, knee drive with fold entry and arm action. Worked more of the same with 4-step power hurdle and then with a 1-step added. 4xH1 (-3 and R) from 3-pt; 4x2H from block (all -3" and -1.5' for Kim and Jess, -2.5' for Des and Maia). Band work (in, out, lead, trail, knee drive, hip. forward, backward). Optional stretch / roll. Maia, Des, Jess, Kim, Chris, Ben and Spencer were on hand for this workout. Everyone did well hitting the takeoff point. Still a few issues with alignment, lead, trail and arms, but nothing major.

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