Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 5: 11/27-12/1

12/1 KC. Hurdle session with Jess, Holly, Maia, Bianca and Deven. Started with skips then wickets. Walkovers, skipovers, jogovers and accelovers (4-step power hurdle). Practice block start then some starts over H2 (27 to 30 at -2 to -1). 4x4H (-3 at 30). Strength series: 8x KB straddle squats, 20x push ups, 8x single-leg KB deadlifts, 16x walking KB lunges, 8x KB swings, 60sec plank. Comments: Jess had a good series of hurdles, getting faster with every rep. Had some alignment issues on some (inward lead leg) and a hanging lead leg, but she made some good corrections on those. Holly was consistent technique-wise and speed-wise. Good alignment as usual. She and Jess had similar split times. Maia had a great night. She ran with good resolve and technique, getting quite a few 3-steppers and just a few 4s or bailouts. Bianca made good progress in her second hurdle session, getting her 8-step and 3-step, with H2 at -3. Taking off too close on H1 and not using all her speed yet, but once she gets the takeoff point nailed, she should have a better flight path, which will help as she goes over H2. Did not attempt 4H. Deven did a few hurdle reps, continuing to work on lead leg mechanics, which he did much better late in the session.

11/30 KC. Field events for most. Deven did a strength workout. Michaela worked with sprinters. Des got a quick hurdle workout. Brian started to learn hurdles. Des did some 5-steppers, speedbuilders and 2H block starts over 27s a little under race spacing. Brian did swings, cycles, window posts, walkovers, skipovers, jogovers, accelovers (4-step power). Worked in 21-27" range. Progress was great for first time over hurdles. Lead leg action got most of our attention. Got a little loose and outward at times. Trail leg too much under all the time, but we didn't try to address that yet. Arm action was good most of the time. We'll try some taller hurdles next time.

11/28 KC. High jump practice had Bianca, Des, Maia, Katie, Michaela, Rachel, Keaton and Nick from GMTC. 4-way jumping jacks, ankle exercises, 3-pt line runs, curved rim/net jumps, pop-turns, pit bridges, backovers, 1/2 circle jumps, U-turns, run-through pop ups, short approach jumps with bungee and bar, and full approach jumps with bungee. Single leg work: low to high box, medicine ball ups, bench side pop ups. Comments: Worked primarily on leaning into turn through takeoff and getting a good plant angle. On both the shorts and fulls, we had the bar set at moderate height for most, easy for some and difficult for others.

11/27 VF. Upper 40s, so we got outside for some intensive tempo. Hurdlers, high jumpers and sprinters all worked out together. Warmed up with forward skips, backward skips, B skips and side skips. 4x over ankle dribble progression to over knee strides. Intensive tempo 85-90% (not timed): 75y (2 min rec) 110y (2 min) 140y (6 min) 140y (2 min) 110y (2 min) 75y -- had hurdles at 35y-55y-75y for those hurdling. After a short rest, bodyweight exercises: max pushups, 20x lunges, 60 sec plank, 15x low-slow squats, 10x nordic hammy curls, 35y LJ burpees. Stretching: hamstrings, glutes, hip flexors, quads, calves. Jerica and Des did the same workout a little after 5. Was good having all the groups out there together.

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