Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Workouts: 4/6, 4/5, 4/4, 4/3

4/6 KC. Savana and Becky were in for some hurdle work early. Tripp and Trey later. Did swings, cycles and window posts. Depending on the group, we did some of the following: walkovers, slowlows, 1-steps, power hurdles, power +1-step, power +1-step and 3-step. Finished with 7-step reps at 19 outdoor rhythm for women and 17 for men. Progress was good again for Savana and Becky. Trey and Tripp had a great first session. Much more to do for them, but they made rapid improvement within the session.

4/5 KC. Kim was ill. Des, Jess and Maia trained together and Holly was in later. Started with abbreviated hurdle mobility, 2x4 deadlifts plus 4  dbl box drop and freeze followed by vertical jump and freeze followed by horizontal jump and freeze. Swings, cycles and dribbles completed the warmup. A couple 1-steppers on right and left lead legs and then power hurdles adding a 1-step and then 1-step into 3-step, also doing a couple left and a couple right. 2x2H (-2) block starts and then 2x4H (-3) and 2x3H 7-step. 5x4 hurdle hops followed by 2x10 hip thrusts and 5x nordic hamstrings.

4/4 KC. Maia, Bianca, Rachel, Savana were joined by Alex for HJ. Worked on approach, approach with up-and-in knee drive and rotation. Full jumps were at 4-2, 4-5 and 4-8. Maia looked great -- consistent approach, great vertical and arch. Snapped out a little early at times, but is demonstrating the best technique in the group now. Bianca improved her approach quite a bit, maintaining a better and more consistent rhythm and takeoff point. Rachel worked mostly off a 6-step approach and nearly cleared 4-8 on multiple jumps. Savana got one at 4-2 and then spent the rest of the day jumping at 4-5, with a couple good attempts.

4/3 KC VF. Variety of workouts today. Some visited training for rehab. Some did VF tempo with hurdles. Some did a no-impact recovery circuit. Some did an explosive medball workout. Some did an intensive 400H workout with relative spacing reps.

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