Monday, February 13, 2017

Workouts: 2/16, 2/15, 2/14, 2/13

2/16 KC. Most did recovery circuit, some did field events. Savana, a new member of sprint group, stopped over for a HJ intro. We did some 4-step jumps and backovers into PV pit. Worked around 4-2 with bungee. Quick learner.

2/15 KC. Maia, Kim, Des and Jess did swings, cycles, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 5x4H 1-steps, 3x3H 5-steps of increasing height, block starts to step 4 - step 8 and low hurdle, 2x H1 starts for time (bests: Jess 2.14, Des 2.22, Maia 2.36). Kim was dealing with a knee injury from dance, and Des later hurt her ankle coming off a hurdle. 2-3x 3H for time (best splits: Jess PR 1.32, Maia 1.55 4-step, Des 1.55 3-step, Kim 1.53 3-step). 2x 8.5m fly (bests: Jess 1.03, Maia 1.16, Kim 1.08). 3-5x 4H at -3" and -4' (Jess around 1.1, Maia mid-1.2s, Kim 1.3s). Chris and Ben came in later. Chris did the warm up and 1-steps. Tried some short accels and then longer ones. Got up to 12 steps and then speed maintenance, which hurt a little, so we stopped. Ben did the same workout as the women at his respective heights and distances. He did 2.22 start time, PR 1.45 split time, 1.03 for 9.14m fly, and 1.2s for the 4H low and tight reps.

2/14 KC. Maia, Jordan, Rachel, Alex and Bianca warmed up for HJ and then did RTs, short approach jumps and fulls. Fulls were up on makes and down on misses. About 10 jumps. Worked on approach, plant angle, arms and staying away from bar. Mixed success with those elements. 5xL+R box pops.

2/13 KC. Circuit. Hurdle mobility, hurdle drills, strength, plyos, explosive medball throws, rowing, flexibility, foam rolling and stretching.

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