Monday, November 7, 2016

Workouts: 11/10, 11/8, 11/7

11/10 VF/KC. 60 and windy out on Viets Field where Jess did circles, swings, cycles, jax, post ups, switches; standing pops, smashes and grabs, dribbles, quick bounds; 1/2H skipovers, 3x2x75m with 3H one way and no hurdles on return. 2x 6 double hops, left hops, right hops; 2x10 high skips and long skips; 3x8 kb swings, step ups, goblet squats, 60-sec planks, 10 push ups; foam rolling.

11/8 VF/KC. Maia worked on high jump approach. 10-21-46 (5 steps and 19 steps). Rachel, Ben and Jess did the VF bodyweight exercise circuit.

11/7 VF/KC. Jess and Ben were the only ones who made it to practice on day one. Started outside in some warm weather -- mid-60s. Circles, swings, cycles, pullovers, post ups. Hurdle drills included straight-leg cut steps, 1/2H skipovers,  hangers, tight 3-step, 5-step. 10x8-step hills. 3x5 deadlifts, kb walking deadlifts, pushups, kb jump squats. Foam rolling, calf stretching. Jess was sharp throughout the hurdle drills. Ben has a bit of an issue with a leading foot. Also some issues with rhythm, coordination.

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