Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Week 26: 4/20, 4/19. 4/18

4/21 KC/VF. Spencer did high hurdle workout -- similar to previous day. Had some great reps in mid-1.2s at regular height -1. Joe and Logan did 3x6x100 extensive tempo on VF. Kasey, Kim, Des did indoor recovery circuit (H mobility, jump rope, medball, core, etc.). Stretch/roll.

4/20 KC. Hurdle workout with Des, Kim, Brad, Joe, Chris. Holly did a 400H workout in KC early while others did a combination workout that included 5-step reps at lower heights, 2-3x2H starts and 2-3x4H starts for highs. 4-6x3H 7-step reps at 400H equivalents. 3x6 jump squats w/wo kb; 5x clap push ups; 10x box drive; ? pullups; 10x kb swings. Stretch/roll.

4/19 KC. HJ work with Brad, Kasey, Spencer. Jess did some HH work. Des did a recovery/conditioning circuit.

4/18 VF. Recovery circuit with light plyos and core work.

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