Monday, February 15, 2016

Week 16: 2/17, 2/16, 2/15

2/17 KC. Des, Jess and Kim did pre-meet warm up, then 1x1-2-3-4 (R, R, 30R, 30 -1). An extra rep after that to make some corrections. Band work for lead, trail, hip and knee drive. Stretching. Men did a similar workout but R, R, 39R, 39 -1).

2/16 KC. Kasey and Brad did a pre-meet warm up and then jumps at starting height and some at higher heights within a 9-jump limit. Kasey took most of her jumps at 4-8 and Brad at 5-4.

2/15 Pettit. Sprinters and hurdlers convened at Pettit for 6x150s -- 2x build up 150s, 2x 50 easy -50 fast - 50 easy, 2x fast. Recoveries ranged from 3 to 7 minutes. Walked 150 and jogged 450 for cool down. Stretched.

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