Monday, December 19, 2016

Workouts: 12/20, 12/19

12/20 KC. Rachel was ill. Spencer was ill, too, but warmed up and tried a few jumps before sending him away. Maia trained. Did some circle runs, backovers, short approach jumps off 4 and 6 step, with and without ramp. Had bungee set at 4-6. Worked on staying on curve, leaning into curve, keeping shoulders perpendicular to curve, plant foot to back corner, quick last step. Started getting a little more consistent toward end of workout and got better hip height when quicker at takeoff. Speed and rotation was good. Issues involved getting too long and flattening out last stride, which led to stepping out of curve on some jumps and that led to a push toward bar. Like the arm block, speed, plant angle and attack on plant, especially on later reps.

12/19 KC. Des was in for treatment (hip flexor) while Jess, Ben and Maia did a hurdle workout. Chris and Kim were excused. Spencer a no show. Pre-practice work included jacks, hurdle mobility and deadlift (5-3-1) sets followed by 5 high double leg hops. Did some deep breathing and reset to help open up rib cage a little to improve breathing and oxygenation. Scorpions followed then 5x2-step stick switches. Dribbles and then reactive hurdles (4-step power into 1-step, 3-step, 5-step, 3-step, 1-step). Block starts over wickets, then into increasingly higher H1, then H2. Maia did H2s with wickets. Struggled a little without wickets but managed to get an 8-4 on last reps. Jess worked a bit on cycling lead leg to get a little quicker getaway off hurdles and trying to keep ankles stiffer throughout. She split in 1.15 to 1.25 range. Ben had good attack into H1 and added H2 at -1.5. He was at 39-36. Trail leg was loose but rest of it was good.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Workouts: 12/11

12/11 KC. Spencer, Chris, Ben, Des, Maia and Jess started with warmup/strength: jacks, hurdle mobility, deadlifts, left and right hops, pushups. Dribbles, switches, skipovers, 5-step, power hurdles, 1-step. 3-pt starts over H1 up to race height. 3 sets of kb swings, eccentric squats, box drops, box drive, push ups. Comments: Everyone was getting in and off hurdles well. Some inconsistencies, but everyone had at least a few good reps. Worked mostly on a consistent acceleration and rhythm through H1, cycling lead leg, keeping trail tight and staying forward in and off hurdles. Maia had some trouble with 8-step, often taking 9, until we put wickets back in. No problem then. Des had some outstanding acceleration into H1, staying up tall at the ankle joint. Jess was good through the hurdles. Need to get a little more upright prior to the hurdle and to keep feet under hips throughout the sprint to H1. Chris appears to have figured out the mechanics over the 42s. Spencer looked good, and Ben has shown good improvement in lead leg cycling. Still has some inconsistencies with rhythm, but looking better overall. Block work and H2 next week. Everyone needs to work on a quicker step 8  (except Spencer who takes 7) to avoid taking off too close to hurdles.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

UWM: Jess opens season with 10.46

12/9 UW-Milwaukee. Jess opened here season with a 10.46 60H -- about 3 tenths better than her opener last year.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Workouts: 12/8, 12/6, 12/5

12/8 KC. Rachel had a sore left shin, which she claimed is usual for her. She was there with Jess, Ben and Chris, who had leave early for class. Des came in later. Practice was hampered somewhat because all the hurdles and other equipment were put away because of an event setup. Jess did a pre-race prep and worked at regular height and spacing out to three hurdles from blocks. Looked good throughout. Rachel, Ben and Chris did skipovers, 5-steppers and power hurdles. After some H1 power hurdles, we added a second and then third hurdle -- all at -3. Women ran 27-30" and men 30-36". Ben and Rachel did strength work tonight with 3 sets of 2 circuits. Set 1: Eccentric single-leg squats, double-leg and single-leg box drops. Set 2: Elevated hip thrusts, elevated push ups, alternate leg box drive.  Comments: Chris looked good through the drill work, and Ben was more consistent tonight and looked better technically. The challenge for those two is going to be maintaining the mechanics they are showing over lower hurdles once we start working over 39s and 42. Rachel did well and as the practice progressed, she was able to run more aggressively, which was even better. Sometimes she didn't finish the trail leg very well, but she did when that was her focus. She also learned how to count steps to help take her focus off the hurdle on onto her sprinting between hurdles. Similar with Des, when she was counting and aggressive, she had some excellent reps.

12/6 KC. Rachel and Maia had a HJ workout. Started with circles, swings. takeoff skips, strides, sprints. Pit bridges, backovers, backflips. Circle, half circle, 4-step and 6-step jumps. Maia had to leave early, but Rachel finished out with some full run-throughs. Comments: For an introductory session, they did well. Worked on foot plant angle, accelerating into jump, quick last step, leaning into curve and a few other things. Both were able to clear a 4-4 bungee. Hurdlers did the KC Super Circuit.

12/5 KC. Rachel trained independently. Des, Jess, Maia, Ben and Chris did a hurdle workout. They started with circles, jacks, 3x3 deadlifts, 6x dbl leg hops, 10x push ups. Swings, cycles and dribbles followed. Wall drill lead leg and rail pullovers. Stick switches, skipover tops, 1/2 space 3s, 5-step, 4-step power hurdle into 2 1-steps. A few block starts out to 4 steps. Multiple wicket accels from blocks without and with a hurdle. Took wickets out and added a second hurdle. Jess, Chris and Ben handled that OK while Maia and Des struggled some with the rhythm to H1 without wickets. Kept all hurdles low and when we added H2, it was in 2 feet. Comments: Jess showed the best technique and consistency but both Maia and Des showed some good flashes of speed in the reps without a hurdle. Des was in good position to 8-step without the wickets but wouldn't take off at times. Maia shifted to 9-step without the wickets and then 4-stepped. Ben and Chris negotiated the rhythm pretty well, but like the others, often took off too close. Both worked on starting the lead leg action with a high knee pick up and tighter fold. More work needed there. Both were pushing into hurdles reasonably well and kept the lead leg moving. Ben was less consistent than Chris and sometimes has trouble with rhythm, but hes has some good reps and will need to find more of that, especially as we work over higher hurdles further apart. All in all, a good workout as we continue progress toward building out the race.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Workouts: 12/1, 11/29, 11/28

12/1 KC. Rachel, Jess, Ben and later Des did a hurdle workout. They started with an independent warm up and 3x4 deadlifts with tuck jumps. Hurdle drills were over-top skipovers and jogovers (left and right), followed by power hurdles plus 1-steps. Did a block review and a few 4-step starts followed by wicket starts over 1H from 3-point stance. Speedbuilders followed 6H for women out to -3 and 7H for Ben out to -3. Finished with bands and stretches. Comments: Rachel did well for her first hurdle workout. Technically, she fixed a few things and started running a little more aggressively, so that was good. In the wicket starts, she was about 2.6. Jess and Des about 2.4. Ben about 2.4. Ben also made some good adjustments, but it may take a while to gain consistency. Des had some loose trails and straight arms at times, but she was able to improve that on later reps. Jess was solid in all the drills but sometimes had a lead leg moving from right to center.

11/29 KC. Maia and Rachel did high jump training. Warm up included circles, jax, low walk, ez skips, high skips, takeoff skips, 3-point line runs, 3-point line runs with pop offs, bounding, jump turns, heel tucks, jump-turn-tuck. Worked out approaches and did multiple repeats of full approach, some with a U-turn. Maia had good consistency off her 10 / 24-6 / 46 marks. Rachel was 10 / 27 / 50 -- a little inconsistent but good for day one. Finished with a 4-set mini-circuit of jump rope (dbl, single, left, right), single-leg box hops (low-off-higher), flexibility series (abs, arches, bridges, bends).

11/28 KC. Jess, Des, Kim, Maia, Chris, Ben and Spencer were in for this first post-break hurdle workout. Started with circles, swings, cycles, hurdle mobility, 3x3-5 deadlifts w/Russian box jumps. Post ups, stick switches, dribbles. Hurdle drills included 1/2 hurdle skipovers, close 3s, power hurdles. High-speed reps were wicket runs with no hurdles, 1H and then 2H (women at 24, men 27). 3 sets of 8x kb swings, step ups, lunges, goblets, 10/15 push ups, 1 min plank. Stretching. Comments: Jess was good throughout. Got on top of lead leg consistently with good push into hurdles. Kim also had good technique and alignment. Des was solid, except for a loose trail at times. Maia continued her remarkable progress in just her second hurdle workout. Had a few hanging lead legs, but she was able to improve that later on and utilized her speed well. Spencer showed some quickness and managed the compressed spacings well. His alignment was good. Chris was quick as always and in good position most of the time but sometimes he led with the foot. Ben has a history of leading with the foot, so he continued to work on knee drive and holding the fold in the lead leg. Overall, a great practice with some good improvements throughout.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Workouts: 11/15, 11/14

11/15 VF. Circuit.

1/14 VF/KC. Des, Maia and Jess started out outside on a nice 55-degree evening. Rachel trained indoors later. Started with usual circles, swings, cycles, pullovers, bench post ups, 3-way dribbles. Followed with 1/2 hurdle skipovers, first set over 24s and second over 30s. Next, hangers, straight leg cut steps, tight 3 and tight 5s. Mixed in oppo reps throughout. Did a few speedbuilders out to 24'. 10x12-step hills. 3 sets of kb swings, lunges, step ups, push ups and planks. Foam rolling. Comments: Workout when well for all. Most of the hurdle work was over 24s to accommodate Maia in what was her first-ever hurdle session. She did great. One of the best first-hurdle sessions I've seen. Jess was solid through all the drills. Des was good, too, until she had to stop because of a sore ankle, which was incurred weeks back in cross country.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Workouts: 11/10, 11/8, 11/7

11/10 VF/KC. 60 and windy out on Viets Field where Jess did circles, swings, cycles, jax, post ups, switches; standing pops, smashes and grabs, dribbles, quick bounds; 1/2H skipovers, 3x2x75m with 3H one way and no hurdles on return. 2x 6 double hops, left hops, right hops; 2x10 high skips and long skips; 3x8 kb swings, step ups, goblet squats, 60-sec planks, 10 push ups; foam rolling.

11/8 VF/KC. Maia worked on high jump approach. 10-21-46 (5 steps and 19 steps). Rachel, Ben and Jess did the VF bodyweight exercise circuit.

11/7 VF/KC. Jess and Ben were the only ones who made it to practice on day one. Started outside in some warm weather -- mid-60s. Circles, swings, cycles, pullovers, post ups. Hurdle drills included straight-leg cut steps, 1/2H skipovers,  hangers, tight 3-step, 5-step. 10x8-step hills. 3x5 deadlifts, kb walking deadlifts, pushups, kb jump squats. Foam rolling, calf stretching. Jess was sharp throughout the hurdle drills. Ben has a bit of an issue with a leading foot. Also some issues with rhythm, coordination.

Friday, May 20, 2016

NCC: Joe runs into sunset for MSOE

5/19 Naperville. Weather was outstanding. About 70 degrees, sunny with light breezes. Joe had a busy day, starting off with 3x LJ (7th 20-7.75), followed by 100m (11.28), then 3x LJ, then 110H (15.80), then 100 finals (11.28), then 110H finals (8th 15.65), then 200 (22.71). Fittingly, his last race was run as the sun set on the track at North Central College -- and he won that section, which was the last in his outstanding MSOE career. He was a 9-time NACC hurdle medalist, holds school records in 55H, 60H, 110H, 400H. He also was a frequent member of our 4x1 and 4x4 relay teams, and he led our group in scoring for 3 of his 4 years.

Joe's start of last hurdle race for MSOE

Saturday, May 14, 2016

NCC: Joe, Holly take on high-level competition

5/14 Naperville IL. Joe ran highs in a fine 15.54 and Holly got off to a good start but began turning over a bit too quickly mid-race, which led to some 4-stepping and a 17.29. Conditions were cool with no aiding wind with DI, DII, DIII, NAIA competitors from all over the U.S. Big surprise of day was Joe in LJ, where he spanned 21-0, and he may have had a longer one on another jump when he took off behind the board and sat back on landing somewhat. Rain started after that, which made for an uncomfortable evening for those in later events.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Week 29: 5/11

5/11 MU. Weather was good. Holly and Joe did high hurdle training. Pre-race warm up followed by reps over 4-6-8. 4 was at race height and spacing. Other reps were either down, in or both. Did a few "bonus" reps after those to work on a few things. Holly worked on knee drive and acceleration, particularly into H1 as well as working the lead leg all the way down (and back) off the hurdles. Split times -- although down and in somewhat -- were about a tenth faster per hurdle than typical. Joe worked also worked on getting the lead leg down -- a little earlier and ripping it down and back. He also worked to maintain more forward lean off the hurdle to minimize braking and maximize push into getaway step.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

2016 Performance List

55H/60H (*converted)
Joe Buichl 8.44*
Spencer Kamke 9.04* (#5 all time)
Brad Lorr 9.38 (#11 all time)
Chris Kataura 9.66 (#16 all time)
Jessica Bilskie 10.02* (#3 all time)
Kim Schonder 10.37* (#4 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 10.45 (#6 all time)

Joe Buichl 15.13
Jessica Bilskie 15.81 (#3 all time)
Holly Denfeld 16.20 (#4 all time)
Spencer Kamke 16.33 (#6 all time)
Desarae Echevarria 16.67 (#5 all time)
Kim Schonder 16.88 (#6 all time)
Brad Lorr 17.55

Joe Buichl 55.57 (#1 all time)
Logan Bertling 58.55 (#7 all time)
Chris Kataura 60.80
Brian Janus 61.11
Jessica Bilskie 66.52 (#2 all time)
Holly Denfeld 67.92
Brad Lorr 68.73
Desarae Echevarria 71.54 (#4 all time)
Kasey Mylin 74.73 (#6 all time)

Spencer Kamke 5-10.75
Brad Lorr 5-7.25
Kasey Mylin 4-9.25

High jump / hurdle scoring
116.3  Joe Buichl
  70.7  Jessica Bilskie
  65.1  Spencer Kamke
  35.3  Brad Lorr
  28.5  Kasey Mylin
  25.7  Desarae Echevarria
  23.7  Holly Denfeld
  14     Logan Bertling
  10     Kim Schonder
    9     Chris Kataura
    7     Brian Janus

NACC: Jess and Joe medal; 8 PRs

5/7 Lisle IL. Windy conditions with temps in 60s for finals. Because of some missing sprinters, hurdlers were a big part of 4x1 for men. Chris, Joe, Logan and Conor emerged from a pile up on the third exchange to finish 3rd. Des ran the first leg and Kim was to run the anchor leg but a botched second exchange ended the run before Kim's leg. Not long after, the high hurdle finals began. Joe picked up another bronze medal with his 3rd place finish (15.13). In the women's race, Jess ran strong again, with another sub-16 performance for 4th (15.91) with Holly right behind in 5th with a PR 16.20. Des was 7th (17.10). In 400H, Joe took his third bronze with his 55.77. Logan was 7th with another PR (58.55), and Chris was 9th at 60.97. For the women, Jess charged down the homestretch to take silver in a PR 66.52 (#2 all time). Holly ran a strong race for 4th (67.92), and Des was 9th (73.66), just a few tenths from scoring. In HJ, Kasey cleared 4-7.5, which was good enough to tie for 6th. Spencer worked open HJ into his decathlon competition but only could manage 5-3.75. Spencer was second in decathlon, which included a good hurdle time (=PR16.33). Hurdlers were prominent in men's and women's 4x4s. Joe (52.8), Logan (52.6) and Chris (53.6) teamed with Trey (51.5) to finish 5th, and Jess (62.4), Des (64.1) and Holly (62.8) teamed with Maia (67.1) to finish 6th in a school record 4:16.61. Men's and women's teams both finished 4th in team competition.

Complete results

5/6 Lisle IL. Temperatures in the 80s with sunny skies and mild breezes made for great conditions on day one of NACC Championships at Benedictine U. So many highlights in qualifying. Top of that list was Joe's school record 400H (PR 55.57). Logan also qualified for finals with his PR 59.07, and Chris qualified with a 60.55. Brian was hobbled from his steeplechase earlier in the day and ran 63.69. In women's 400H, Holly qualified with her 69.28 as did Jess with her PR 69.48 (#3 all time) and Des with a 71.69. Kasey ran 76.36. In 110H, Joe qualified with a 15.48. Spencer wedged the prelims into his decathlon competition but only could manage a 17.05. In the women's competition, Jess qualified with her PR 15.81 -- her first sub-16 performance and #3 all time MSOE. Holly also made the final with her 16.36 as did Des with a PR 16.67. Though she didn't make the final, Kim ran a big PR 16.88, which is #6 all time. Spencer had a 5-10.5 in decathlon HJ.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Week 28: 5/4, 5/3, 5/2

5/4 KC. Joe, Des, Kim did pre-race warm up and then a few block starts over 2 with finish and then a couple over 4. Chris and Logan did relative-spacing reps over 2. Kasey did KC recovery circuit.

5/3 KC. Kasey and Spencer did pre-comp warm up, a few run throughs, a few shorts and a few comp-style fulls.

5/2 VF. Chris, Logan, Jess, Spencer did 400H training. General warm up, up/back progression and then 5x2H up/back with one perimeter walk around recovery. Light plyos. Stretching.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Beloit: strong hurdle shuttles, difficult conditions

4/30 Beloit. Weather started out bad and got worse. Had the trifecta of cold, wind and rain. Very unpleasant and not everyone was prepared for ways to stay dry and warm. Still had a few good performances despite the weather. Most notable was Logan in 400H where he was within a few tenths of his season best and good for 3rd. Brian and Chris were 6th and 7th. Holly led the women hurdlers with her 3rd place in 400H. Jess and Des picked up points in that event, too, finishing 6th and 7th, respectively. In high hurdles, Joe was 4th for the men, and Holly and Jess were 4th and 5th for the women. Notably, Jess was able to 3-step the full race again, despite the poor weather. Worst part of the day was losing Brad to a hyperextended knee as he slid off LJ takeoff board. Nothing much happened in HJ, though Spencer was able to get 3rd (5-7) in a small field hampered by conditions. 

4/29 Beloit. Temps in 40s and cold breeze from northeast but sunny. Men claimed first place, meet and school record in 3x110H -- 49.80 (16.7 average). The set up was weird because they didn't use common start/finish lines -- nor was there a 4-foot exchange zone as typically used. Regardless, Brad, Spencer and Joe ran well and held off St. Ambrose for the win. For the women, Des, Jess and Holly ran a close second SA in 3x100H -- 50.36 (16.8 average). That one was set up correctly other than no exchange zone. That race establishes an MSOE record for the event and was the first time Jess 3-stepped an entire rack of hurdles outdoors.

Logan: 60.97 (3rd)
Holly: 73.17 (3rd) 16.88 (4th) 50.36 (2nd)
Spencer: 5-7 (3rd) 17.54 (9th) 49.80 (1st)
Joe: 16.41 (4th) 49.80 (1st)
Jess:16.94 (5th) 77.02 (6th) 50.36 (2nd)
Brian: 63.91 (6th)
Brad: 49.80 (1st)
Chris: 66.80 (6th) 19.90 (11th)
Des: 50.36 (2nd) 79.04 (7th) 18.98 (15th)
Kim: 18.17 (12th) 
Kasey: 4-5 (12th) 

Other events: Brad PV (10-4) LJ (18-7.75) LJ (18-8); Holly TJ (35-0.25); Des 4x1; Kim 200 (30.28) 4x1.

Complete results

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 27: 4/28, 4/27, 4/26, 4/25

4/28 KC. Shakeout for those competing Friday. Recovery circuit for those not competing until Saturday.

4/27 KC. Holly and Des were in early to work high hurdles -- pre-race warm up, a few reps over 2 and 4, and then shuttle exchanges over 1H. Kim, Spencer, Brad, Chris, Logan and Joe were in later, also doing pre-race warm up and exchanges for those in shuttle. Logan got a few reps at relative spacing, a couple with a jog recovery. Everyone had some really good reps. Kim was ripping her trail leg through much better and turned some impressive split times at 1.2 (-1), Spencer put some 1.3s and Joe some 1.2s. Chris and Brad were around 1.35.

4/26 KC. Des and Jess did some hurdle shuttle exchanges, and Jess did a high hurdle workout. Spencer, Brad and Kasey worked HJ. Did some video to target some specific improvements. 

4/25 VF/KC. Recovery work for those who raced Saturday. Some hurdling for those who didn't.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

St. Norbert: Joe gets 2nd in 400H; Des, Spencer get PRs

4/23 De Pere. Great weather -- around 60 with light winds and partly sunny skies. Joe ran a comfortable 58.89 for 2nd in 400H, despite bruises from a fall in 110H final (15.71/20.76), pushing the envelope a little. The weather brought out a lot of strong performances and a number of top 5 finishes. Best ones among those were PRs from Spencer and Des in high hurdles, moving to 6th and 4th all time, respectively. Kasey had another good day in HJ, and Logan put up another good time in 400H. Chris, Jess, Kim, Holly did not compete.

Joe: 58.89 (2nd) 15.71/20.76 (8th) 
Kasey: 4-8.25 (4th) 77.07 (16th)
Logan: 60.30 (4th)
Spencer: 16.51/16.33 (PR 5th #6 all time) 5-7.25 (4th)
Des: 17.08/16.69 (PR 5th #4 all time) 74.72 (14th)
Brad: 17.92 (9th) 5-5.25 (5th)
Brian: 61.11 (5th)

Other events: Brad JT (150-6), DT (109-8) LJ (18-8); Logan 100 (12.04)

400H splits
Joe       6.6  4.4  4.6  4.8  5.0  5.2  5.4  5.4  5.5  5.6   6.6
Des       7.7  5.5  6.0  6.1  6.4  7.1  7.2  7.0  7.5  7.2   x
Kasey   7.8  5.8  6.4  6.3  6.6  7.0  7.1  7.5  7.1  7.8   x

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 26: 4/20, 4/19. 4/18

4/21 KC/VF. Spencer did high hurdle workout -- similar to previous day. Had some great reps in mid-1.2s at regular height -1. Joe and Logan did 3x6x100 extensive tempo on VF. Kasey, Kim, Des did indoor recovery circuit (H mobility, jump rope, medball, core, etc.). Stretch/roll.

4/20 KC. Hurdle workout with Des, Kim, Brad, Joe, Chris. Holly did a 400H workout in KC early while others did a combination workout that included 5-step reps at lower heights, 2-3x2H starts and 2-3x4H starts for highs. 4-6x3H 7-step reps at 400H equivalents. 3x6 jump squats w/wo kb; 5x clap push ups; 10x box drive; ? pullups; 10x kb swings. Stretch/roll.

4/19 KC. HJ work with Brad, Kasey, Spencer. Jess did some HH work. Des did a recovery/conditioning circuit.

4/18 VF. Recovery circuit with light plyos and core work.

Friday, April 15, 2016

WI Lutheran: Joe gets win; Des miracle triple+; Jess 400H PR

4/16 Wauwatosa. Ideal weather for this one (near 70, sunny, light wind). Everyone hit the scoring column. Joe took 110H title in 15.48. with no aiding wind. Des led off the 4x1 before her miracle triple where she finished 2nd in steeplechase, 5th in 100H and 8th in 400H -- no small feat to score in all three races. Kasey was 2nd in HJ with her 4-7.75. Chris had a good race in his first 400H outing -- about .7 off his all-time best -- despite taking it out a little too fast in the first half. Jess edged under 17 in 100H and broke 70 with her PR 69.80 in 400H -- becoming the third MSOE hurdler to accomplish that. Spencer and Brad both scored in HJ. Kim in 100H.

Joe: 15.48 (1st) 
Kasey: 4-7.75 (2nd) 77.02 (10th)
Jess: 16.99 (3rd) 69.80 (PR 4th #3 all time)
Spencer: 17.29 (8th) 5-8.75 (4th)
Des: 17.43 (PR 5th #5 all time) 73.51 (8th)
Brad: 17.55 (9th) 5-5 (5th)
Kim: 18.64 (8th)

Other events: Brad JT (136-5), DT (104-10) 4x4 (57.8); Joe 4x1, 4x4 (52.7); Logan 4x1, 200 (24.05); Kasey 4x4 (70.1); Kim 200 (29.09),Des 3KSC (14:09.60)

400H splits
Chris      6.6  4.4  4.5  4.8  4.8  5.0  5.7  5.7  6.0  6.2   6.6
Jess       7.8  5.5  5.7  5.9  5.8  6.0  6.3  6.5  6.6  6.6   6.7
Kasey    7.9  5.8  6.0  6.2  6.5  6,4  7,1  7.1  7.3  7.7   8.2  

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 25: 4/14, 4/13, 4/12, 4/11

4/14 HP/VF. Logan, Joe and Kasey did VF circuit. Des and Jess went to Hart Park for hurdle workout -- 3x7 30s at -1, 3x5 30s 400H. Splits for both were in 5.5 to 6 range.

4/13 MU. Low 40s out at MU track. Warm up then 4x1 exchanges. High hurdle specialists did 4x7 (-1 to -2). 400Hers did 4x5H. Combo hurdlers did 2 of each. Chris, Brad, Joe, Logan, Kim and Holly were out there. Jess was off. Des was scheduled for VF recovery/core circuit. Spencer had some academic duties. Despite the cold, everyone had some good work out there.

4/12 KC/VF. Kasey, Spencer and Brad worked HJ, including U-turns, shorts and fulls. Focused primarily on issues seen at Carroll meet. Spencer experimented with an 8-step approach (44-8). 3x3 L+R single leg box pop ups. Des did the hurdle workout from Monday. Jess did VF circuit with core work and moderate running. Others were off.

4/11 KC. 40s with wind kept us inside for some low-intensity hurdling. Started with jacks, hurdle mobility and 3x3 deadlifts followed in each set with 10x russian boxes. Swings, cycles and skips. 4x3 5-step, 4x7 speedbuilders (to -3) and 4x3 7-step (400H relative spacing). 3x 10 kb swings and elevated push ups. Stretch/roll. Holly trained early and did one more rep of each (no meet this weekend). Chris did some lifting and did not hurdle because of his injury from Saturday. Spencer was back from his illness and joined Joe, Logan, Jess, Kim and Kasey. Brad was missing.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Carroll: Hurdlers, jumpers with hot performances on cold day

4/9 Waukesha. Sunny and dry with light breezes but temps in the low 30s. Joe and Jess scored in both hurdles, with Jess getting a 400H PR. For the second week in a row, Des had a couple PRs, including #4 all time 400H, and Logan and Holly had strong performances in their return to action. Kasey jumped well (clean through 4-9) and got a 400H PR, and Brad continued his steady progress in hurdles and high jump. Kim had a good day in her outdoor debut, running the #5 all time 100H performance. Chris had a tight hamstring after 4x1 and dropped out half way through 110s. Spencer was out ill. One video below. Others on YouTube channel.

Joe: 15.76 (4th) 58.29 (5th)
Jess: 70.04 (PR 5th #3 all time) 17.13 (6th)
Brad: 18.02 (15th) 5-7 (6th)
Holly: 70.33 (7th) 17.71 (10th)
Kasey: 4-9 (T7th) 74.73 (PR 16th #6 all time)
Logan: 60.16 (8th)
Brian: 61.12 (10th)
Des: 71.54 (PR 10th #4 all time) 17.74 (PR 11th #5 all time)
Kim: 18.05 (PR 15th #6 all time)

Other events: Brad JT (122-9), DT (127-9); Joe 4x1; Logan 4x1, 100 (11.79); Holly TJ (31-10.75); Kasey JT (58-6); Kim 200 (28.67); Chris 4x1.

Complete results

Heat 2 Women's 100H (Holly, Jess, Kim, Des)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week 24: 4/8, 4/7, 4/6, 4/5, 4/4

4/8 KC. Hurdlers warmed up, did some starts over a couple hurdles and then those in relays did exchanges.

4/7 KC. Jess did the hurdle workout the rest of the group did the day before. The others did a medball circuit, which include 8 different wall exercises, 8 explosive throws and 4 cool down exercises and then stretch/roll. Jess did 4H at 30 -1 averaging 1.25 split time on last rep (about 1.3 on others).

4/6 KC. Joe, Chris, Brad, Des, Holly and Kim worked high hurdles. Opened with jacks, hurdle mobility and deadlifts. Leg swings and cycles and sprint mechanics followed. 3x speedbuilders of increasing height out to -3 spacing. 3x block starts over 2 (first one down 3). 3x block starts over 4. Brad and Joe did a few extra over 3. 3x 10 kb swings, 6 on-off kb jump squats, max pull ups, 10 hip thrusts. Roll/stretch.

4/5 KC. Kasey and Brad jumped -- Spencer continued to recuperate from illness. Took some short approach jumps and fulls, working at moderate to higher heights. Jumps where able to stick with inward lean had the best results. Brad still a little too close most of the time -- only 2 feet out. Need at least 3 feet to hit the peak over the bar rather than beyond. Similar to Saturday, Kasey had some good jumps late in session with a good clearance near 4-8.

4/4 KC. Cold weather this week. Stayed in Kern for jacks, hurdle mobility and deadlifts prior to leg swings, hurdle pullovers, calf smashers, thigh pops (standing and shuffling). 4x3H 5-step L+R. 2x5x3H relative spacing (Joe 15; Logan, Holly, Chris 17; Kasey, Jess 19). Strength work included 3x 10x kb swings, 10x elevated push ups, 10x kb goblet squats, 10x alt leg planks. Stretch/roll.

Centre: Joe places, Des PRs, Brad gets miracle; everyone gets windburn

4/2 Danville KY. Winds were ridiculous -- around 30 mph. Joe led the group with a 4th in 110H (16.04) -- crashing the first hurdle -- and finished 5th in 400H (58.18). Des got personal bests in both hurdle races, and Brad completed "miracle" triple -- 3K steeplechase, 110H and 400H (running solo). Jess 3-stepped more hurdles than ever before, but the wind stopped her from completing the full rack. Nearly everyone was taking steps out of the first half of 400H, and everyone dealt reasonably well with the headwinds in the second half. In HJ, Kasey had a nice jump at 4-9.75, just clipping it with the back of her calf. Scroll down for video clips from meet.

Joe: 16.04 (4th) 58.18 (5th)
Jess: 72.28 (9th) 17.41 (16th)
Kasey: 4-7.75 (11th) 81.48 (20th)
Des: 76.07 (PR 15th #6 all time) 17.89 (PR 16th #5 all time)
Brad: 13:32.70 (19th) 18.93 (16th) 68.73 (22nd)

400H splits:
Jess:     7.8 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 6.1 - 6.2 - 6.7 - 7.1 - 7.0 - 6.9 - 8.0
Kasey:  9.0 - 6.2 - 6.2 - 6.2 - 6.4 - 6.6 - 7.3 - 7.3 - 8.2 - 8.5 - 9.8
Des:      8.1 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 5.6 - 5.6 - 7.2 - 7.6 - 7.6 - 7.8 - 7.8 - 7.9
Joe:      6.5 - 4.2 - 4.3 - 4.4 - 4.6 - 5.1 - 5.2 - 5.4 - 5.7 - 6.0 - 6.6
Brad:     7.2 - 5.3 - 5.7 - 6.1 - 6.2 - 5.9 - 6.1 -------------------------

Other events: Brad JT (134-8) Kasey JT (62-6)

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Week 23: 4/1, 3/30

4/1 Centre College. Joe, Brad, Des, Jess and Kasey did a hurdle workout. Kasey got some reps over 1 to 3 400 hurdles. Joe, Brad, Des and Jess did reps over 1 to 3 high hurdles. Stretched.

3/30 Hart Park. Joe and Des did 400H training. Warm up included up/back progression. Reps were race pace over 1-2-3-4-5. On last rep, finished out to 300. Des had splits mostly in 5.6 to 5.9 range, which would be about 72 pace. Joe was mostly in 4.2 to 4.8 range, which would be around 57 pace. Joe had some cramping, but his hamstring appeared to hold up. Both Joe and Des were working over 30s at regular spacing with no wind and temps in low 50s.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Outdoor track gear

Outdoor meets can be long. Weather can change. Having the right gear along can help you manage your time and the weather. Here are some things to have and others to consider:

Bags: gym bag, garbage bag (keeps other stuff dry if raining)
Health: ibuprofen, sunblock, water bottle, band-aids
Eyewear: sunglasses, glasses, contacts
Electronics: phone, charger, tablet/laptop*
Financial: debit card, credit card, cash*
Racewear: event shoes, uniform, tights, tops, socks, wraps, spikes
Outerwear: rain jacket / poncho, team wear, jacket, hat, gloves, ear warmers
Comfort: chair, blanket, pillow
Snacks: nuts, nutrition bars, fruit
Other: tape, chalk, tape measure, meet info, homework, towel, umbrella, roller, etc.

If overnight, don't forget extra clothes and grooming products.

* Don't bring things of value if you don't need them.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 22: Break

During break, train at least every other day. If you train on consecutive days, be sure one day is high intensity (sprints, lifts, plyos) and the other low-intensity (bodyweight exercises, tempo runs, cross training, etc.)

Anywhere bodyweight circuit
1. 30x jax -- 10 regular, 10 cross, 10 squat
2. 100x jump rope -- 40 double, 40 alternating, 10 left, 10 right (can imitate this if no rope)
3. 20x squats
4. 20x mountain climbers
5. 20x lunges (10xL, 10xR)
6. 10x high-low plant (hands/elbows)
7. 20x kneeling hip circles (10xL, 10xR)
8. 10x tuck jumps
9. 10x scorpions (5xL, 5xR)
10.01x depletion push ups (max, rest 90s, max, rest 90s, max)

You can add or substitute other exercises, depending on what equipment you may have available.

Sprints (90-95%)
10 min warm up with jax, easy skips, strides.
2x  30 (3 min recovery) [start to 3rd women's hh mark]
2x  70 (5 min recovery) [spacing between 2 300/400H marks]
2x140 (7 min recovery) [spacing between 4 300/400H marks]
Rest 5-7 min between sets 
Cooldown walk/jog

Plyometrics (on grass or turf) -- 100 total contacts
10 min warm up
20x easy skips
20x easy back skips
10x skips for height
10x skips for distance
10x quick double leg hops
05x left leg hops for distance
05x right leg hops for distance
05x left leg hops for speed
05x right leg hops for speed
10x bounding

If you can get on a track:
10 min warm up
6x200 of increasing intensity* -- walk remainder of track back to start for recovery.
Walk a lap cool down and stretch.

*Start about 9 to 10 seconds slower than your average 200 time and then go about a second faster on each rep after that. Last one will be about 4 to 5 seconds slower than your average 200 time. Go ahead and run the last one even faster if you're feeling good.

Weights: If you have access to weights, you can add those on 2 of the days you do the workouts above. Keep reps and sets around 3 to 5, depending on the exercise. Deadlifts, bench or incline presses, cleans, heavy step ups, are good choices. Supplemental lifts can be kb swings, hip thrusts, reverse hypers, speed jerks, etc. (more reps these, which are quicker movements).

Hurdles: If you have access to a track and hurdles, do reps over 6 to 10 hurdles -- in and down -- mostly for hurdle endurance work. Volume around 40 hurdles (5x8H, for example). Pull the early ones in a foot (-1 for H2, -2 for H3, -3 for H4), H5-7 would be in a couple feet and then 8-10 three feet, if you go out that far. Rest 3-4 min between reps. For 400H, work low and practice race rhythm for the first 4 hurdles (4-5 reps), walk remainder of track for recovery. If running into a headwind, pull hurdles in a few feet -- about 2 or 3 per hurdle, depending on wind. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 21: 3/23, 3/22, 3/21

3/23 KC. Spencer and Des did high hurdle training. Started with quick warm up and then 4x2 deadlifts. Sprint mechanics. 4x4 1/2-hurdle trail leg walkovers for Spencer, multiple 2-step hurdles for Des (along with steeplechasers), 4x4 at -4 for Spencer, -2 for Des (4-step) -- falling start, working on technical improvements, 4x1 block starts (-3, R), 4x4 (-2 Spencer, -1 Des) -- 3pt start. Spencer stretched/rolled. Des did 3x10 kb swings, pushups, band hip thrusts.

3/22 KC/VF. Hurdlers did a 4-lap recovery / conditioning circuit on VF. Bodyweight exercises in the corners and walks, jogs, strides, easy skips and a pickup on the sidelines and endlines. Inside, high jumpers worked over some lower bungees and bars to focus on technical improvements -- arms, plant angle, knee drive, layout, active plant. Kasey, Brad and Spencer all did a lot of short approach jumps and a few full at bars around opening heights. A few a little higher.

3/21 VF. Cold and breezy out at Viets Field. Kasey, Jess, Joe, Chris and Logan were out there in 40-degree weather for a high-volume 400H workout. Brief warm up and then an up/back hurdle progression and then a few short-spacing technical reps. Main event was 4x2 perimeters with 4H 20 steps apart on the first sideline, a jog (walk on last set) endline, 2H at 35 steps apart on second sideline and then a walk recovery on endline. Between sets, a walk around perimeter. Each lap had about 175m of sprinting (probably around 85% on average) -- so 350m and 12 hurdles per set for a total of 1400m of sprinting and 48 hurdles. Finished with stretching/rolling inside.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 20: 3/17, 3/16, 3/14

3/16 KC. Hurdlers trained after off day. Spencer was absent. Brad vaulted. Kim, Des, Jess, Joe and Chris did 30x jacks, hurdle mobility, 3x3 deadlift (followed by L+R single-leg box hops), 3x5 kb side press, swings, cycles, sprint mechanics. 6x 3H progression with 5-step, working on technical improvements. 5x4H at -2, women at 30, men at 36 2x, 39 2x, 42 1x. 3x10 kb swings and 10x push ups. Strecth/roll.

3/15 KC. Hurdlers did indoor sprint workout, consisting primarily of 8x38.5m sprints. Alandra, Brad, Spencer and Kasey worked HJ. A few short approach jumps with and without ramp on bungee bar. Some fulls at moderate height. Higher volume than normal to work on some technical improvements. Kasey and Alandra worked on maintaining her lean away from bar; Spencer on knee drive to bar; Brad on taking off a little further out as well as rotating backward more (landing on upper back).

3/14 KC/VF. Started inside with jumping jack series, hurdle mobility series, 3x3 deadlift and 3x5 kb side presses. Walked out to VF for skips, 3x up/back progression and 2x5 100 with 5 hurdles at 20y spacing on walk back recovery for reps and perimeter walk around between sets. Stretching.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Week 19: 3/10, 3/9, 3/8, 3/7

3/10 KC/VF. Some were off. Some did field events. Some did the VF circuit and others the KC circuit.

3/9 MU. Joe, Logan, Chris, Spencer, Brad, Kim, Kasey and Des all came out to MU track to take advantage of another 60-degree day to do some hurdling. Warm up of hurdle mobility, leg swings and cycles, skips and back and forth low hurdle progression. 400H specialists did 3x1 3-pt starts, 3x2 3-pt starts and 3x3 on turn with 20m run in. High hurdlers did 4x10 at 30/39 (-2/-3 women, -1/-2/-3 men). Most did a combo workout, with 2-3 HH reps and 2-3 400H reps. Stretched.

3/8 VF/KC. Temps in upper 60s. Des trained outdoors with a circuit on Viets. Kasey, Spencer, Brad and Alandra were inside high jumping. Following warm up and some short approach jumps, they took fulls at challenging heights. In general, we worked on approach speed and maintaining curve and lean away from bar into takeoff. Brad moved approach back a foot to get his apex over the bar and not beyond it. Spencer was a little quicker and had a better approach angle on some jumps. Alandra blew past takeoff point a few times but was a little quicker this week and she managed to avoid jumping toward the bar most of the time. Worked on more active arms a few times. Kasey had a lot of good jumps and was most consistent of the group.

3/7 VF. Temps in the 60s greeted us on this first day back from break. Warm up included rotations, swings, cycles, skips and carioca followed by an up/back hurdle progression from 10 to 35 yards. Featured part of workout was 2x2 series of 100m over 3 hurdles near race speed, walk endline, 140m diagonal run at relaxed speed, walk endline, sprint 1 hurdle over 60m. Walked remainder of perimeter back to start between reps -- and one additional perimeter between sets. Ended with bodyweight exercises and stretches. On hand were Brad, Joe, Chris, Jess, Kasey, Logan. Kim trained with sprinters. Holly trained earlier in day. Spencer was missing. Des working?

Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 18

Break week. At-home workouts included a plyo day, 2 strength days and a sprint day.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

NACC Indoor: Joe finishes runner up; Jess PRs for 5th

2/28 Kenosha. Joe was a medalist once again in his final NACC Indoor Championships, finishing 2nd in spite of a block slip. In his four conference indoor meets, Joe won one title, was runner up twice and was third once (he tied the school record in that one). Jess also put a nice finish to her season, running a PR en route to her 5th place finish. Spencer was just outside the scoring column with 9th place finishes in 55H and HJ. Spencer also had a hurdle PR, and so did Brad and Chris.

Joe: 7.90/7.88 (2nd)
Jess: 9.53/9.31 (PR 5th #3 all time)
Spencer: 8.44/8.39 (PR 9th #4 all time) 5-8 (9th)
Kasey: 4-7.5 (9th) (8 jumps)
Brad: 8.71 (PR 12th #11 all time) 5-6 (10th)
Chris: 8.97 (PR 17th #16 all time)
Kim: 9.88 (13th)

Other events: Joe 200 (23.16), Brad TJ (38-9.5) SP (36-0.25) PV (11-5.75) , Jess 400r (30.2/34.4 64.6), Kasey 400r (69.8), Kim 200 (29.44), Chris 400r (25.3/28.9 54.2).

Joe's 7.88 - 2nd place

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 17: 2/26, 2/25, 2/24, 2/23, 2/22

2/26 KC. Pre-meet day had Jess and Chris doing starts over 1-3 hurdles. Jess looked sharp, particularly on later reps, turning splits in mid-1.2 to 1.3 range, focusing a little more on H2 and a little less on H1. Chris continued to work on lean and lead-leg cut down, making some gains there and turning splits in 1.3 to 1.4 range.

2/25 KC. Most were off today, but Brad came in to do more hurdling, working block starts over 1-2 hurdles. Had some very good reps. Lead arm was pulling back, high and wide, but otherwise he was in and off hurdles clean most of the time. When taking off far enough away, he was at his best. Still getting too close many times.

2/24 KC. Des, Kim and Jess rehearsed pre-comp warm up then did side-by-side starts over 1-2-3-4-4. Joe, Brad, Chris and Spencer did the same later. Some reps were at race specs. Others in and/or down.

2/23 KC. Brad, Kasey, Alandra and Spencer did pre-comp warm up. Took 1-2 jumps near opening height, 2-3 at mid-height and 2-3 at max height.

2/22 KC. Kim, Jess, Brad, Chris, Joe and Spencer did sprint mechanics drills, 10x3H (-3' -3") working on technical improvements. 3 sets of 8 kb swings, 10 push ups, 8 bw squat jumps.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

UWM: Joe takes 3rd; Brad and Des PR

2/20 Milwaukee. Joe had the top finish with his third-place finish in 60H (8.57). Des didn't get a 3-step but got something better -- a PR 10.45 (#6 all time). Brad also had big PR, dropping about 4 tenths with his 9.48 (#12 all time). Jess ran 10.22 for 6th in 60H.

Joe: 8.57 (3rd)
Jess: 10.22 (6th)
Kasey: 4-8.25 (7th)
Spencer: 9.32 (8th)
Des: 10.45 (PR #6 all time)
Brad: 9.46 (PR #12 all time) 5-2.5
Kim: DNF

Other events: Joe 200 (23.28), Brad TJ (36-4.25) SP (34-9.5), Jess 400 (63.96), Des 400 (66.75), Kasey 400 (68.10), Kim 200 (29.67).

Complete results

Kasey clearing 4-8.25

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 16: 2/17, 2/16, 2/15

2/17 KC. Des, Jess and Kim did pre-meet warm up, then 1x1-2-3-4 (R, R, 30R, 30 -1). An extra rep after that to make some corrections. Band work for lead, trail, hip and knee drive. Stretching. Men did a similar workout but R, R, 39R, 39 -1).

2/16 KC. Kasey and Brad did a pre-meet warm up and then jumps at starting height and some at higher heights within a 9-jump limit. Kasey took most of her jumps at 4-8 and Brad at 5-4.

2/15 Pettit. Sprinters and hurdlers convened at Pettit for 6x150s -- 2x build up 150s, 2x 50 easy -50 fast - 50 easy, 2x fast. Recoveries ranged from 3 to 7 minutes. Walked 150 and jogged 450 for cool down. Stretched.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 15: 2/10, 2/9, 2/8

2/10 KC. Des, Kim and Jess did 4x2 deadlifts, stride mechanics, 30m accel (Des 4.44, Kim 4.65, Jess 4.67), starts over H1 (Jess 2.16, Des 2.17, Kim 2.22), starts over 3. Strength: 3 sets of kb swings, jump squats w/wo kb, clap push ups, lunge jumps. Stretching/rolling. Brad, Spencer, Chris and Joe did a similar workout. Timed 30s (Joe 3.90, Chris 4.01, Spencer 4.09). No H1 times but we did time splits (Joe 1.24, Spencer 1.29, Brad 1.4, Chris 1.45). Same strength work as women. Comments: The women did a much better job of attacking hurdles and getting more force into the track, resulting in good times throughout the workout. Des needs to work on trail leg finish without a reach; Kim could use an earlier lead leg cut down and more forceful trail leg pull through. Jess could run taller -- keeping more stiffness in ankle joint on foot contacts and more upright sprint posture. Joe and Spencer squared up better tonight and got better finish from trail legs. Chris got off the hurdles a little better in this workout but more is needed. Brad had some good hurdles and some bad ones. Still reaching, getting too close and trail leg is inconsistent. Lead leg cut down is getting better

2/9 KC. High jumping for Alandra, Brad and Spencer. Alandra continued to work on speed and lean away from bar through takeoff. Had some nice jumps when she was able to hit the takeoff step with inward lean. Same for Brad. Also moved him back a bit to get a takeoff point further from bar, which helped. Missing early at 5-3, he finished with a clean jump at 5-7. Like Brad, Spencer folded on a few bars but had a good jump at 5-8 and then finished out with a couple of jumps at 5-10 and a couple at 6-0 -- some good attempts, including a near miss. He was consistent on approach and a little more patient on the layout. Hurdlers did a conditioning/recovery circuit.

2/8 KC. Strength and power circuit.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Parkside: Spencer's PR moves him to #4 all time

2/6 Kenosha. Spencer got PRs in HJ and 55H, and Joe ran his fastest time of the year in taking 2nd in 55H. Jess also ran a strong 55H, qualifying for finals with her season-best time. Des was able to 3-step the H2 again. Kasey was 3rd in HJ at 4-7 and narrowly missed 4-9 on her second attempt.

Joe: 8.14/7.84 (2nd)
Spencer: 8.55/8.46 (=#4 all time) 5-10.75 (2nd) (7 jumps)
Jess: 9.42
Des: 10..08
Kasey: 4-7 (7 jumps)
Brad: 9.22 NH

Other events: Joe 400r (23.8/29 52.8), Spencer SP (32-5.25), Brad LJ (18-6.5) SP (33-8) PV(NM), Jess 400 (63.62), Des 200 (29.53), Kasey 200 (30.55).

Complete results

Joe gets season best and Spencer a PR in 55H final.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 14: 2/3, 2/2, 2/1

2/3 KC. Jess, Des and Kim deadlifted, warmed up, did some 1-step hurdles (and oppos). Worked on start mechanics and then some starts over H1, most side-by-side. 3x4 (30 -1.5). Throughout the workout, we emphasized staying up -- on the ball of the foot and off the heels -- with good success. 3x10 kb swings, roll/stretch. Brad, Spencer, Joe and Chris were next. They did the lifting and warm up routine and then 5x3 5-step reps, some practice starts then 3x4 (39 R, 42 -1). Took some handtimes: Chris around 1.4, Spencer mid-1.2, Joe sub-1.2, Brad about 1.3. 3x10 kb swings, stretch/roll.

2/2 KC. Kasey, Alandra, Brad and Spencer jumped. Took 3 at -6, 3 at -4 and at least 3 at season-best height. Everyone had some good jumps and made some important changes that worked well. Hurdlers did a circuit.

2/1 Pettit Center. Sprinters and hurdlers ran 5x200, with first 2 at opening 400 pace and final 3 at closing pace. 8 minutes recovery between first 2, 5 minutes for the remainder. Nearly everyone was able to hit their target numbers, which were based on best 200 time (1.5-2 seconds slower for opening, and 3 seconds slower than the opener for the closer).

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Platteville: Load of hurdle PRs

1/31 Platteville. Tough competition in this one. Hurdlers ran some hot times over the barriers. Joe was 2nd in 60H for men and Spencer had a big improvement in finals, running a PR and grabbing 5th place. Women performed well, too, with all three getting PRs over the 60m barriers, including Des who knocked about a half second off her PR and 3-stepped a segment for the first time. In HJ, Kasey had a season-best 4-9.5.

Joe: 8.66/8.57 (2nd)
Spencer: 9.34/9.15 (5th =#5 all time) 5-9.25 (7th)
Jess: 10.34 (#2 all time)
Des: 10.78 (#4 all time)
Kim: 10.82 (#5 all time)
Kasey: 4-9.25
Brad: 9.76 5-5.25

Other events: Joe 200 (22.90), Spencer LJ (18-7.25) SP (32-11.25), Brad LJ (18-6.5) SP (33-8)   PV(NM), Kim 60 (8.86), Jess 200r (28.8) 400r (30.4/33.9 64.3), Des 200r (29.1) 400r (31.3/37 68.3), Kasey 400r (33.3/37 70.3).

Complete results

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

HJ approach marks

out / mid / step 1 / start

Kasey: 9 / 25-6 / 46 / 50
Brad: 10 / 29-8 / 53 / 58
Spencer: 10 / 33 / 56 / 62
Alandra: 9 / 25-6 / 46 / 50

Monday, January 25, 2016

Week 13: 1/28, 1/27, 1/26, 1/25

1/28 KC. Joe, Brad, Des, Kim and Jess warmed up, took a few hurdle starts over 1-3 hurdles and then did exchanges if in relays for Platteville.

1/27 KC. Des, Jess and Kim were in first. Did jacks, walkovers and deadlifts before doing rest of warm up and then 1-steps over 4H, with later reps at increasing spacing (11 to 13). 2x 8.5m fly sprints. (Bests: Kim 1.06, Jess 1.08, Des 1.11. Starts with and without hurdle. (Bests with hurdle: Jess 2.22, Des 2.23, Kim 2.33. Differentials between the two were good about .10 or less. Finished with side-by-side starts over 2H and then 3 sets of 5 kb split squats, 3 L+R box hops, depletion push ups. Joe, Brad, Chris and Spencer were in next doing a workout similar to the women. Best 9.14m fly times were Joe .92, Spencer .99, Chris 1.01 and Brad 1.05. Best hurdle starts: Joe 2.14, Spencer 2.16, Brad 2.22, Chris 2.25. Joe had a differential around .10 and was most consistent. Spencer around .15, Brad .18 and Chris .22. Finished with side-by-side starts over 3H and then the same strength work as the women.

Comments: Des had a great night, 3-stepping 30s at -1. Kim, dealing with bronchitis, made some progress on starts. Jess was consistent in spite of some back issues. Des and Jess need to get hips up a little higher at set position. Kim a little lower. Joe had good consistency. Spencer was back after yesterday's illness and had some very good reps but also a couple spills. Brad was inconsistent and still dealing with a swinging lead leg and a trail leg that sometimes drops, sometimes extends and sometimes goes too high. Chris was back to upright position with a hanging lead leg and big float off the hurdle, which seemed to get more severe as the practice continued. Need to get back to a big split and separation between lead and trail legs.

1/26 KC. Circuit for hurdlers. Kasey, Alandra and Brad worked HJ. Spencer was ill. Kasey finished strong with a 4-7 jump late in session following a near miss at 4-8. Alandra took most of her jumps in 4-3 to 4-6 range in the up 2, down 1 format. Brad struggled early, but we soon determined that the takeoff point was too close, and he moved back a foot, making a 5-3 bar.

1/25 KC. Monday after meet options. Joe, Spencer and Brad did some technical over hurdles. About 10 reps of 3H at women's spacing and heights of 36 and then 39. Joe worked on lead arm action, Spencer on lead leg alignment, Brad on lead arm, and Spencer and Brad both did trail leg work. Brad also worked on staying forward, which was aided by decreasing the height of the trail leg pull through somewhat. Jess did basement ramps. Kasey did sprinter horseshoes and Kim did the no-impact circuit.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Parkside: Jess and Kasey get win, Spencer and Kim get PRs

1/23 Kenosha. Lots of good performances in this one. Raiders went 1-2-3 in women's hurdles. OK, not much competition, but we still ran well, and it was good to see a lot of red at the finish of that one. Jess won it, just off her season best. Kim had a big PR, becoming the fourth fastest 55 hurdler in MSOE history. Des completed the sweep. In men's hurdles, Joe ran season best and his second sub-8 performance of the season, narrowly missing the win. Spencer and Brad also made the final, with Spencer running a PR 8.63, ninth fastest on MSOE's all-time list. In high jump, Kasey got the win in a small field, topping 4-6 and getting some good jumps at 4-8. Spencer popped a PR 5-10.75, finishing 2nd, and Brad cleared 5-7, good for 4th.

Jess Bilskie 9.70/9.59 (1st)
Kasey Mylin 4-6 (1st 6 jumps)
Kim Schonder 10.17/9.64 (2nd #4 all time)
Joe Buichl 8.11/7.96 (2nd)
Des Echevarria 10.11/10.12 (3rd)
Spencer Kamke 8.75/8.63 (4th #9 all time) 5-10.75 (2nd)
Brad Lorr 8.95/8.99 (8th) 5-7 (4th)
Chris Kataura 9.08

Other events: Jess 200r (27.8) 200 (28.96), Des 200r (29.9) 200 (30.14), Joe 400r (52.5), Chris 400r (54.3), Kim 200 (29.14), Kasey 200 (30.84), Brad PV (10-11.75) SP (36-11.5) LJ (18-5.75), Spencer LJ (18-5.75) SP (33-10.75)

No official results yet

Women's hurdle sweep (more clips on YouTube)

Monday, January 18, 2016

Week 12: 1/22, 1/21, 1/20, 1/19, 1/18

1/22. KC. Warm up, some hurdle starts over 1-2 and relay exchanges. Stretching and rolling.

1/21 KC. Some did a recovery circuit, others were off.

1/20 KC. Women hurdlers were in early. Men late. Jacks, walkovers and deadlifts. More warm up then some 1/2 hurdle walkovers and 5-step hurdles at race height. 2x30 timed accels (Bests: Kim 4.58, Jess 4.73, Des 4.53, Brad 3.97, Joe 3.90, Chris 4.02. 5x3H timed splits (Bests: Kim 1.42, Jess 1.39, Des 1.46, Brad 1.35, Joe 1.23, Chris 1.35. Spencer warmed up, ran one 30 (4.11) but his hamstring acted up, and left for trainer. After 5x3, women did a couple one hurdle side-by-side starts. Men went right to strength work. Both did 3 sets of 10x kb swings, 10x band rows and 3x3 L+R box hops. Stretching/rolling.

1/19 KC. Kasey, Alandra, Spencer and Brad jumped. After warm up and short approach jumps, everyone worked their way up to a challenging height where we took the rest of the jumps. Alandra and Kasey were jumping at 4-6. Kasey was inconsistent on the run up, so it took some time to work that out. Moved Alandra up as we tried to get her more vertical at takeoff. She was looking much better on later reps. Brad worked on getting a better block and popped some good jumps but was a little too close on some and folded a little early on others. Spencer also got a little close on some and folded on others. Both sometimes weren't getting much of a plant angle. Appears everyone could use more approach work.

1/18 Pettit. Hurdlers and sprinters did a short warm up of jacks, skips and strides before 5x200 from  +8 down to +4. Joe, Chris, Brad, Kim and Jess were there from our group. First rep for some started out a little too hot, so it got tough at the end for some. Others were on target and finished strong. Recovery was walking the remainder of the track -- about 220 meters (3-4 min). Goal here was to get into some rhythm while running relaxed and dealing with the increasing pace and relative difficulty. After the final rep, a walk back to start and then a jog lap cool down and stretching.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Carthage: Joe wins, Spencer PRs, Kim makes top 10

1/16 Kenosha. Good meet with a lot of Raiders getting on scoreboard and getting good performances. Despite a difficult start, Joe battled back to get a win by .02 with his 7.99 55H time. Spencer struggled with hamstring cramping but managed to get 5th and a PR8.79. Jess made some good corrections after prelim and 3-stepped her way to 4th in 9.56. Kim couldn't maintain her 3s in prelim and had problems with start in final but ran 9.99 in both and was 8th in final, becoming the 8th under 10 seconds in MSOE history. Brad won heptathlon, which included 55H and HJ.

Joe Buichl 55H 8.09/7.99 (1st)
Spencer Kamke 8.91/8.78 (5th) 5-8.75 (4th)
Kasey Mylin 4-7 (4th)
Jess Bilskie 10.02/9.56 (4th)
Kim Schonder 9.99/9.99 (8th)(#8 all time)
Brad Lorr 8.94 5-5.75

Other events: Joe 200 (23.62), Kim 60 (8.09), Jess 200 (29.09) 400r (33.6/34.9), Des 400r (33/36.8), Kasey 400r (33.4/36), Spencer LJ (18-7.75), Brad TJ (38-5.5) 55 (7.11) PV (9-11.75) LJ (19-9) SP (35-11.25) Hep (3867)

Complete results 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 11: 1/14, 1/13, 1/12, 1/11

1/14 KC. Chris and Joe did the jacks, walkovers and 3x3 deads (or step ups). Power hurdle plus 1-steps, a couple practice starts and then 5x3 (42 -1). Chris looked better than ever and ran consistently around 1.3 hand-time split averages. Joe was in mid-1.1 to 1.2s. Shot some video of hurdle entry. Joe was good, Chris was reaching and worked to improve that on later reps. 3x5 hip thrusts, box drop pops, pull ups, clap push ups. Stretch/roll. Spencer did the jacks, walkovers and deads, went down to do some LJ but never returned to hurdle.

1/13 KC. Jess, Kim and Des did jacks, walkovers and 3x3 deads at 200. More warm up and then power hurdle plus 1-steps, including some oppos. Couple warm up starts followed by 2x30 accels timed (Bests: Kim 4.49, Des 4.43, Jess 4.68). 5x3 (30 -1), working race rhythm or faster. Hand times for Des and Kim were in the 1.3s, Jess got a couple in the mid-1.2s. Finished with 3x5 hip thrusts and box drop pops along with pull ups. Brad did some hurdling later, working some on the flat trail leg pull through and then trying to improve the entry step. More work to do there to reduce casting of lower leg on step 8.

1/12 KC. Brad, Kasey and Spencer were in for HJ. Others did a circuit. After warm up, jumpers did some jumps inside an 18' radius circle, using a 12-step run (about 2/3 of circle). This helped establish and maintain lean into turn and away from the bar, which improved rotation and clearance. Did some full jumps. Kasey took jumps from 4-3 to 4-7.  Brad jumped in 5-2 to 5-6 range. Spencer in 5-4 to 5-6 range.

1/11 KC. Chris, Spencer, Kim and Brad hurdled. Jess did basement uphill intervals and kettlebell work. Kasey got some work done on her knee. Des was off. Joe was missing. Hurdlers did jax, walkovers and deadlifts. A few slow speed technical runs over 1 hurdle for Chris and Kim. A couple practice starts and then one or two over lower hurdles. 4x1 for time (Bests: Brad 2.17, Spencer 2.18, Chris 2.25, Kim 2.36). 3-4x3 for split time (Bests: Spencer 1.30, Brad 1.33, Chris 1.43, Kim 1.46). 3x10 kb swings, 3x5 (L+R) kb rows, 5x box drop pops. Stretch/roll.

Comments: Very good night. Chris tried counting 3-step, which helped him get more consistently over multiple hurdles. Chris still is working to get the lead leg down earlier without going upright on clearance, but progress was visible. Kim also had success with first hurdle counting and ended up a little too close to H1. Got all her 3s, and later ones were better than earlier ones as she worked to avoid reaching by applying more force into every step. Brad had some great reps, but still was inconsistent in lead leg cut down and maintaining lean. Spencer had some alignment issues and didn't finish trail leg on a rep or two, but was fairly consistent in rhythm. He also made some improvement in keeping "tall" coming off the hurdle, avoiding collapses that had been occurring. All need to continue the progress -- still work to do to make the best efforts happen consistently.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

UWM: Jess gets her 3s, PRs

1/9 Milwaukee. Small, low-key meet with some good performances. Jess was 2nd in 60H, 3-stepping the rack (first time ever) en route to PR 10.58. Des 9-stepped H1 but still managed 4th with PR 11.23. On the men's side, Joe got the win over Brad (8.98 to 9.72). In HJ, Brad was 4th (5-5).

Joe 8.98 (1st)
Brad 9.72 (2nd) 5-5(4th)
Jess 10.58 (2nd)(PR #2 all time)
Des 11.23 (4th)(PR #7 all time)

Other events: Joe 200 (23.72), Brad 200 (25.79), SP (37-5), LJ (18-7.75), Jess 400 (66.20), Des 200 (30.44), Kasey 60(9.39), 200(31.48).

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 10: 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4

1/8 KC. Joe, Jess, Des, Kim and Brad did pre-meet warm up. Kim, Des, Jess and Brad did some starts over 1 and 2. Spencer and Chris were missing.

1/7 KC. Joe and Chris did jacks, hurdle mobility walkovers and 3x3 deadlifts or step ups. Swings, cycles and post drills. 3x3 5-step. Warm up starts and 4x1 timed (Joe 2.12, Chris 2.26). 4x3 timed (Joe PR1.22, Chris 1.50). 3x kb swings, rows, box drop pops. Rolling.

Comments: Joe had a lot of good reps, working on running more upright, which helped his knee drive and clearance. Also was fast, hitting a PR split time and just a few hundredths off his PR start time. A little out of alignment at times but he quickly corrected that. Chris had some good starts but was floating past the hurdle rather than cutting down the lead leg as it passed the rail. This led to old problem of losing speed and having the trail leg catch up to the lead leg, which are problems that had appeared to be corrected until this workout. Got a little better as things progressed, but 3-step was a struggle because of the floating lead and paused trail issue. He posted a best split of 1.50. Work to do there but based on earlier workouts where things looked better, improvements can be made. Brad and Spencer were working field events. Women were off, except Des, who did a circuit.

1/6 KC. Des, Jess and Kim did jumping jacks, hurdle mobility walkovers and 3x3 deadlifts at 200 pounds. Swings and cycles, 1-2-3-post drills. 3x3 5-step hurdles and then 1-2-3-4-5 progression with a few do-overs in there at sticking points. Ended with 3x5 hip thrusts at 145, kb rows and 2-box drop pops. Rolling.

Comments: Jess was able to 3-step through 5 hurdles for the first time -- major accomplishment (regular height -1). Worked to improve lead leg mechanics after that to try to get better lead leg action that cycles rather than swings. Kim worked over hurdles at tighter spacing (-2) and was able to 3-step most of those. She improved her trail leg pull through (flatter) later in the session. Des struggled to get 8-step but eventually succeeded and had a great last rep. She will be working 4-step between hurdles.

1/5 KC. Kasey helped with set up. Brad, Spencer and Alandra joined in later and did break down. Warm up was independent, and followed a format of general warm up, mobility exercise, high jump exercise, short approach work, run throughs and fulls. Kasey worked in 4-6 to 4-8 range, Alandra around 4-6, Brad and Spencer at 5-6. Hurdlers did a recovery circuit.

Comments: Kasey moved her approach up a bit. Video for both Alandra and Kasey showed a lean into bar before leaving the ground. Both worked on improving that and made some gains. Brad had solid jumps at 5-6 and was fairly consistent on approach. Spencer was good on approach after adding more speed, and he had better knee drive in later attempts. He also managed to stay back longer and needed only to speed his kick out to finish clearance.

1/4 KC. Joe, Spencer, Brad, Chris, Jess and Kim did 30x jumping jacks, 3x6 alt hurdle walkovers, 3x3 deadlifts followed by dynamic warm up and then block starts followed  by 4x1 timed. Best times: Joe 2.16, Spencer 2.21*, Brad 2.21*, Chris 2.34, Jess 2.18, Kim NT (no 8 step). 2-3x fly sprint best times (in meters per second): Joe 10.12*, Spencer 9.04*, Brad 8.59, Chris 8.5, Jess 8.25, Kim 8.02. * indicates PR. Finished with 3x5 bb hip thrust, kb row, box drops. Stretch/roll.

Comments: Jess had consistently good starts with good alignment and aggressive attack. Kim struggled to regain the 8-step rhythm to H1, managing to accomplish it just one time. Chris was getting too long right before the hurdle, cutting entry speed. Brad was hanging coming off the hurdle and continued to pull the trail leg knee too high too soon. Joe and Spencer were consistent and solid on their reps. Considering a two-week layoff from hurdling and sprint training for most, the starts and flys were good, with a few PRs and others very close.