Monday, January 16, 2017

Workouts: 1/19, 1/18, 1/17, 1/16

1/19 KC. Some did circuit, some field events, and Rachel did a hurdle workout. Because she was ill, we stuck to drill work and focused on a tight lead leg fold. She did it well, including some higher speed 6-step power hurdles. Technically doing a lot of things well -- just need to bring more speed to it.

1/18 KC. Maia, Des, Jess and Ben trained. Des left for class at 5. A couple of deadlift sets and Russian boxes after jacks and hurdle mobility. Swings, cycles, scorpions, window posts, stick switches. Shuffle smashes and grabs. Dribbles. Hurdle drills: hangers, cut steps, 1/2 space hurdles (left and right), power hurdle into 1 steps of increasing distance (11 to 14'). We learned a few things there, but despite early struggles, everyone got through all, except Maia (and she got close). Speed work involved H1 starts. Maia worked with wickets but got all the way up to 33". Everyone ran some impressive times, especially in the last couple of the 5 reps. (Bests: Jess PR 2.10, Ben 2.05, Maia 2.28)

1/17 KC. Jordan joined the group, which tonight included Maia, Rachel and Collin (and Alex). Did a few warm up activities, some pit drills, some 6-step approach jumps and some 8-step approaches. Took a lot of jumps with bungee and a few with bar. Some with a ramp. Maia worked on a more consistent run up and plant angle, which she accomplished on many of her jumps. Rachel worked on a tighter wrap around the bar and more speed into takeoff. Collin worked on getting perpendicular to bar. Jordan worked on his run up. Everyone made some improvements. Jordan brought a lot speed to his jump and had some nice attempts around 5-8 but folded on most. Bar for women was set at 4-4.

1/16 Pettit. First trip to the PC for sprinters and hurdlers. Chris, McCoy, Devon, Tyler, Jess, Des, Patty, Kim, Maia and Ben. Warmed up with dribbles, scorpions, skips. 200 at opening 400 pace, 45-sec rest, 100 at 400 pace. 8 min rest. 200 at opening 400 pace, 45-sec rest, 150 at 400 pace. Cruise down lap -- 50m sprint, coast turn, jog back stretch, walk turn. Stretch.

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