Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 11: 1/14, 1/13, 1/12, 1/11

1/14 KC. Chris and Joe did the jacks, walkovers and 3x3 deads (or step ups). Power hurdle plus 1-steps, a couple practice starts and then 5x3 (42 -1). Chris looked better than ever and ran consistently around 1.3 hand-time split averages. Joe was in mid-1.1 to 1.2s. Shot some video of hurdle entry. Joe was good, Chris was reaching and worked to improve that on later reps. 3x5 hip thrusts, box drop pops, pull ups, clap push ups. Stretch/roll. Spencer did the jacks, walkovers and deads, went down to do some LJ but never returned to hurdle.

1/13 KC. Jess, Kim and Des did jacks, walkovers and 3x3 deads at 200. More warm up and then power hurdle plus 1-steps, including some oppos. Couple warm up starts followed by 2x30 accels timed (Bests: Kim 4.49, Des 4.43, Jess 4.68). 5x3 (30 -1), working race rhythm or faster. Hand times for Des and Kim were in the 1.3s, Jess got a couple in the mid-1.2s. Finished with 3x5 hip thrusts and box drop pops along with pull ups. Brad did some hurdling later, working some on the flat trail leg pull through and then trying to improve the entry step. More work to do there to reduce casting of lower leg on step 8.

1/12 KC. Brad, Kasey and Spencer were in for HJ. Others did a circuit. After warm up, jumpers did some jumps inside an 18' radius circle, using a 12-step run (about 2/3 of circle). This helped establish and maintain lean into turn and away from the bar, which improved rotation and clearance. Did some full jumps. Kasey took jumps from 4-3 to 4-7.  Brad jumped in 5-2 to 5-6 range. Spencer in 5-4 to 5-6 range.

1/11 KC. Chris, Spencer, Kim and Brad hurdled. Jess did basement uphill intervals and kettlebell work. Kasey got some work done on her knee. Des was off. Joe was missing. Hurdlers did jax, walkovers and deadlifts. A few slow speed technical runs over 1 hurdle for Chris and Kim. A couple practice starts and then one or two over lower hurdles. 4x1 for time (Bests: Brad 2.17, Spencer 2.18, Chris 2.25, Kim 2.36). 3-4x3 for split time (Bests: Spencer 1.30, Brad 1.33, Chris 1.43, Kim 1.46). 3x10 kb swings, 3x5 (L+R) kb rows, 5x box drop pops. Stretch/roll.

Comments: Very good night. Chris tried counting 3-step, which helped him get more consistently over multiple hurdles. Chris still is working to get the lead leg down earlier without going upright on clearance, but progress was visible. Kim also had success with first hurdle counting and ended up a little too close to H1. Got all her 3s, and later ones were better than earlier ones as she worked to avoid reaching by applying more force into every step. Brad had some great reps, but still was inconsistent in lead leg cut down and maintaining lean. Spencer had some alignment issues and didn't finish trail leg on a rep or two, but was fairly consistent in rhythm. He also made some improvement in keeping "tall" coming off the hurdle, avoiding collapses that had been occurring. All need to continue the progress -- still work to do to make the best efforts happen consistently.

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