Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Week 17: 2/26, 2/25, 2/24, 2/23, 2/22

2/26 KC. Pre-meet day had Jess and Chris doing starts over 1-3 hurdles. Jess looked sharp, particularly on later reps, turning splits in mid-1.2 to 1.3 range, focusing a little more on H2 and a little less on H1. Chris continued to work on lean and lead-leg cut down, making some gains there and turning splits in 1.3 to 1.4 range.

2/25 KC. Most were off today, but Brad came in to do more hurdling, working block starts over 1-2 hurdles. Had some very good reps. Lead arm was pulling back, high and wide, but otherwise he was in and off hurdles clean most of the time. When taking off far enough away, he was at his best. Still getting too close many times.

2/24 KC. Des, Kim and Jess rehearsed pre-comp warm up then did side-by-side starts over 1-2-3-4-4. Joe, Brad, Chris and Spencer did the same later. Some reps were at race specs. Others in and/or down.

2/23 KC. Brad, Kasey, Alandra and Spencer did pre-comp warm up. Took 1-2 jumps near opening height, 2-3 at mid-height and 2-3 at max height.

2/22 KC. Kim, Jess, Brad, Chris, Joe and Spencer did sprint mechanics drills, 10x3H (-3' -3") working on technical improvements. 3 sets of 8 kb swings, 10 push ups, 8 bw squat jumps.

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