Saturday, January 23, 2016

Parkside: Jess and Kasey get win, Spencer and Kim get PRs

1/23 Kenosha. Lots of good performances in this one. Raiders went 1-2-3 in women's hurdles. OK, not much competition, but we still ran well, and it was good to see a lot of red at the finish of that one. Jess won it, just off her season best. Kim had a big PR, becoming the fourth fastest 55 hurdler in MSOE history. Des completed the sweep. In men's hurdles, Joe ran season best and his second sub-8 performance of the season, narrowly missing the win. Spencer and Brad also made the final, with Spencer running a PR 8.63, ninth fastest on MSOE's all-time list. In high jump, Kasey got the win in a small field, topping 4-6 and getting some good jumps at 4-8. Spencer popped a PR 5-10.75, finishing 2nd, and Brad cleared 5-7, good for 4th.

Jess Bilskie 9.70/9.59 (1st)
Kasey Mylin 4-6 (1st 6 jumps)
Kim Schonder 10.17/9.64 (2nd #4 all time)
Joe Buichl 8.11/7.96 (2nd)
Des Echevarria 10.11/10.12 (3rd)
Spencer Kamke 8.75/8.63 (4th #9 all time) 5-10.75 (2nd)
Brad Lorr 8.95/8.99 (8th) 5-7 (4th)
Chris Kataura 9.08

Other events: Jess 200r (27.8) 200 (28.96), Des 200r (29.9) 200 (30.14), Joe 400r (52.5), Chris 400r (54.3), Kim 200 (29.14), Kasey 200 (30.84), Brad PV (10-11.75) SP (36-11.5) LJ (18-5.75), Spencer LJ (18-5.75) SP (33-10.75)

No official results yet

Women's hurdle sweep (more clips on YouTube)

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