Monday, March 13, 2017

Workouts: 3/15, 3/14, 3/13

3/16-19 KC. Workouts varied. Some did field events on Thursdays, others a medball circuit. Friday or Saturday was a speed and strength session independently.

3/15 KC. Kim, Jess, Maia and later Holly were in for a high hurdle workout. Mobility exercises and then dribbles, over-knee shuffle grabs, 6x power hurdles + 1-step and then 3-step. 3x block start 2H (-2' with H1 low and H2 regular). 3x fly sprint (bests: Jess 1.06, Holly 1.07, Kim 1.13, Maia 1.17). 3x 4H -4 ' -3". 3x10 band hip thrust, 10x kb swing, 10x elevated push up, 5x4 hurdle hops.

3/14 KC. Early group had Maia and Spencer, with Rachel there but not jumping because of her foot problem, which seems to be getting better. Late group had Kim joining Savana and Alex. Both groups warmed up independently and then worked through 6-step scisssor jumps, 1/2-circle jumps, 6-step jumps, 10- or 8-step U turns approaches, and full jumps. Spencer worked exclusively from 6-step in 5-5 to 5-9 range. Maia had a clearance at 4-7 and a couple other near misses at that height -- best she's ever jumped. Kim made 4-5 repeatedly and Alex had some clearances at that height as well. Savana made 4-2 and had more jumps with a better vertical component. Also had her do some jump-turn-sit and 2 stacked mats (about 4-0), which seemed to help with getting vertical and perpendicular.

3/13 KC. Big snowstorm. Weekend meet canceled. Jess, Maia, Savana and Ben were joined by Becky, who wanted to get some SC barrier training. Holly was in later. After hurdle mobility, deadlifts and single leg hopping, the group did leg swings, 1-step hurdles on both sides, power hurdle plus 1-step. Speed reps were 5 or 6 sets of H1 3-point starts with a walk around recovery and then 3H relative spacing (Ben at 17, others at 19 equivalent). Ben, Jess and Maia looked great and were consistent. Holly also was solid, though bothered by a somewhat chronic groin/hip flexor issue. Savana made some progress, getting a little more aggressive. Still needs some alignment work to get the lead leg tracking straight and also to get the trail leg to finish high and tight. Becky lead with her foot and had a loose trail leg, so there was a lot unwelcome rotation occurring. Finished with 5 min bike cool down and stretching/rolling.

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