Monday, January 30, 2017

Workouts: 2/2, 2/1, 1/31, 1/30

2/2 KC. Most did a recovery circuit on their own. Jordan got some high jumping, having been cleared from concussion. Adjusted Jordan's approach a bit and added a little speed to takeoff. Improved arm block and rotation.

2/1 KC. Split session with men and women. Women were first. After mobility, some window posts, dribbles, over-knee pick ups, 1-steps, 5-steps and power hurdles. Emphasized lead leg fold and cycle throughout session. After drills, block starts over H1 3-4 times and H3 3-4 times. Got times on most reps. (H1: Des 2.22, Jess 2.28, Maia 2.29, Chris 2.23, Ben 2.18; Split: Des PR 1.39, Jess 1.50, Chris 1.43, Ben 1.46) Comments: Difficult night for some. Maia had the worst of it going down once and have a couple of near crashes a couple of other times, but her rhythm into H1 was better. Struggled with the 33, but did well at 24 and 27. Her rhythm and oppo with the 4-step on the H3s was good. Jess was having a quad problem, so she was sub-par on the reps she did before we shut her down. Des balked on H1 at times, but she had some good reps, too, including her fastest trip ever between two hurdles. Chris made some adjustments on start and continues to show better separation between lead and trail, though he still is a bit tardy on cycling the lead leg, particularly on H1. Ben was a little out of sorts and struggled a bit, but he got through most reps, albeit with some noisy hurdles. Maia, Ben and Chris did some strength work (kb swings, kb jump squats, box drops, push ups).

1/31 KC. Jordan, Maia, Rachel, Alex, Collin warmed up individually and then did some short approach jumps, 10-step approaches, scissors jumps, u-turns and full jumps. 4-6.5 for women, about 5-4.5 for men. Focused mostly on getting up, which seems obvious, but most had been jumping across bar instead of jumping up in front of bar, letting momentum from run up carry them across. Jordan was limited to scissors jumps because of Saturday's mild concussion. Collin had some improvement in approach and got some height on some jumps, but rotation on one axis (getting back to bar) and rotation on the other axis (wrapping around the bar) were still lacking. We tried a few jump turns on the ground to get a better feel for what's needed, and he was able to do that, and we did a few easy 4-step jumps to try to do the same -- with some success. Need to get more of those next time.

1/30 Pettit. McCoy, Devon, Ben, Owen, Jess, Maia and Tyler did 400 training. A few mobility exercises and dribble series before 3x100, walking remainder of track for recovery. Targeted opening 100 of 400 (24.5% of target time). 3x200 at average 400 pace followed (also with remainder of lap recovery). Walk/jog cool down and stretching. Times (target):
McCoy (13.2) 13.3 13.1 13.5 (27) 26.7 26.7 28.4
Devon (13.7) 13.6 13.8 13.7 (28.5) 29 28.5 28.7
Ben (14.4) 13.7 13.4 14.2 (29.5) 31 31.9 33
Owen (?) 14.9 14.6 13.7 (?) 31 30.3 31 -- looks like 60 pace
Jess (15.4) 16.1 15.6 15.5 (31.5) 31.4 31.3 31.8
Maia (17.1) 16.4 16.7 16.9 (34.5) 33.8 33.3 33
Tyler - no target time for 400, ran with Maia

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