Thursday, November 9, 2017

No-impact indoor circuit

Easy rowing warm up
  • 500 meters
Hurdle mobility
  • 2x alternating leg
  • 2x forward (L+R)
  • 2x sideover (L+R)
  • 2x over/under (L+R)
Bike intervals
  • 8x 40 sec easy, 20 sec fast
Medball wall throws (25x each -- close to wall)
  • chest
  • scoop
  • right
  • left
  • overhead
  • 5x trap-bar deadlift
  • 8x hip thrust L+R with one foot on box, other straight up
  • 1x depletion push ups:
         - as many as you can - rest 90 seconds
         - as many as you can - rest 90 seconds
         - as many as you can


  • quad, calf, hamstring, hip/glute, hip flexor

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