Monday, May 2, 2016

Beloit: strong hurdle shuttles, difficult conditions

4/30 Beloit. Weather started out bad and got worse. Had the trifecta of cold, wind and rain. Very unpleasant and not everyone was prepared for ways to stay dry and warm. Still had a few good performances despite the weather. Most notable was Logan in 400H where he was within a few tenths of his season best and good for 3rd. Brian and Chris were 6th and 7th. Holly led the women hurdlers with her 3rd place in 400H. Jess and Des picked up points in that event, too, finishing 6th and 7th, respectively. In high hurdles, Joe was 4th for the men, and Holly and Jess were 4th and 5th for the women. Notably, Jess was able to 3-step the full race again, despite the poor weather. Worst part of the day was losing Brad to a hyperextended knee as he slid off LJ takeoff board. Nothing much happened in HJ, though Spencer was able to get 3rd (5-7) in a small field hampered by conditions. 

4/29 Beloit. Temps in 40s and cold breeze from northeast but sunny. Men claimed first place, meet and school record in 3x110H -- 49.80 (16.7 average). The set up was weird because they didn't use common start/finish lines -- nor was there a 4-foot exchange zone as typically used. Regardless, Brad, Spencer and Joe ran well and held off St. Ambrose for the win. For the women, Des, Jess and Holly ran a close second SA in 3x100H -- 50.36 (16.8 average). That one was set up correctly other than no exchange zone. That race establishes an MSOE record for the event and was the first time Jess 3-stepped an entire rack of hurdles outdoors.

Logan: 60.97 (3rd)
Holly: 73.17 (3rd) 16.88 (4th) 50.36 (2nd)
Spencer: 5-7 (3rd) 17.54 (9th) 49.80 (1st)
Joe: 16.41 (4th) 49.80 (1st)
Jess:16.94 (5th) 77.02 (6th) 50.36 (2nd)
Brian: 63.91 (6th)
Brad: 49.80 (1st)
Chris: 66.80 (6th) 19.90 (11th)
Des: 50.36 (2nd) 79.04 (7th) 18.98 (15th)
Kim: 18.17 (12th) 
Kasey: 4-5 (12th) 

Other events: Brad PV (10-4) LJ (18-7.75) LJ (18-8); Holly TJ (35-0.25); Des 4x1; Kim 200 (30.28) 4x1.

Complete results

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