Monday, March 6, 2017

Workouts: 3/9, 3/8, 3/7, 3/6

3/9 KC. Savana was in for some speed testing and hurdle basics. After some warm up on her own, she did a dribble series and then 3x 16 wicket runs (6-0 max). Hurdle walkovers, skipovers and jogovers (1-step). Worked mostly on staying square with good alignment and finishing trail leg. Did well by end of drills. Did some intro to blocks, working out to step 4. Strength work was kb swings, push ups, box drop and pop (dbl), box drop singles, kb box straddle squats. Foam rolling.  Some metatarsal pain to monitor.

3/8 KC. Maia, Jess, Holly and Ben were in. Started with dribble series, shuffle smash/grab, stick switches, 1-step hurdles, 4-step power hurdle plus 1-step and 3-step. 3-point starts out to step 4 and step 8 then with ultra low hurdle, adding one hurdle per rep out to H4 (all at -4). Block starts over 4 hurdles (-2' -3"). Strength circuit: 2x10 kb swings, 10x push ups, 5x box drop and pop, 10x back and forth freeze steps. Comments: Emphasis was on increasing rhythm and reaction with good hurdle mechanics.

3/7 KC. Spencer was back and joined Maia, Savana, Rachel and Alex. Rachel checked out earlier with continued soreness on her plant foot. The rest warmed up and then did approaches, u-turns, 6-step jumps and fulls (about 7x). We emphasized speed in turn along with maintaining strong lean into takeoff. Spencer had to leave early for class but had some good u-turns and short approach jumps. Maia hit a PR 4-6 and had a couple of other near misses at that height. Savana was getting into layout early, crossing at an angle and landing sideways. She took most of her jumps around 4-2. Bianca had some good clearances at 4-6 but still had a gallop on most jumps despite having consistent run throughs. Alexa had multiple near misses at 4-6.

3/6 VF/KC. Ben, Savana and Jess started inside with skips, hurdle mobility, 3x3 deadlifts + 5 tuck jumps +10 push ups. Went outside on VF and did some 3x1-step on L+R and then 4x4 2-step drills. 5x2 10-step to 7-step relative spacing for 17 rhythm for 400H + 3 random spaced hurdles for up and back. Holly was in later and did the workout indoors.

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