Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Workouts: 12/11

12/11 KC. Spencer, Chris, Ben, Des, Maia and Jess started with warmup/strength: jacks, hurdle mobility, deadlifts, left and right hops, pushups. Dribbles, switches, skipovers, 5-step, power hurdles, 1-step. 3-pt starts over H1 up to race height. 3 sets of kb swings, eccentric squats, box drops, box drive, push ups. Comments: Everyone was getting in and off hurdles well. Some inconsistencies, but everyone had at least a few good reps. Worked mostly on a consistent acceleration and rhythm through H1, cycling lead leg, keeping trail tight and staying forward in and off hurdles. Maia had some trouble with 8-step, often taking 9, until we put wickets back in. No problem then. Des had some outstanding acceleration into H1, staying up tall at the ankle joint. Jess was good through the hurdles. Need to get a little more upright prior to the hurdle and to keep feet under hips throughout the sprint to H1. Chris appears to have figured out the mechanics over the 42s. Spencer looked good, and Ben has shown good improvement in lead leg cycling. Still has some inconsistencies with rhythm, but looking better overall. Block work and H2 next week. Everyone needs to work on a quicker step 8  (except Spencer who takes 7) to avoid taking off too close to hurdles.

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