Monday, February 20, 2017

Workouts: 2/23, 2/22, 2/21, 2/20

2/23 KC. Recovery/conditioning circuit.

2/22 KC. Jess, Des and Ben rehearsed pre-race warm up and then did some reps from H1 out to H4. Savana did some introductory work such as post ups and slow lows. Did many 4-step power hurdle reps over 24s. Added a second hurdle at 21'. She improved her drive to the hurdle and worked on stepping over knee on hurdle entry. She gradually added more speed and improved her ability in staying forward through exit. Still some work to do with arms and trail leg, but she is progressing rapidly. Need to get some metrics on acceleration and max velocity after break.

2/21 KC. Maia, Savana, Rachel, Alex and Jordan all jumped. Did run throughs, some scissors jumps, short approach jumps and fulls competition style but with 2 bonus jumps at end height. Savana took nearly all her jumps around 4-2, while the others took most jumps at 4-6. Jordan worked mostly at 5-6 with a couple at 5-8.

2/20 VF. 50 degrees in February allowed us to get outside in an unusual stretch of warm weather. McCoy, Des, Jess, Maia and Savana were out for a long sprint session. Others stayed inside with short sprinters. Did leg swings, dribbles and pick up. 3x100 with 30 sec recovery around 400 race pace. Rested 10 minutes and did 3x133 with 60 sec recovery, also at 400 race pace. Jordan joined us for those. Finished off with some skipping and hopping exercises as well as some pushups and planking. Went inside with Savana to try some hurdling drills -- window posts, walkovers, skipovers, jogovers and 4-step power hurdles. Did well for first time ever over hurdles.

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