Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Week 3: 11/13-17

11/16 KC. Speed work for Deven, Des, Jess, Patty and Brian. Warmed up with dribble series. Moved to plyos (4x20 single leg speed hops -- 2xL, 2xR). Patty got a little far "over her skis" and tumbled on one rep and went to do kb swings and later core exercises. Best hand times: Deven 2.45 (R), Brian 2.6 (both), Jess 2.7 (L), Patty 2.9 (L). 3x3x30 from falling start, untimed, working to maintain acceleration and build speed with good posture and mechanics. Some later reps, we did step counts and added a mini hurdle at 30m mark. Did 8x kb swings after each rep, then walk back. Rested 3+ min between sets. Core: 20x knee under and back to elbow, 20x forearm swims, 20x prone scissors, 20x side plank with pushup between sides, 20x plank jacks on hands.

11/15 Off.

1/14 KC. Keaton, Des, Lea, Rachel, Bianca and Michaela trained tonight. Rachel led warm up before moving into pop-turns, 3-pt-line runs and rim-net jumps. Into pit flip-ins and backovers. Run-throughs with pop-ups and U-turns (+3). Short-approach jumps (5 or 6 steps), working plant angle and lean into curve over low (for some) bungee. In general, execution was very good and fairly consistent for the first day over a bar.

11/3 KC. Deven, Jacob, Noah, Jess, Des, Lea and Maia were in early. Bianca later.  Warmed up with dribbles and wickets. Acceleration work included 4-step wall drives, 4-step hurdle pushes and 4-step block starts. Worked a lot on pushing, not stepping out. Window post ups, 4xH1 starts (-6"). 4x4H (-4' -6") from 3-pt. Core ex: knee to elbow plank on hands, elbow swim plank, prone scissors, side plank with push up. 1x10 kb swing, step up, goblet, lunge, single-leg deadlift, box straddle squat.

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