Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 10: 1/8, 1/7, 1/6, 1/5, 1/4

1/8 KC. Joe, Jess, Des, Kim and Brad did pre-meet warm up. Kim, Des, Jess and Brad did some starts over 1 and 2. Spencer and Chris were missing.

1/7 KC. Joe and Chris did jacks, hurdle mobility walkovers and 3x3 deadlifts or step ups. Swings, cycles and post drills. 3x3 5-step. Warm up starts and 4x1 timed (Joe 2.12, Chris 2.26). 4x3 timed (Joe PR1.22, Chris 1.50). 3x kb swings, rows, box drop pops. Rolling.

Comments: Joe had a lot of good reps, working on running more upright, which helped his knee drive and clearance. Also was fast, hitting a PR split time and just a few hundredths off his PR start time. A little out of alignment at times but he quickly corrected that. Chris had some good starts but was floating past the hurdle rather than cutting down the lead leg as it passed the rail. This led to old problem of losing speed and having the trail leg catch up to the lead leg, which are problems that had appeared to be corrected until this workout. Got a little better as things progressed, but 3-step was a struggle because of the floating lead and paused trail issue. He posted a best split of 1.50. Work to do there but based on earlier workouts where things looked better, improvements can be made. Brad and Spencer were working field events. Women were off, except Des, who did a circuit.

1/6 KC. Des, Jess and Kim did jumping jacks, hurdle mobility walkovers and 3x3 deadlifts at 200 pounds. Swings and cycles, 1-2-3-post drills. 3x3 5-step hurdles and then 1-2-3-4-5 progression with a few do-overs in there at sticking points. Ended with 3x5 hip thrusts at 145, kb rows and 2-box drop pops. Rolling.

Comments: Jess was able to 3-step through 5 hurdles for the first time -- major accomplishment (regular height -1). Worked to improve lead leg mechanics after that to try to get better lead leg action that cycles rather than swings. Kim worked over hurdles at tighter spacing (-2) and was able to 3-step most of those. She improved her trail leg pull through (flatter) later in the session. Des struggled to get 8-step but eventually succeeded and had a great last rep. She will be working 4-step between hurdles.

1/5 KC. Kasey helped with set up. Brad, Spencer and Alandra joined in later and did break down. Warm up was independent, and followed a format of general warm up, mobility exercise, high jump exercise, short approach work, run throughs and fulls. Kasey worked in 4-6 to 4-8 range, Alandra around 4-6, Brad and Spencer at 5-6. Hurdlers did a recovery circuit.

Comments: Kasey moved her approach up a bit. Video for both Alandra and Kasey showed a lean into bar before leaving the ground. Both worked on improving that and made some gains. Brad had solid jumps at 5-6 and was fairly consistent on approach. Spencer was good on approach after adding more speed, and he had better knee drive in later attempts. He also managed to stay back longer and needed only to speed his kick out to finish clearance.

1/4 KC. Joe, Spencer, Brad, Chris, Jess and Kim did 30x jumping jacks, 3x6 alt hurdle walkovers, 3x3 deadlifts followed by dynamic warm up and then block starts followed  by 4x1 timed. Best times: Joe 2.16, Spencer 2.21*, Brad 2.21*, Chris 2.34, Jess 2.18, Kim NT (no 8 step). 2-3x fly sprint best times (in meters per second): Joe 10.12*, Spencer 9.04*, Brad 8.59, Chris 8.5, Jess 8.25, Kim 8.02. * indicates PR. Finished with 3x5 bb hip thrust, kb row, box drops. Stretch/roll.

Comments: Jess had consistently good starts with good alignment and aggressive attack. Kim struggled to regain the 8-step rhythm to H1, managing to accomplish it just one time. Chris was getting too long right before the hurdle, cutting entry speed. Brad was hanging coming off the hurdle and continued to pull the trail leg knee too high too soon. Joe and Spencer were consistent and solid on their reps. Considering a two-week layoff from hurdling and sprint training for most, the starts and flys were good, with a few PRs and others very close.

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