Sunday, April 24, 2016

St. Norbert: Joe gets 2nd in 400H; Des, Spencer get PRs

4/23 De Pere. Great weather -- around 60 with light winds and partly sunny skies. Joe ran a comfortable 58.89 for 2nd in 400H, despite bruises from a fall in 110H final (15.71/20.76), pushing the envelope a little. The weather brought out a lot of strong performances and a number of top 5 finishes. Best ones among those were PRs from Spencer and Des in high hurdles, moving to 6th and 4th all time, respectively. Kasey had another good day in HJ, and Logan put up another good time in 400H. Chris, Jess, Kim, Holly did not compete.

Joe: 58.89 (2nd) 15.71/20.76 (8th) 
Kasey: 4-8.25 (4th) 77.07 (16th)
Logan: 60.30 (4th)
Spencer: 16.51/16.33 (PR 5th #6 all time) 5-7.25 (4th)
Des: 17.08/16.69 (PR 5th #4 all time) 74.72 (14th)
Brad: 17.92 (9th) 5-5.25 (5th)
Brian: 61.11 (5th)

Other events: Brad JT (150-6), DT (109-8) LJ (18-8); Logan 100 (12.04)

400H splits
Joe       6.6  4.4  4.6  4.8  5.0  5.2  5.4  5.4  5.5  5.6   6.6
Des       7.7  5.5  6.0  6.1  6.4  7.1  7.2  7.0  7.5  7.2   x
Kasey   7.8  5.8  6.4  6.3  6.6  7.0  7.1  7.5  7.1  7.8   x

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