Monday, March 14, 2016

Week 20: 3/17, 3/16, 3/14

3/16 KC. Hurdlers trained after off day. Spencer was absent. Brad vaulted. Kim, Des, Jess, Joe and Chris did 30x jacks, hurdle mobility, 3x3 deadlift (followed by L+R single-leg box hops), 3x5 kb side press, swings, cycles, sprint mechanics. 6x 3H progression with 5-step, working on technical improvements. 5x4H at -2, women at 30, men at 36 2x, 39 2x, 42 1x. 3x10 kb swings and 10x push ups. Strecth/roll.

3/15 KC. Hurdlers did indoor sprint workout, consisting primarily of 8x38.5m sprints. Alandra, Brad, Spencer and Kasey worked HJ. A few short approach jumps with and without ramp on bungee bar. Some fulls at moderate height. Higher volume than normal to work on some technical improvements. Kasey and Alandra worked on maintaining her lean away from bar; Spencer on knee drive to bar; Brad on taking off a little further out as well as rotating backward more (landing on upper back).

3/14 KC/VF. Started inside with jumping jack series, hurdle mobility series, 3x3 deadlift and 3x5 kb side presses. Walked out to VF for skips, 3x up/back progression and 2x5 100 with 5 hurdles at 20y spacing on walk back recovery for reps and perimeter walk around between sets. Stretching.

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