Monday, March 27, 2017

Workouts: 3/30, 3/29, 3/28, 3/27

3/30 KC. Worked with Becky and Savana on hurdles. Warm up included swings, cycles, dribbles and wickets (out to 6-0). Worked a lot of slow lows to improve basic mechanics. After starting out at 22, we moved up to 27. Made some good improvements on pushing into hurdle, cycling lead, alignment, finishing trail and quickening the entire cycle. Did 4H 5-step elevators were next, working on same techniques, which deteriorated a little as hurdles got further apart, a little higher and a little faster, but it was an opportunity to bring the better technique into the new scenario. Savana then had a problem with her hip, which she said she felt happen in the wicket runs. So, she stopped. Becky continued on with 3H 7-step reps at spacing relative to 19 rhythm 400H. She was able to do that on some reps, and she went 8-step on some others. Also worked 4x1 exchanges with Tyler, Kim, Des and Jess. Worked at 21-shoe spacing and most exchanges were good. Might need to stretch them out a bit but can't determine that until we get some race experience.

3/29 KC. Des, Jess, Kim, Maia, Holly and Ben trained on high hurdles. Pre-workout included hurdle mobility, 3x3 deadlift with 6x long skips, 6x high skips and 10x pushups. 3x4H 5-step. 3x2H (-1). 3x2x4H (-3) with walk back on reps, and 2-3 min on sets. 5x4H hurdle hops. 3x6 band hip thrusts and 6x nordic hamstrings. Des had some foot issues and ended early, but had some good reps before that. Jess had a number of excellent reps and made a slight adjust on getting her trail leg to finish better and getting a more active entry step. Maia had one 9-step start but she was good the rest of the session in negotiating her 4-step pattern with a very good oppo. Sometimes her trail didn't finish but overall, was in good rhythm. Kim was little tentative and was overstriding at times but finished with some reps with a much quicker rhythm and better attack. Holly was very consistent and quick throughout. Made a slight adjustment on set position hip height. Ben worked on getting more upright at start and taking quicker steps under the hips on exit. Also worked to tighten the trail leg.

3/28 KC. Savana, Kim, Maia, Rachel and Alex all jumped. Started off with some ramp jumps to work on bridging / arching. Some short approach bungee jumps and then fulls, working in 4-2 to 4-6 range.

3/27 MU. 6 weeks out from NACC. Temperature was in mid-40s but wind was light and helping down the backstretch, so an OK day to work 3x5 near race pace. Jess and Ben ran around 29, Maia and Becky 32-33, Holly 29-30. At least 8 min recovery between reps. Finished with 3x3 turn hurdles and walk back across track recovery (short -- about a minute). Everyone held up well on the turn hurdles despite short recovery. Holly held race pace on hers. Didn't time others. Cool down and some ab work. Good quality reps. Oppos were good, not many slow downs into any hurdles.

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