Monday, February 6, 2017

Workouts: 2/8, 2/7, 2/6

2/8 KC. Jess, Des, Maia and Kim were in early, and Ben came later. Chris did a circuit to lay off the hamstring. High jumpers were off. Warm up included hurdle mobility, dribbles, over-knee pickup. 10x 4H 1-steps followed. Women did some oppos in the set. Worked on high knee pick up with both lead and trail legs. Did some 4-step power hurdles, working on lead leg action. Some did work on trail leg and/or arm action. Block starts were next. Did a couple out to 4 steps then 8 steps to hit takeoff box. Added lower hurdle and then worked up to race height. A couple of reps over H2 around -1' to -2' spacing at -3" height. 3 to 5 reps over 3H at -4' and -3". Comments: Very good practice for everyone. Maia only balked a couple times on H1 and managed a 4-step on all but 2 reps out of 5. Trail leg was under a few times, but she was able to correct. Straightend up a few times but she fixed that, too, staying forward on later reps. Confidence is building and she appears ready to race. Des got her 8s and 3s, and she looks ready to jump to 3 steps in a race if her technique and effort is sharp. Kim was a little inconsistent, which was not surprising since it had been a while since she last trained, but she had some good reps later in the session. Jess had another good night, very quick and well aligned. Ben continued his good progress, running much more consistently. He banged a few and still has a loose trail more often than not, but he is getting it tighter at times, which is really helping on his getaway step and improving his balance. Lead leg continues to get better, particularly when he stays up before the hurdle and drives the lead leg knee to his chest as he pushes into the hurdle.

2/7 KC. Bianca was in for first time with Rachel, Maia, Alex and later, Jordan. After warm up, we did a few backovers off box and 3-step jumps from box. Quickly moved to run throughs and then full jumps so Maia could get to other field events and Bianca to class. Worked out Bianca's approach. Rachel and Alex continued jumping with Jordan. Rachel worked mostly around 4-7. Jordan around 5-9.

2/6 Pettit. Chris, Devon, Ben, Jess, Maia and Tyler warmed up and then did 4x150 at 95% with 10 min recoveries. Jess took most of them out a little easy because of quad soreness. Chris had a sore high hamstring after last rep. Others did a recovery workout in Kern. Pettit times:

Jess: 23.7 22.5 22.5 20.9
Maia: 23.4 22.9 22.8 22.6
Tyler: 21.9 22.3 22.4 22.5
Chris: 18.8 18.6 19.0 19.1
Devon: 20.3 20.2 20.6 20.0
Ben: 20.4 20.9 NT 21.3

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