Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Week 15: 2/10, 2/9, 2/8

2/10 KC. Des, Kim and Jess did 4x2 deadlifts, stride mechanics, 30m accel (Des 4.44, Kim 4.65, Jess 4.67), starts over H1 (Jess 2.16, Des 2.17, Kim 2.22), starts over 3. Strength: 3 sets of kb swings, jump squats w/wo kb, clap push ups, lunge jumps. Stretching/rolling. Brad, Spencer, Chris and Joe did a similar workout. Timed 30s (Joe 3.90, Chris 4.01, Spencer 4.09). No H1 times but we did time splits (Joe 1.24, Spencer 1.29, Brad 1.4, Chris 1.45). Same strength work as women. Comments: The women did a much better job of attacking hurdles and getting more force into the track, resulting in good times throughout the workout. Des needs to work on trail leg finish without a reach; Kim could use an earlier lead leg cut down and more forceful trail leg pull through. Jess could run taller -- keeping more stiffness in ankle joint on foot contacts and more upright sprint posture. Joe and Spencer squared up better tonight and got better finish from trail legs. Chris got off the hurdles a little better in this workout but more is needed. Brad had some good hurdles and some bad ones. Still reaching, getting too close and trail leg is inconsistent. Lead leg cut down is getting better

2/9 KC. High jumping for Alandra, Brad and Spencer. Alandra continued to work on speed and lean away from bar through takeoff. Had some nice jumps when she was able to hit the takeoff step with inward lean. Same for Brad. Also moved him back a bit to get a takeoff point further from bar, which helped. Missing early at 5-3, he finished with a clean jump at 5-7. Like Brad, Spencer folded on a few bars but had a good jump at 5-8 and then finished out with a couple of jumps at 5-10 and a couple at 6-0 -- some good attempts, including a near miss. He was consistent on approach and a little more patient on the layout. Hurdlers did a conditioning/recovery circuit.

2/8 KC. Strength and power circuit.

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