Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 21: 3/23, 3/22, 3/21

3/23 KC. Spencer and Des did high hurdle training. Started with quick warm up and then 4x2 deadlifts. Sprint mechanics. 4x4 1/2-hurdle trail leg walkovers for Spencer, multiple 2-step hurdles for Des (along with steeplechasers), 4x4 at -4 for Spencer, -2 for Des (4-step) -- falling start, working on technical improvements, 4x1 block starts (-3, R), 4x4 (-2 Spencer, -1 Des) -- 3pt start. Spencer stretched/rolled. Des did 3x10 kb swings, pushups, band hip thrusts.

3/22 KC/VF. Hurdlers did a 4-lap recovery / conditioning circuit on VF. Bodyweight exercises in the corners and walks, jogs, strides, easy skips and a pickup on the sidelines and endlines. Inside, high jumpers worked over some lower bungees and bars to focus on technical improvements -- arms, plant angle, knee drive, layout, active plant. Kasey, Brad and Spencer all did a lot of short approach jumps and a few full at bars around opening heights. A few a little higher.

3/21 VF. Cold and breezy out at Viets Field. Kasey, Jess, Joe, Chris and Logan were out there in 40-degree weather for a high-volume 400H workout. Brief warm up and then an up/back hurdle progression and then a few short-spacing technical reps. Main event was 4x2 perimeters with 4H 20 steps apart on the first sideline, a jog (walk on last set) endline, 2H at 35 steps apart on second sideline and then a walk recovery on endline. Between sets, a walk around perimeter. Each lap had about 175m of sprinting (probably around 85% on average) -- so 350m and 12 hurdles per set for a total of 1400m of sprinting and 48 hurdles. Finished with stretching/rolling inside.

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